Total Conjecture Thread or: Deep Gets An Aneurysm

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Tue, 10/01/2013 - 10:49 (Reply to #31)
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

More fuel for Dixon to harp on about. I haven't watched it yet.

Bunch of top pros saying Halo hasn't been fun since H3, the maps suck, and there's no money in it so they're quitting.  Signals the end of what was left of competitive Halo.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 14:37
Hunturic's picture
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I don't know why the competitive gaming community can't get a truly competitive game built from the ground via a kickstart or something.   Seriously, you don't have to spend a ton of money on graphic design or a storyline......just license a physics engine from another game build balanced maps and weapons and release it.  You could sell for way cheaper than $60....let it become viral like minecraft for draw something.   Yes it won’t bring in all of the money that Halo or COD does, but if you cut out the costs for the huge marketing campaign, costs for campagin story design, and costs to design latest gen graphics you could probably deliver a game at a low enough costs point to get your money back from the competitive community.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 15:12 (Reply to #33)
TXCubeMonkey's picture
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Have you checked out Murder Minors?

It's only $1 and some reviews say Halo purists will love it.


I bought it but haven't tried it yet.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 19:44 (Reply to #34)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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TXCubeMonkey wrote:

Have you checked out Murder Minors?

It's only $1 and some reviews say Halo purists will love it.


I bought it but haven't tried it yet.


Meh.  I'm not paying a buck to try it out.  Also, there's no need to give up on something that's pretty close to what's desired and what has delivered in the past.  Hence, this constant circlejerk of conjecture, opinions, likes, wants, and flotsam we have here in this forum and others like it online.

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 10:25 (Reply to #35)
Hunturic's picture
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Something along these lines...but with "professional planning".  Get MLG to be a sponsor...have some of the top competitive minds weigh in an build it.  Easy to build a map for basic competitive....make the map square or a circle....drop a few pieces of geometry in there to create cover and a few choke points....give them a short range weapon, medium range weapon...all hit scan.....and put a rocket launcher or sniper in a neutral map location and set it on a respawn timer.   Without spending money on a single player campaign or stellar graphics you could give the competitive community something they have been screaming for and keep the production costs low enough to turn a profit even though it appeals to a very small market share.  I would venture a guess that it the game was good enough to gain any traction among competitive gamers it would go viral quick....especially with the low cost.  Would any of you guys contribute to a kickstarter for such an idea? 

TXCubeMonkey wrote:

Have you checked out Murder Minors?

It's only $1 and some reviews say Halo purists will love it.


I bought it but haven't tried it yet.


Thu, 10/03/2013 - 11:04 (Reply to #36)
bdub77's picture
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Hunturic wrote:

Something along these lines...but with "professional planning".  Get MLG to be a sponsor...have some of the top competitive minds weigh in an build it.  Easy to build a map for basic competitive....make the map square or a circle....drop a few pieces of geometry in there to create cover and a few choke points....give them a short range weapon, medium range weapon...all hit scan.....and put a rocket launcher or sniper in a neutral map location and set it on a respawn timer.   Without spending money on a single player campaign or stellar graphics you could give the competitive community something they have been screaming for and keep the production costs low enough to turn a profit even though it appeals to a very small market share.  I would venture a guess that it the game was good enough to gain any traction among competitive gamers it would go viral quick....especially with the low cost.  Would any of you guys contribute to a kickstarter for such an idea? 

I'd be up for a kickstarter project if someone wanted to basically remake the gameplay of Halo 3. 

My ideal halo game is basically H3 (guns/grenades/melee) with hitscan, dedicated regional servers, maybe replace oddball with ricochet, barely increased BR power, and just slightly faster movement. I don't even care about graphics. You can give me the most intense graphics and are they really all that better than H3 was? No. We don't even see Master Chief's face so it's not like I care if the geometry allows you to see every freckle on a person's skin. Maybe purposely add in some button glitches on weapons so the very best could excel in a close battle over a scrub. Oh and fix the grenade throwing on maps so my grenade doesn't get caught in a weird crevice when I launch it off the ground of a ramp. Add a few more bullets to the pistol. Keep the DMR but make it an in-game pickup.

Randomize multi-team to be 8-9 players at most, with 3v3v3 options for 9 players/teams of 3. Improve support for clan gaming. Include spectator mode. Don't over-mix your social and team slayer, make them 5v5 and 4v4. Don't make 6v6 game types.

As far as map making goes, one of the things I think Gandhi was saying in one of his vids was that the best maps are not the same circular arena types, they were the ones that you could play multiple game types on - his example was The Pit, which is really true when you look at that map. You can play oddball (Sword room being a common tactic) - you can play CTF, you can play KOTH, you can slay. There are great lanes for sniping, it's not cluttered with ugly boxes and corners like Solace (which IMO is the worst map ever made, it's so bad they had to add a bunch of OP weapons to make it work). The Pit is a great overall map.

He also pointed out how well Midship played from a multi-game perspective. And it's true, those games work great for not only slayer but objective. Give me a non-sprint game with Midship/Guardian/Wizard/Pit.

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 04:32
Double T's picture
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So, he basically waited for them to quit paying him for AGL's to call it quits.  He doesn't even play competitively anymore right?  So he has actually been finished since what, H2 days?


