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#1 Wed, 11/06/2013 - 09:19
Ammodawg's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Well I am a big fan of the Battlefield series, especially since Bad Company 2 and getting to blow buildings up.  But I must say I am now regretting BF4.  Not because of the rollout issues, those to irritate me though.  No I am regretting BF4 because of the 10090287434 vehicles per map.  That and the fact that helos can still repair in the air.   

I just got through playing to rounds on two different servers and it ended in a vehicle camp.  I was on the losing team on one server and winning team on the other server.  Basically there were so many vehicles available they camped each flag and the spawn so that no one could do anything.   RPG's are so underpowered that even if someone got a shot off it didn't do any damage. 

When on the losing team a guy in an inflatable boat with a minigun was camping a flag.  I hit him with two rpgs and it didn't even start smoking.  

So as a lot of my fav BF3 servers have now started moving to BF4 I guess I'm gonna have to go pickup COD, atleast there isn't any vehicles in that game that I know of.  sad

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 09:59
CiaranORian's picture
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Have you unlocked the real RPG yet? The default rocket launcher is terrible.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 10:33
scratchski's picture
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I steer clear of boats as  much as possible. I'll only fire a rocket at 'em if there's another engineer doing the same, otherwise the bigger ones just cut everything down.

They do help, but man, they're a stat. whore's dream. Camp n spray and then flit off atthe first hint of danger.

THe RPG is a bit better and worth persisiting with the class to unlock as Ciaran mentioned.

The first anti-air is also pretty effective - not neccessarily for killing helis, but making them go away to repair, and that's all you need. ( iT also re-loads quickly ).

Hopefully,you just had a coule of bad servers - I've been back on and had a few really fun games with the 2o2p guys last night. 


Wed, 11/06/2013 - 19:31
T3muJin's picture
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As a Tank h00r I have to disagree a bit.  The answer is more engineers shooting rockets at the vehicles.  I've been in situations where I didn't even have time to escape an area because 3 or 4 engineers were shooting at me.  I do agree the rockets are under powered but when you have a squad of engineers after you, you won't last long.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 02:44 (Reply to #4)
CiaranORian's picture
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T3muJin wrote:

As a Tank h00r I have to disagree a bit.  The answer is more engineers shooting rockets at the vehicles.  I've been in situations where I didn't even have time to escape an area because 3 or 4 engineers were shooting at me.  I do agree the rockets are under powered but when you have a squad of engineers after you, you won't last long.

Just like BF3 I can't see any reason to play a class other than engineer with BF4.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 20:58
Ammodawg's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2011 - 23:00

Well been playing some more and starting to level up.  Gonna focus on engineer to try and unlock some of those higher rpg's.   Just I do think some maps have way too many vehicles.  

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 15:58
Ammodawg's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Well after unlocking carbines and dmr's I am loving the class setup.  Now I can basically spawn my enginner with a dmr for the bigger maps or go carbine or pdw for the smaller maps.  Sniper rounds are still messing with me.  They seem to arc way to much and are slow as hell.  I've noticed that you have to land the round pretty much center of mass to register a hit.  

Also noticed that on friendly fire maps there is no punishment/forgive anymore.  If someone tk's you thats it, so back to the old fashion way of hunting down the bastard that tk'd lol. 

Starting to warm up to the game a bit more especially now as I am unlocking more.  Still feel weak when any vehicles come around.


Thu, 11/07/2013 - 17:13
KamakazeTaco's picture
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You're allowed 4 TKs. The 5th gets you booted. Which isn't so bad considering now claymores count toward team kills too. And if you really wanna take down a chopper quick, use the LAW. You gotta be real accurate with your shot so it locks on, but when it hits the helo it almost always knocks em sideways and forces em into the ground. You won't get as many points for the diable and the kill, but you usually don't need more than 1 rocket to take out a chopper.

For ground vehicles you really need at least 2 engineers with the RPG. One dude just doesn't cut it anymore.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 19:40 (Reply to #8)
bunsen27's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

For ground vehicles you really need at least 2 engineers with the RPG. One dude just doesn't cut it anymore.


Sadly there does not appear to be a significant damage difference betwean a head-on versus an ass end hit.  I'm usually getting 20-26 damage points per SMAW reguardless of where or at what andle I hit the tank.  I do recall shooting the top of a tank in the BETA from a rooftop with RPG and getting something like 75 hit points, but I think that was a bug. :(

It's been awhile but I vaugely recall that in BFBC2 if you land a shot to the rear of the tank it was either an instant diable or kill dependent on the tanks health.  It was something like 50-60 damage?

Fri, 11/08/2013 - 02:01 (Reply to #9)
KamakazeTaco's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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I haven't used the SMAW but I know with the RPG a rocket up the ass does about double damage compared to a front or side attack. But you still need like 2-3 rockets for the disable

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