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Looking for Friends
Fri, 11/15/2013 - 19:44
Looking for Friends
Hi just joined im looking for some friends to play with i was an playstation player now xbox for 2 years and i tought would be easier to find mature players but hasnt been. im a full time mom (of 4 year old boy wich one day will be my player partner i hope lol) and work so i only play after 9pm eastern and weekends is not much but im all abut having fun . i currently have low selection of games mostly cod and gears but learning some new game throu friends :). My GT is RedPollyPocket if you like to play some games.
Have a good one :)!
Welcome to the group. Hope you have fun
One thing to mention: "older" is not always interchangable with "mature" in the truest sense of the word.
That said, there are great people around here to game with - welcome!
Welcome to the Site!
Welcome to the site.
Looking for friends? I cannot foresee you having trouble with that endeavor. It doesn't look like we have a lot of games in common but I'm glad you're here, Polly. We have a lot of shooter gamers here...you'll fit right in.
Welcome to the site. As Jones said we have plenty of shooter gamers on the site as well as many other type of gamers. I actually sold my 360 to help pay for the X1, but if you end up with the new system I'd be glad to shoot you a FR. Small side note: I noticed Family Game Night in your recently played, lot of fun games but EA closed the servers on it so there is no longer online play just in case you didn't know..