Killzone multiplayer.

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#1 Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:01
ImMrPete's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/14/2007 - 23:00

Killzone multiplayer.

Has anyone given Killzone's multiplayer a try? I still haven't decided whether I like or not yet. The graphics are very good, it controls fine, there just seems to be something missing. Maybe it takes more time getting accustomed to. The way you earn more stuff in the game is much better than the leveling system in games like COD and BF4. Instead of rewarding players who play more than others, Killzone rewards players for finishing in game challenges.  My character is at level 120 or so.


I'll be playing later tonight(around 10:00 PM Eastern) if anyone wants to join for a few games.

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:32
Aragorn72's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 03/06/2007 - 23:00

I'm still on the fence about it too.  For some reason I'm just not getting the hang of it.  On other shooters I'm usually a 1/1 kill to death ratio but on Killzone right now I'm barely getting any kills and getting destroyed.  It hasn't really been much fun.  COD on PS4 I do pretty good, BF4 is marginal but Killzone is just a different level, getting killed.  Maybe I just need more practice or something....but I'm able to pick up COD no problem and usualy go around 1/1 on the K/D ratio.  Still unsure....

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:43
ImMrPete's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/14/2007 - 23:00

Ohh, and on Killzone. I CANNOT AIM. 


Is it just me?

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 18:35
Biznass's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2006 - 23:00

I haven't even fired up mp yet.

I do miss the grit and grime of kz2, 

Sat, 11/23/2013 - 07:57
Crawfish's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/12/2008 - 23:00

recently hopped over to the playstation again please add me if you guys want to get some games in. gt is" DigitalDropkicks "

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 10:55
KidMach's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 06/30/2005 - 23:00

If you are playing Killzone and COD or BF at the same time you are bound to have an issue. The guns in Killzone are heavier and harder to aim. It was that way in KZ 2, they got away from it in 3 and now are kind of in between in SF. That might be why your low K/D. Mine started out the first night at .59 but I think I approved a little bit. I like the new options of less classes but more custom. I love the maps I have played so far except for one. Look me up if you want to play. I will be on tonight before football. Kidmach on PSN

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