PlayStation GamerTags here!
Thu, 12/05/2013 - 18:14
PlayStation GamerTags here!
Post your tag below if you have / getting GT6. I will keep the list updated.
andrew404 |
brntguy |
C_Davidov |
CD2o4F |
chevynova2 |
Corso_PSN |
CProRacing |
cyclochip |
EatBrainz77 |
General_E_Dead3 |
gizziegod |
GrimGrnninGhost |
helios16v |
InkaBodpaiN |
J0nny_F0CU5 |
Kidmach |
KuruptCDN |
MacPaige |
MapoUK |
Meagashira |
MrWhite1972 |
oldrustybelly55 |
Oldslowfred |
Paradoxguy_ |
Parcells2 |
RolledSteel |
ShaggySoCal |
Sharkb8ii |
SiWhite014 |
SkiwiNV |
SnappyDee |
Snoop_SLR8789 |
Steviegers |
thelordsnowden |
Trackassassin2 |
Trellero |
unsub073 |
WHEELSo555o |
xsitement |
I also added a PSN ID column on the 2O4F number sheet (which I updated a bit the other day.
That said, My PSN ID - GrimGrnninGhost
Awesome, I was just wondering if anyone was going to start a thread like this. I'll have to sign in and pick a number when I get a chance to get to my pc
Psn ID - RolledSteel
umm brntguy
Not on GT5 so much anymore, but PSN tag is C_Davidov. Named after my SL account. Just like I was with Forza 4, am limited to mainly slower vehicles if am gonna be anything close to competitve. Medical issues :-/ Older Forza players would remember me as Ledfut or EnzoTheDog
PSN ID......WHEELSo555o
I remember both Enzo and Ledfut. Nothing wrong with slower cars. I know I'll be spending a lot of time in them. :-)
PSN ID = SnappyDee
PSN ID - Trellero
PSN ID oldrustybelly55
Get in!
List updated!
Steviegers :)
Getting quite the list now.
I will be getting it. Probably at Christmas.
PSN - Kidmach
Registered. Should have PS3 in the next few days.
Still shouty :)
Psn: thelordsnowden
had some fun practice runs with grim and snappy. That Miata is fun!
So far some of the best cars are in the 400-500pp but after National A single player turns mostly to race and super cars...
So I'll be online more for an excuse to buy the Dino.
But not having voice coms feels a bit weird... I don't have a mic but most disable it anyway for performance? Has anyone tested it?
I just got GT6 Anniversary Edition. Please add me for good, clean racing and enjoyable (sometimes profane) chat.
List updated welcome to the new chaps!
PSN ID: Meagashira
KuruptCDN add me!