First impressions

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#1 Wed, 10/30/2013 - 03:40
CiaranORian's picture
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First impressions

So the game isnt out in Europe for another 2 days. What are your early impressions of the game? How are servers holding up?

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 04:47
Blimey's picture
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Recon,recon,recon, was everybody walking around with those sniper/assault rifles last night. Sure seemed that way. Looks like the class to run this time around. Servers were ok.We just started a new one and it filled up in a minute or two. Last couple of games were weird tho. No one on our entire team couldn't seem to take down the other team. I will reserve my overall thoughts after I play for a few days.

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 10:48
scratchski's picture
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PC servers have been laggy for me. Played a bit this morning and they seemed more stable, but then again, everybody in north america isn't playing BF4 at 7 am smiley

I hope its the same story this evening.

I'm liking the maps - plenty of whining about the conquest flags and map sizes compressing the action, but I don't think that's a bad thing - draws the bloody " snipers " in closer for a shanking.

Best map for me Paracel Storm - less tanks, more infantry.

Worst map - hmmm, not a big fan of Operation Locker. It might be the new Metro, but in fairness, I haven't played it much.

I haven't seen an overdose of Recon. I find that Assault kit to start offers the easiest gun. THe Engineer seems to have gained quite a bit of recoil ( pulls up diagonally from right to left ), on the MX4. I find it tricky to hit anything.

The Support kit is fun. Lots of bullets and the air-burst thingy make it a good rank up kit, though , as usual Timmie doesn't like dropping ammo packs. Me, I spam 'em left , right and centre.

My whine - the default launcher for engineer is too weak against tanks - my take is that vehicles are like perks, there to help you gain a few extra kills and support vthe infantry, but if you want to keep one, it needs to be hard work. I liked the BETA for this aspect.

SP is pretty much a yawn for me. Oh look, Soldiers walking through buildings shooting everything with a convoluted story about nothing of consequence. Done to death. Graphically fine but the disc space and just make the game MP.

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 12:58 (Reply to #3)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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scratchski wrote:

PC servers have been laggy for me. Played a bit this morning and they seemed more stable, but then again, everybody in north america isn't playing BF4 at 7 am smiley

I hope its the same story this evening.

I'm liking the maps - plenty of whining about the conquest flags and map sizes compressing the action, but I don't think that's a bad thing - draws the bloody " snipers " in closer for a shanking.

Best map for me Paracel Storm - less tanks, more infantry.

Worst map - hmmm, not a big fan of Operation Locker. It might be the new Metro, but in fairness, I haven't played it much.

I haven't seen an overdose of Recon. I find that Assault kit to start offers the easiest gun. THe Engineer seems to have gained quite a bit of recoil ( pulls up diagonally from right to left ), on the MX4. I find it tricky to hit anything.

The Support kit is fun. Lots of bullets and the air-burst thingy make it a good rank up kit, though , as usual Timmie doesn't like dropping ammo packs. Me, I spam 'em left , right and centre.

My whine - the default launcher for engineer is too weak against tanks - my take is that vehicles are like perks, there to help you gain a few extra kills and support vthe infantry, but if you want to keep one, it needs to be hard work. I liked the BETA for this aspect.

SP is pretty much a yawn for me. Oh look, Soldiers walking through buildings shooting everything with a convoluted story about nothing of consequence. Done to death. Graphically fine but the disc space and just make the game MP.

I think the lower rocket damage is to compensate for the slight auto lock it has. If you just fire it near a vehicle it'll lock on and do the javelin thing so it's harder to miss but ya do less damage. ANd yeah, that MX4 is garbage but the 2nd gun you get, the AK-5 or whatever is tits.


The campaign is just awful. I'd compare it to a typical COD story, but at least those have plot twists and interesting set pieces.

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 16:36 (Reply to #4)
scratchski's picture
Last seen: 9 years 23 hours ago
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KamakazeTaco wrote:
... the 2nd gun you get, the AK-5 or whatever is tits.

Tits. Sweet ! 33

I'll keep going then.

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 11:30
YEM's picture
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I really dislike what they did with vehicle controls

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 03:43
CiaranORian's picture
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Scratchski I thought you were in the UK, how come you're playing already?

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 09:32
scratchski's picture
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I took a slight detour from Dorset and now I'm in British Columbia surprise

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 11:34 (Reply to #8)
CiaranORian's picture
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scratchski wrote:

I took a slight detour from Dorset and now I'm in British Columbia surprise

Poor you.

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 11:56
ekattan's picture
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Downloaded it yesterday. Played just on game, got spawned camped horribly.

Game working smoothly on PC. 


Thu, 10/31/2013 - 12:38
bunsen27's picture
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Having started my Battlefield career with the BFBC BETA on Oasis and progressing through all the other console itterations and migrating the PC for BF4, I think DICE have finally hatched damn near the perfect BF game.  The maps are BIG and designed for 32v32 in the core BF modes.  I've stayed up WAY too late all this week so here are my sleep deprived impressions so far:

-maps feel a LOT like the REALLY good BFBC 1 & 2 maps (Harvest Day, Oasis, Crossing Over, Arica Harbor, and Atacama Desert minus the chopper rape).  Lots of destruction, wide open spaces, lots of flanking routes and not linear, little clusters of building around flags for infantry cover and CQB fighting.

-tanks are still too bouncey and not enough weight.

