Ghosts or BF4?

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#1 Fri, 10/04/2013 - 13:19
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Ghosts or BF4?

Which game would be better for someone coming from Halo?  I tend to like smaller maps with more time spent fighting and less time spent running around looking for fights.

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 23:49
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

Which game would be better for someone coming from Halo?  I tend to like smaller maps with more time spent fighting and less time spent running around looking for fights.


I think if you're to pick one, Ghosts?  I get the feeling that there's a race going on: Call Of Duty is trying to become Battlefield before Battlefield can become more like Call Of Duty.  I was in the last Battlefield Beta and I heard a lot of dedicated Battlefield folks complain that their game was being watered down a bit with Call Of Duty influences, with the first map being used a "small" map, with no vehicles on it.  


Both games are going to leave you unfulfilled, man.   With that being said, I'll download the Battlefield 4 beta and give it a whirl.  I expect to be completely underwhelmed by the whole thing (still).

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 11:44
scratchski's picture
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I agree with Mr Tufar - but will add that I don't think its the games themselves that fail to deliver. THey're all competitive variations on a theme. Its the people playing them that make the experience bad. If you were in a lobby of like minded 2old2play-ers, I'm sure pretty much any bang bang pew pew shooter would be fun.

I have fond memories of Battlefield Modern Combat on 360. BF4 doesn't seem so far removed from that game, but now there are a zillion* players online that make gaming a different experience  from 2006.

* Official figure from microsoft or possibly one I pulled out my #ss.

Sun, 10/06/2013 - 23:40
Lala Calamari's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

Which game would be better for someone coming from Halo?  I tend to like smaller maps with more time spent fighting and less time spent running around looking for fights.

If you are into smaller maps then you'll probably prefer CoD over BF.  BF can have some insanely huge maps.  With that said, I'm getting both titles.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 07:44
stungun504's picture
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I'm getting both but more excited for BF4. Small Maps, instant action is definitely COD. There is a gamemode on the BF4 Beta called Dominion (spelling) that is quick run and gun type stuff. Coming from Halo although you may like vehicle warfare mixed in with the gun on gun, if thats the case check out BF4. Its going to have Tanks, Heli's, Boats, Jets, etc.

Tue, 10/08/2013 - 20:19 (Reply to #5)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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stungun504 wrote:

I'm getting both but more excited for BF4. Small Maps, instant action is definitely COD. There is a gamemode on the BF4 Beta called Dominion (spelling) that is quick run and gun type stuff. Coming from Halo although you may like vehicle warfare mixed in with the gun on gun, if thats the case check out BF4. Its going to have Tanks, Heli's, Boats, Jets, etc.


Vehicles in games suck bags of dicks.  That's not the part of Halo that we stomped around in.

Tue, 10/08/2013 - 22:28 (Reply to #6)
Lala Calamari's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

stungun504 wrote:

I'm getting both but more excited for BF4. Small Maps, instant action is definitely COD. There is a gamemode on the BF4 Beta called Dominion (spelling) that is quick run and gun type stuff. Coming from Halo although you may like vehicle warfare mixed in with the gun on gun, if thats the case check out BF4. Its going to have Tanks, Heli's, Boats, Jets, etc.


Vehicles in games suck bags of dicks.  That's not the part of Halo that we stomped around in.

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 12:38
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Couldn't you have at least pulled up the video with a young Courtney Cox in it?

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 14:39
Lala Calamari's picture
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No, you're not worthy enough.  Besides, I know you fancy Bruce's bulge.

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 15:30
Cerberus4417's picture
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Dixon sucks at COD and BF so I wouldn't take his advice usually, but COD would be easier coming from Halo IMO.  

BF can be pretty frustrating for newer people to the games since damage levels are high and heath is fairly lower compared to the other games.  There are a lot of "Where the F did I get hit from" in BF cause it tends to be more long range fighting.  Maybe its the way I play them, but BF is a slower moving game and relies on more team coordination.  

COD you can go balls to the wall crazy running around.  There can be some tatics (ie Domination capping only 3 flags to pins the enemy at 3 flag), but it is minimal strategy.  

Sat, 10/19/2013 - 21:44 (Reply to #10)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Cerberus4417 wrote:

Dixon sucks at COD and BF so I wouldn't take his advice usually, but COD would be easier coming from Halo IMO.  

BF can be pretty frustrating for newer people to the games since damage levels are high and heath is fairly lower compared to the other games.  There are a lot of "Where the F did I get hit from" in BF cause it tends to be more long range fighting.  Maybe its the way I play them, but BF is a slower moving game and relies on more team coordination.  

