Ps4 decision

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#1 Thu, 11/14/2013 - 09:10
landdon's picture
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Ps4 decision

I don't know about some of you, but for me the decision to get the ps4 came down to funds mostly. I got both the ps3 and 360 last gen and basically used only one console. This time I chose just one, because I can't swing dropping a grand on two consoles (well, I could I just don't want to). I hope I've made the correct choice. How comfy are y'all feeling about it?  

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 09:19
CAPSFAN's picture
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I am feeling very good with my decision to go with the PS4. I purchased the 360 at launch and the PS3 the year after it launched. I went through 5 360's until I finally just said enough. As of now I will only be getting the PS4. PArt of me would like to have the XBONE as well, but.....idk.  I have been fine not having the 360. I kind of got out of gaming online though. Just not had the time the past few years. But, I will be getting back into it now. I am free of a few things that were holding me back and will have more time to game now. There may be a few exclusives that draw me to the xbone soon. But I really like what is coming for the PS4 and personally think it will end up being the better experience. 

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:19
Garfy99's picture
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The only reason that I could afford both the PS4 & XBOX 1, was that I got a huge bonus from work and was owed back pay for overtime worked and not properly payed for; otherwise I would only have been buying the PS4 for right now, praying to god that I don't run into any hardware issues with either console???

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:22
ImMrPete's picture
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I am getting a PS4 because I mostly game on a PC. Between the two, I'll be able to play pretty much all the exclusives(Not interested in Halo).

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:47
catsweat's picture
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Perfectly fine with my choice of the PS4.  Someday I may look into the xbone but right now I have %0 interest in it.  Lke the group I game with on the 3 and know that will carry over to the 4.  Never been a huge Halo guy and to me that is the only thing the xbone has over the PS4.

Fri, 11/15/2013 - 13:00 (Reply to #5)
Shadow's picture
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catsweat wrote:

Perfectly fine with my choice of the PS4.  Someday I may look into the xbone but right now I have %0 interest in it.  Lke the group I game with on the 3 and know that will carry over to the 4.  Never been a huge Halo guy and to me that is the only thing the xbone has over the PS4.

Titanfall has something to say about that.....

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:50
Biznass's picture
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I still have a 20gb 360 and it works (I think, it hasn't been turned on since the Gears 3 mp beta) . I went through 2 ps3's. I think I'll be fine with just a ps4.

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 11:41
Shudderdust's picture
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I own both PS3 and 360 as well and have spent WAY more time playing PS3 games than Xbox.  inFamous, Uncharted, God of War, The Last of Us, Killzone, so many good brands.

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 12:51
stungun504's picture
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This is a big switch for me. I have been an xbox gamer for a very long time with little PS3 gaming. Although I will miss alot of the people I gamed with on the box throughout the years, the PS crew on here seems pretty cool and welcoming. That being said, I have no regrets and Im looking forward to the PS4 !

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 16:01
OutcastB's picture
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I switched from the 360 to the PS3 a year ago, and was soley a PS2 player until the 360 came out. Im looking forward to the PS4 and the future it holds for gaming. Biggest thing is finding like minded players on the PS is sometimes difficult.
Thu, 11/14/2013 - 16:10 (Reply to #10)
MrGuster's picture
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OutcastB wrote:
Biggest thing is finding like minded players on the PS is sometimes difficult.

This is the main reason I game mostly on the 360. I like both consoles and love Playstation Plus and the games I have gotten through it. I am leaning towards picking up the PS4 first this time around in the new year and waiting for the Xbox One until the end of next year.

I was mainly a PS2 gamer instead of the Xbox but, when the price of the PS3 was announced I switched as funds were low at the time.

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 18:29
Hiteche5's picture
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I hate contemplating over consoles, especially during pre launch time but having been a 360 owner for the first 5 years of the generation and then switching to the PS3 for the last part (still have 2 360s in the house, BTW) It seems to get most of my play time now.  I don't play as much online and have been looking for some great story telling as of late and the PS3 fits the bill in that department.  I see myself doing less and less multiplayer and don't see the need for all the multimedia stuff on the Xbox One so I am leaning towards the PS4.


Damn that Titanfall may snap me back into online play!!  Then again I'm a huge mecha fan.

P.S. I very rarely get anything at launch anyways.  Remeber PS3 still has support and will be releasing quite a bit of games. I thought I read on IGN that there is still 300 releases planned for it.


Thu, 11/14/2013 - 19:50
Aragorn72's picture
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Had all three next gen consoles last generation, xbox 360, PS3, Wii and even a Wii U.  Played games on the PS3 by far more than the others and don't have the time to play all three so I'm confident going PS4 this generation.  Honestly The Last of Us was one of the best single player games I have ever played and if anything like that is coming for PS4 in a year or so then I will be ecstatic.  All this FPS stuff is great but to me there are so many out there any exclusives on that front is not a differentiator for me personally.

Fri, 11/15/2013 - 05:53
landdon's picture
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Well, Desitny looks amazing!!!.  I'm into that one no doubt

Fri, 11/15/2013 - 20:39
Hiteche5's picture
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Titanfall makes me touch myself at night.


Fri, 11/15/2013 - 21:54
ImMrPete's picture
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Luckily Titanfall is coming out for the PC too.

Sat, 11/16/2013 - 07:27
bluBlud's picture
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My PS4 decision was to wait, mostly because of personal preferences. I prefer one launch exclusives, frame rate stability over peak resolution, and xbox over ps controllers. The last is a big deal to me since the ps3 controllers just don't fit me ergonomically, so my hands get achy after an hour or two of playing.

I will most likely get one next year, depending on how sony handles the launch issues. I wasn't pleased about how they handled the security breach when my personal info got stolen and think they're being dishonest about ps4 failure rate based on customer feedback I see on sites like amazon.  I've also had my share of bad customer service with sony for cameras and tvs.  If they do right by the customer this time around, I'm sure I'll have one.

Tue, 11/19/2013 - 06:07 (Reply to #17)
OutcastB's picture
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bluBlud wrote:

My PS4 decision was to wait, mostly because of personal preferences. I prefer one launch exclusives, frame rate stability over peak resolution, and xbox over ps controllers. The last is a big deal to me since the ps3 controllers just don't fit me ergonomically, so my hands get achy after an hour or two of playing.

I will most likely get one next year, depending on how sony handles the launch issues. I wasn't pleased about how they handled the security breach when my personal info got stolen and think they're being dishonest about ps4 failure rate based on customer feedback I see on sites like amazon.  I've also had my share of bad customer service with sony for cameras and tvs.  If they do right by the customer this time around, I'm sure I'll have one.


Blu I can tell you that the DS4 is 150% improvement over the DS3. I finally don't feel like I'm going to crush it and it has some good weight to it. As far as being dishonest about the failure rate... they have to date the biggest launch of any console ever. 1,000,000 units in the first 24 hours and a narrow margin of those units were effected when you look at the numbers. These are the risk's you take as a day one consumer so caution should be taken with this or any electronic device with that in mind. Hell I bought a 52" Panny Viera and the power board and video board took a shit after 6 months. I'm sure that the X1 is going to have it's share of new console blues and let's be honest here, some of those Amazon reviews could be from Xbox loyalist or over reacting users that received bad units. I know I have a warranty so if something does happen I'm not worried. All I can say is mines been running like a beast since last Friday and the only issue I have had is my lack of being able to play Battlefield other than that it's exactly what SONY told me I was getting.

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