While your idea has some merit...It also carries a mandatory life sentence. This I feel could negate any financial gains and generally mess with my Joie De Vivre.
While your idea has some merit...It also carries a mandatory life sentence. This I feel could negate any financial gains and generally mess with my Joie De Vivre.
Fine, then stay home and bake yourself a safety cake, ya wuss...don't forget to wear your helmet.
Yeah, don't be afraid to jump right in with a commercial for payday loans, noob. Perhaps another way to prepare yourself for the zombie apocalypse would be a new rice steamer from your friends at Ronco, and don't forget that Motorhead's latest CD "Aftershock" is on sale at a fine retailer near you.
@ Knight no offense taken but you're wrong this time!! Her doctors are fighting about this very thing! One says the surgery is unnecessary, and because she has a history of stroke AND blood clots, it's dangerous to take her off thinners for almost a week, for an unnecessary surgery. The surgeon says "I like money"....I mean "she will be fine". So for once, I'm not alone in my concern! :P
I do have a bad habit of worrying about things I shouldn't. I'll give you that lol Right now, for instance, I'm worrying about what time to leave in the morning, whether I should stay or go home and have them call me when she's out of surgery, and about ten other things that normal people would think about for a minute, make a decision, then move on. Normal people are lucky lol!
Ah, fair play. Yeah the US medical system is very different as far as money goes. Health care and profit don't make comfortable bedfellows at the best of times. Glad to hear the docter is on the case, he is the one that should know his patient best.
Don't know the distance you have to travel...if short, go home. If long, stay where you are is the short answer but my guess is you want to be close, and logic here is out the window. Logic states you can do nothing so you may as well go home, but emotionally being close to your mum is the need. So I would say do the one you need to do. Times like this it's better to do whatever feels the right thing to do rather than over analyze.
It's about15 minutes away, so I'm gonna go home. They called her today, and said she will be there 2-4 hours. If I go home, I can watch something funny on Netflix, have some snacks, and rest a bit physically, if not mentally. If I stay there, I'm afraid ill be physically uncomfortable, and more likely to watch the clock.
Everything is planned out now, so I'm MUCH calmer. Idk what my mental problem is called, but until I have solid plans for situations that are out of the norm, I get wicked anxiety. Do we have any psychology majors in the house?? :D
Thanks for lettin me vent, being understanding, and giving advice. You guys are awesome!!
Mom and I eat at this little diner at least once a week. We go in today, and the owner (really nice lady from Greece) says to me "your eyes are very pretty today! Did you paint them??"
My make up and hair were exactly the same as when we were there Monday... I'm flattered, but confused! She said/asked again as we were leaving. Weird!
Mrs Knight's birthday today. Very few hints of what she wanted, well just one and that was sorted weeks ago. So what to do? Solution, take her clothes shopping. So two hours of visiting and revisiting the same shops multiple times without a single grumble was dutifully induged in. Bank account duly raided and one happy Mrs Knight. Job done.
Hey, there is nothing unhygienic about my cooking...It is just unbelievably messy and Mrs Knight is very anti mess in her kitchen, so by mutual agreement I don't cook.
Same here...I'm a great cook but I have been relegated to dishwashing duty due to the blast radius. I once had to clean the ceiling after a batch of chili.
Same here...I'm a great cook but I have been relegated to dishwashing duty due to the blast radius. I once had to clean the ceiling after a batch of chili.
haha, whille I can openly laugh about this, I sadly can also identify with it...have to remember the term blast radius...I like that one...
Why can't men cook without destroying the kitchen?? Hubby is a great cook, but the blast radius includes the walls. THE WALLS?! I can't even go in there after he has cooked. It makes me wanna set fire to the kitchen and start over. He also waits too long to clean. I get up right after dinner to do dishes. He will watch tv til 10:30, then get up to clean the kitchen. Makes me mental!!
I am less messy in the kitchen than my wife but she is the better cook by far. Apparently I'm the better dish washer. It drives me crazy to hear her in the kitchen. 'CLANK', another utensil in the sink. Another plate, bowl, pan, pot, multiple beaters. On and on it goes! My day is now ruined with these thoughts. :(
While your idea has some merit...It also carries a mandatory life sentence. This I feel could negate any financial gains and generally mess with my Joie De Vivre.
Yeah, don't be afraid to jump right in with a commercial for payday loans, noob. Perhaps another way to prepare yourself for the zombie apocalypse would be a new rice steamer from your friends at Ronco, and don't forget that Motorhead's latest CD "Aftershock" is on sale at a fine retailer near you.
I guess it's nice that when someone actually spams the site, it's really noticeable. Speaks for how rare it really is.