It took them long enough to admit that this game is shit, they just milked the cow and are going to the next farm.  Halo 4 is too easy IMO compared to previous games.  It's geared towards social gamers and those of us who are decent get bored pretty easily. 


I've been working for the past 7 days, and I didn't even turn on my xbox tonight on my first day off.  It's totally boring and frustrating for host to go south of the border of to the fucking netherlands.  They said trust us, I did, and I got burnt for 90 bucks.  Never fucking again.


At least I can enjoy customs or sparse nights with peeps from my FL, but it's just depressing to try to play.  The game ROUTINELY has less than 10k people on at 10p EST.  The game is dead, and it has been out just around a year.  It's a sad state that my favorite FPS franchise is in, and there's only one way to tell 343i.  No more money.


If it weren't for GTA5, I'd trade the 360 and just wait on the xbox one.  I think I can manage with minimal halo until ghosts or destiny comes out.

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 10:43 (Reply to #38)
bdub77's picture
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Double T wrote:

It took them long enough to admit that this game is shit, they just milked the cow and are going to the next farm.  Halo 4 is too easy IMO compared to previous games.  It's geared towards social gamers and those of us who are decent get bored pretty easily. 

I've been working for the past 7 days, and I didn't even turn on my xbox tonight on my first day off.  It's totally boring and frustrating for host to go south of the border of to the fucking netherlands.  They said trust us, I did, and I got burnt for 90 bucks.  Never fucking again.

At least I can enjoy customs or sparse nights with peeps from my FL, but it's just depressing to try to play.  The game ROUTINELY has less than 10k people on at 10p EST.  The game is dead, and it has been out just around a year.  It's a sad state that my favorite FPS franchise is in, and there's only one way to tell 343i.  No more money.

If it weren't for GTA5, I'd trade the 360 and just wait on the xbox one.  I think I can manage with minimal halo until ghosts or destiny comes out.

I feel you. I'm so tired of rage quitting or staying in and seeing I went 9 and 20 and then I see the guy who went 31-5 was from Columbia or Mexico, oh he must have been the guy who murdered me with a needler before i could even see him. *sigh* Not to mention the bullet magnetism is so messed up to account for sprint and netcode that there's literally no point in trying to out-BR a person who will win the battle due to timing advantage. The game is friggin easy mode.

I can't even tell you how easy it is to noscope someone (unless you play Team Snipers when getting hit flinches your reticle so high it you are a sitting duck so it becomes a game of who gets off the first shot).

I still enjoy the Thursday night customs gaming, but I'm pretty much done w/H4 MM. I'm considering going back to H3 for a while, but then I get on and some of the funnest hoppers there are just entirely dead and I can't get used to the different pace and shooting is simply harder to get used to especially without hitscan. Tried to play reach, found it wasn't as bad as I remembered it, except the grenades are still ridiculously OP in that game.

The thing that bothers me the most is that it doesn't take much to fix the game, now or in the future (H5). The developers seem to have no plans to remove sprint, so I see no reason to continue playing Halo period. Not that I'm gonna switch over to CoD but I'd rather play H3. 

What I foresee happening: Halo 5 has at the very least some form of sprint, which IMO simply makes the game a joke because of the problems sprinting around a map creates for an arena shooter. H5 again releases with not enough maps or uninteresting ones because it is about money and MS wants to milk DLC cash out of people and 343 doesn't seem to have the creativity to work on easter eggs like some of the maps from H3 had (Last Resort, High Ground).

H5 will try to cater to both casuals and competitive gamers and fail on both fronts. Several if not the most popular game types will have the things competitive people hate, like loadouts special abilities, jet packs, invis snipers, etc. Those extra abilities will make the pro flavor of the game seem boring and also require almost a completely different playstyle to work, and the population will die like it did in H4. My guess is H5 will try to go Battlefield/Destiny with huge 16v16 style battles. Which is not conducive to team-based skill-based gaming.

It's probably a lose-lose. If H5 is more like H3, people in the gaming community will say it's a regression. If it has even more features people will just hate it for trying to compete with the class-based shooters. I simply don't think Halo is salvagable at this point, which is too bad because it's by far my favorite shooter.

/I know, I know, tl;dr

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 10:58
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Double T wrote:

At least I can enjoy customs or sparse nights with peeps from my FL, but it's just depressing to try to play.  The game ROUTINELY has less than 10k people on at 10p EST.  The game is dead, and it has been out just around a year.  It's a sad state that my favorite FPS franchise is in, and there's only one way to tell 343i.  No more money.

"MLG" customs night tonight btw :)

I still like playing throwdown, but nowhere near as much as I liked the H3 MLG playlist.  The variety of maps with unique flows and also oddball and KOTH are notably missing, but still it can be enjoyable.  Problem is it takes too long to get matched only to have people quit out 2 minutes into the game.  

Halo's a sinking ship, but it's worth saving.  My guess is Halo 5 wil see big game mechanic improvements - M$ won't let the Halo brand slowly go down the tubes like this when games can make $1 billion in a week these days.  Still though, I have serious doubts that 343 is capable of making compelling maps...which is a pretty big problem.  So I think they'll try to improve it, but might not be capable of doing so.

Everyone says Halo is dead, but I think it can bounce back to a healthy population after the next release.  People will still buy Halo 5,6, etc. and 343 will have its foot in the door, a huge advantage they have over say Murder Miners.  I think it's more a matter of whether they can produce a fun multiplayer game with wide appeal.

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