Thinking about buying BF4 and was looking for some origin gamer tag's from other wasd members. Mine is still Mr402 so feel free to add me I'll probably pick the game up this weekend.
Thanks fella's for throwing some tags out there for me. I'm actually thinking about waiting since I've been reading that this game has quite a few launch issues right now. I'll probably still pull the trigger since I'm sitting on a 25% off code which makes buyers remorse when games need some patching at launch less of a problem.
iHearPudding... Add me.
Thanks fella's for throwing some tags out there for me. I'm actually thinking about waiting since I've been reading that this game has quite a few launch issues right now. I'll probably still pull the trigger since I'm sitting on a 25% off code which makes buyers remorse when games need some patching at launch less of a problem.
A wise choice atthe moment - its a frustrating mess at the moment.
Add me anyway, I'll be back ( sounds familiar ? ) - scratchski