There is a Best Buy deal Plus.
As far as I know they stack
$20 PSN card and 3 months of plus+ for $28 (BestBuy)
Amazon Black Friday deal.
$30 for a year of PS+
I guess I need to find a deal. The amazon one is nice. I need one by ps4 launch day.
Newegg via Ebay $22 plus deal. Free shipping. Better hurry! Starts 9pst Thursday night. PSN+ stacks so go crazy.
I got the Amazon one, plus a $10 video rental code. Great deal
I went with Amazon too. Is there a way to check when the subscription runs out?
ImMrPete wrote: I went with Amazon too. Is there a way to check when the subscription runs out?
There is on PS4 if you go into License management under account settings I believe. I found it a week or so ago and can try and get the actual menu location later.
settings -> psn -> account info -> services -> psn plus
I picked up a 12 month Plus @ best buy for 29.99 on black friday. Wont have to worry about PS+ for a year and half now.
$40 psn for a year.
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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
$20 PSN card and 3 months of plus+ for $28 (BestBuy)
Amazon Black Friday deal.
$30 for a year of PS+
I guess I need to find a deal. The amazon one is nice. I need one by ps4 launch day.
Newegg via Ebay $22 plus deal. Free shipping. Better hurry! Starts 9pst Thursday night. PSN+ stacks so go crazy.
I got the Amazon one, plus a $10 video rental code. Great deal
I went with Amazon too. Is there a way to check when the subscription runs out?
There is on PS4 if you go into License management under account settings I believe. I found it a week or so ago and can try and get the actual menu location later.
settings -> psn -> account info -> services -> psn plus
I picked up a 12 month Plus @ best buy for 29.99 on black friday. Wont have to worry about PS+ for a year and half now.
$40 psn for a year.