That said, boot their ass outta here!
Dang, the spam post is gone and now I look like a random ranter...I probably could have planned that better.
But you are a random ranter...
Funny thing was.....I didn't even think anything of it.
Yeah, but my random rants have purpose and conviction.
I always associate Jones with the word conviction.
The same thought crosses my mind more than occasionally.
@ Knight no offense taken but you're wrong this time!! Her doctors are fighting about this very thing! One says the surgery is unnecessary, and because she has a history of stroke AND blood clots, it's dangerous to take her off thinners for almost a week, for an unnecessary surgery. The surgeon says "I like money"....I mean "she will be fine". So for once, I'm not alone in my concern! :P
I do have a bad habit of worrying about things I shouldn't. I'll give you that lol Right now, for instance, I'm worrying about what time to leave in the morning, whether I should stay or go home and have them call me when she's out of surgery, and about ten other things that normal people would think about for a minute, make a decision, then move on. Normal people are lucky lol!
Ah, fair play. Yeah the US medical system is very different as far as money goes. Health care and profit don't make comfortable bedfellows at the best of times. Glad to hear the docter is on the case, he is the one that should know his patient best.
Don't know the distance you have to travel...if short, go home. If long, stay where you are is the short answer but my guess is you want to be close, and logic here is out the window. Logic states you can do nothing so you may as well go home, but emotionally being close to your mum is the need. So I would say do the one you need to do. Times like this it's better to do whatever feels the right thing to do rather than over analyze.
It's about15 minutes away, so I'm gonna go home. They called her today, and said she will be there 2-4 hours. If I go home, I can watch something funny on Netflix, have some snacks, and rest a bit physically, if not mentally. If I stay there, I'm afraid ill be physically uncomfortable, and more likely to watch the clock.
Everything is planned out now, so I'm MUCH calmer. Idk what my mental problem is called, but until I have solid plans for situations that are out of the norm, I get wicked anxiety. Do we have any psychology majors in the house?? :D
Thanks for lettin me vent, being understanding, and giving advice. You guys are awesome!!
Not exactly but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...send me a PM Kit Parcells will talk you down.
We know.
*weird storytime*
Mom and I eat at this little diner at least once a week. We go in today, and the owner (really nice lady from Greece) says to me "your eyes are very pretty today! Did you paint them??"
My make up and hair were exactly the same as when we were there Monday... I'm flattered, but confused! She said/asked again as we were leaving. Weird!
Ever hear that dity about "Lord, grant me the wisdom..."
That's my plan.
Hope all is good with you and yours Kitten.
My mom told me I need to "see someone" about my OCD. I just laughed.
Thanks :)
Mrs Knight's birthday today. Very few hints of what she wanted, well just one and that was sorted weeks ago. So what to do? Solution, take her clothes shopping. So two hours of visiting and revisiting the same shops multiple times without a single grumble was dutifully induged in. Bank account duly raided and one happy Mrs Knight. Job done.
Now it's time to give her a birthday dinner and a taste of the Irish Longsword for dessert..gif)
Cook? Me? Nah you can pay folk to do that. As for the rest...Well, who needs birthdays, that is S.O.P.
I said give her a birthday dinner, not cook for her...botulism in no gift for a wife on her birthday.
Hey, there is nothing unhygienic about my cooking...It is just unbelievably messy and Mrs Knight is very anti mess in her kitchen, so by mutual agreement I don't cook.
Same here...I'm a great cook but I have been relegated to dishwashing duty due to the blast radius. I once had to clean the ceiling after a batch of chili.
haha, whille I can openly laugh about this, I sadly can also identify with it...have to remember the term blast radius...I like that one...
Why can't men cook without destroying the kitchen?? Hubby is a great cook, but the blast radius includes the walls. THE WALLS?! I can't even go in there after he has cooked. It makes me wanna set fire to the kitchen and start over. He also waits too long to clean. I get up right after dinner to do dishes. He will watch tv til 10:30, then get up to clean the kitchen. Makes me mental!!
I am less messy in the kitchen than my wife but she is the better cook by far. Apparently I'm the better dish washer. It drives me crazy to hear her in the kitchen. 'CLANK', another utensil in the sink. Another plate, bowl, pan, pot, multiple beaters. On and on it goes! My day is now ruined with these thoughts. :(
I do all the cooking in my house. The GF does the cleaning.
Afternoon y'all.
Lol Deep I listen to my iPod while I do dishes, so I have no idea how much noise I make! I'll have to ask hubby. :)
The noises that eminate from our kitchen are plain scary...
Thought you were gonna say bedroom...