Thoughts on using "real name" on PS4.

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#1 Mon, 11/18/2013 - 17:00
Aragorn72's picture
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Thoughts on using "real name" on PS4.

So this whole real name thing is pretty interesting.  Personally, I like the fact that you have to ask permission/give permission individually.  I'm so used to knowing everyone by their PSN ID it would be weird seeing real names.  But then again that would probably make it feel more personal which is probably a good thing....bridging the "real" world with the online world.  I'm not opposed to doing the real name thing with most of you guys.  Just don't want to go there if nobody else is interested.  Just wanted to get everybody else's thoughts on the feature.

Mon, 11/18/2013 - 18:25
Garfy99's picture
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I don't have an issue with anyone seeing my real name, most people know my first name which is "Ken", so no biggie for me!!!!

Mon, 11/18/2013 - 19:28
Biznass's picture
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I'm torn.

I have no problem using a real name but it gets messy. I remember when the google+ group started and I have no idea who half the people I added to that circle are. I would recognise their tag but not their name. It was kinda weird and I never did really did cross the tag -> name bridge cleanly.

Mon, 11/18/2013 - 20:25
ImMrPete's picture
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Underneath your real name is your PSN handle.  I'm okay with using my real name. My Steam account has all my information and haven't really had any issues. I can see how some people would choose not to use theirs however. 

Tue, 11/19/2013 - 04:51
Blimey's picture
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I actually like the idea.Most of the people I have gamed with on a regular basis I call by name anyway. Oddly enough my son calls me by gamertag more often than not when we game.

Tue, 11/19/2013 - 08:18
LandserBait's picture
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I wouldnt mind using real names with friends only.  Sometimes it can be hard to call out a psn name in panic mode while getting your ass shot.

Tue, 11/19/2013 - 15:44
twitchy's picture
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this is one of those grey areas...

I like having that slight amount of anonymity while I'm playing a game and telling a douche nozzle that his mom's cornhole is pretty.

Now, that being said. I don't have a problem with most folks knowing my name around these parts (2o2p), since it's pretty easy to track down all that stuff if you have any skills with social networking...

I don't make it exactly difficult to figure out.

Tue, 11/19/2013 - 16:20
Aragorn72's picture
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The thing I like is that you have to individually give people access to see your real name.  I have people on my friends list who I've just met in games and played a lot with which is much different than 2o2p members.  I would not share my real name with someone who is on my friends list but not in 2o2p but would share it with most 2o2p folks as I've never had a single problem with a member here.

Tue, 11/19/2013 - 16:34
landdon's picture
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Doesn't bother me in the least.  If you want to come after me, then bring it on!


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