COD you can go balls to the wall crazy running around.  There can be some tatics (ie Domination capping only 3 flags to pins the enemy at 3 flag), but it is minimal strategy.  


I didn't even know you existed any more.  What are you playing these days?

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 12:21 (Reply to #11)
Cerberus4417's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

I didn't even know you existed any more.  What are you playing these days?


I didn't cease to exist at least.  I was on diablo and GTA, but now just holding out for the FPS season

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 21:59 (Reply to #12)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Cerberus4417 wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

I didn't even know you existed any more.  What are you playing these days?


I didn't cease to exist at least.  I was on diablo and GTA, but now just holding out for the FPS season


There've been a crew playing GTA pretty much every night.

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 17:06
JZA's picture
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If you played Halo more, the Battlefield maps are more in line with Halo's scale, plus both games have vehicles, so you should be used to dealing with that.  COD will seem more confined. 

COD does have plenty of strategic game modes with interesting objectives and tactics (Search and Destroy is plenty tactical), but unfortunately most of the community plays team deathmatch. 

I say buy both, and if you find that you've put one down for 2 weeks or more, then sell it on eBay.  I never trade my games back in to Gamestop, but I call them to find the trade-in value, and set my eBay auction price for the game at $1 above that and offer $3.99 for media mail shipping.  I haven't yet failed to sell a game like that, and I like cutting out the middle-man as much as possible. 

Sat, 10/26/2013 - 07:32
SoulTerror's picture
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I used to play the hell out of the Halo series. Now after playing Battlefield for so long, I really cannot play Halo because the controls seem to sluggish. That's even with the senstivity being cranked up pretty high. Last Halo I tried to actually play was Reach, did not care for 4 at all. When I used to play COD I never had that issue, but I never played COD as much as I have Battlefield.

Fri, 11/01/2013 - 22:12
dragonfire66's picture
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i suggest bf4 for now until ghosts comes out next tuesday

Fri, 11/01/2013 - 22:42
dragonfire66's picture
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obtw  how do i set up for my ps3 gamertag?

Fri, 11/01/2013 - 22:43
dragonfire66's picture
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since i at the moment do not have an xbox 360 any longer

Sat, 11/02/2013 - 05:32
ImMrPete's picture
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I have been playing BF4 on the PC and it's really, really good. From all the people who have played the next gen versions along with the PC, they say the next gen consoles do a remarkably well job keeping up with the computer version. They say that the difference graphically is minimal, which is impressive considering the PC version is stunning maxed out. There's a moment in the game on one of the maps where sirens go off, the weather starts to change, and a huge storm rolls through. It was one of those "Wow that's f'ing cool" moments. However, if you are buying BF4 for the single player campaign you'll be disappointed. It just isn't very good.

As far as your question, while the maps are massive, with 64 players it doesn't take long to find action. Also, rush mode sections off the maps and has you complete objectives in order to advance. 



Sat, 11/02/2013 - 10:07
deSoldier2001's picture
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Being someone that doesn't play halo I can't really speak but i've slowly gotten better at the Cod series with each iteration. Knowing your play style helps to enjoying Cod, i'm better at staying in the shadows than running straight into battle.

I find that I do better with BF as far as K/D and scoring but also get incredible bored quickly. A lot of running around to objectives, getting sniped way to often, and overpowered jets blowing me away gets tiring. BF is fun for the more realistic gunplay, combustable environments, and playing with vehicles, but gets stale quickly (for me). I have more fun with Cod, matches are shorter, more tactics involved (sometimes), not limited to 4 in a squad, and the ranking challenges keep me invested longer. I also think your play can have more of an impact to the win/loss than when in a giant 32 vs 32 match.

Sun, 11/03/2013 - 14:22
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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I am no closer to knowing which one I should get after reading this thread ;) The CoD Ghosts trailer with the falling building has AMAZING graphics! But I really miss me some Battlefield, and I enjoyed the demo.

Sun, 11/03/2013 - 17:23
Lala Calamari's picture
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Easy solution, get both.  Problem solved.

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 09:08
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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I've gotta think that if you're competitive douche, which DC is, Ghosts is the clear answer, even if the clan functionality does end up half-hearted.

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 00:22
yaok888's picture
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my vote is for neither

cod ghosts is the same old Cod rehash with a few tweaks.

Battlefield 4 is more like Battlefield 3.4.  Dice tweaked BF3 some made gunplay and controls more like Cod and rushed it out an unfinished buggy mess as usual.

save your money for Titanfall, watchdogs, destiny, or even the next 343 halo 5 or whatever they'll call it.

The REAL infinity ward guys that made cod4 and mw2 left and are now Respawn studios who'll be making titanfall.

there should be some Free to Play f2p shooters coming out also.



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