-tank machine guns chew through infantry like a scythe through wheat.  It is GLORIOUS!  Probably going to be the first NERF as there is virtually no bullet deviation or drop. 

-a lot of the gunplay is ~50-75 meters (Operation Clusterfuck aka Locker excluded).  I've rarely run anything but irons or red dots on anything but a sniper rifle.  However, I see myself going to a 2x or 4x optic on my carbines, assult rifles, and DMM's likely with canted irons.  I just unlocked the Holo sight with 2x magnifier late last night.  One thing I noticed is that ADS is noticebly faster for the HOLO versus when the 2x magnifier is in place.  The 2x HOLO does make those +75m engagements better and it does swing into place rather quickly.  I'll try it out more tonight but it may be a very viable option.

-Due to the more midrange play all your targets will look like a grey indistinguishable person.  In previous itterations the character models were unique per class, faction, and easily identifiable at distance.  Now all the classes per faction look similar.  There are subtle visual clues that may become easier to ID over time, but right now if it doesn't have a blue triangle SHOOT IT!

-I'm presently running a carbine (ACW-R) for Engineer, Support, and Recon/Spec ops classes for most maps.  On the big maps I'll run Recon with a DMM and PLT while the smaller maps I'll run carbine with motion sensor balls.

-Engineer starts with PDW and unlock Carbines fairly quickly in their progression scheme.  Once the Carbine's are unlocked use them for Recon to unlock the DMM's. 

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 17:15
CiaranORian's picture
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cool cant wait to try it out tomorrow.

Fri, 11/01/2013 - 10:00
scratchski's picture
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Now my issue are sorted out, I'm enjoying it. I'm running all classes and trying to C4 tanks, crash jets and shank snipers..basically have fun while capping flags.

This is way more fun than BF3 was for me. There are a few maps I don't like and one game of team deathmatch on Dawnbreaker was a sniper shit sandwich, with them literally lined up looking down the street at one another.

Still, I'd give it 8 / 10 for the Conquest.

Fri, 11/01/2013 - 11:47
filthymonkeyuk's picture
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Fuck you, pre ordered battlefield 4 and was told it would be here for release day and guess what nothing, contacted game and was told basically to fuck off and wait.

do not buy from, oh and fuck you Game fuck you.

Sat, 11/02/2013 - 02:19 (Reply to #14)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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filthymonkeyuk wrote:

Fuck you, pre ordered battlefield 4 and was told it would be here for release day and guess what nothing, contacted game and was told basically to fuck off and wait.

do not buy from, oh and fuck you Game fuck you.


If you want to recreate that BF4 experience go pop in BF3 and randomly turn your Xbox off every few matches.

Sat, 11/02/2013 - 08:16
ImMrPete's picture
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I've been playing on the PC since launch. Servers are still having issues. Other than that, I really like this game. Much more than Battlefield 3. The map changes are really cool. The storm rolling through and the map getting flooded made me smile. Hopefully they can get things sorted out. Oh, runs like a champ on my PC maxed out. Just absolutely stunning.

Sat, 11/02/2013 - 16:41
xBIGWIGx's picture
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Been playing on 360, and I have one MAJOR complaint. There are NO SQUAD LOBBIES. The only way to play with friends is to try and have everyone join the same game, and hope it doesnt fill up before everyone gets in. And secondly, there is no way to edit your kits outside the game. Meaning if you want to change to some new unlocks after ranking up, you have to be in a game to do so. Meaning while you are comparing the pros/cons of 2 different sights and deciding if you want to try that new barrel, the rest of your team is a man down.

PC players, is this the same case for you? Or is this just a console glitch and squads will be added later? Ive been surprised at the lack of information about this. Especially since EA/Dice kept saying how much of a team game this is.

Other than that, I like the game. Once you can get everyone in the same room and squad, its good old fun with guns. But man, not having a squad option at launch is just a bone-head move in my opinion.

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 03:54 (Reply to #17)
CiaranORian's picture
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xBIGWIGx wrote:

Been playing on 360, and I have one MAJOR complaint. There are NO SQUAD LOBBIES. The only way to play with friends is to try and have everyone join the same game, and hope it doesnt fill up before everyone gets in. And secondly, there is no way to edit your kits outside the game. Meaning if you want to change to some new unlocks after ranking up, you have to be in a game to do so. Meaning while you are comparing the pros/cons of 2 different sights and deciding if you want to try that new barrel, the rest of your team is a man down.

PC players, is this the same case for you? Or is this just a console glitch and squads will be added later? Ive been surprised at the lack of information about this. Especially since EA/Dice kept saying how much of a team game this is.

Other than that, I like the game. Once you can get everyone in the same room and squad, its good old fun with guns. But man, not having a squad option at launch is just a bone-head move in my opinion.

You can change loadout on 360 using Battlelog. I agree its crazy that you cant do it from the menu screen. We had the same problem with squad lobbies too. Another oversight that I cant believe got left in the game is from the server browser screen you can see the servers your friends are on, but not which friend is in each game.

Sat, 11/02/2013 - 18:35
scratchski's picture
Last seen: 9 years 23 hours ago
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On PC you can edit your loadout outside of the game in the Battlelog page.

As for teaming up - you just have to join your friends on a server at the moment and then maybe look for which team / squad they're in.

I know in BF3 it would at least try and put you ina squad together.


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