Need BF4 peoples
Wed, 12/11/2013 - 20:28
Need BF4 peoples
Game has hit a playable state thanks to multiple patches, now I need a crew to heal while I work through my support class. I'll play just about any game type but partial to rush and conquest. I just find TDM boring when playing BF but if that's your game lets play. The squad is a mess (thanks DICE, dillweeds) but maybe with a chat party might be able to coordinate through dumbass decisions.
Biz.Thanks for the invite last night.Sorry I couldn't join. I was trying out the game after the patch. Long ugly day for me yesterday so I wasn't much in the gaming mood. Tonight for sure if you are on. It seemed much better last night most notably on the CR maps. It sucks not having someone to work with as it seems most people are in party chat. I need someone to hold my hand as I get shot in the back.
I'm in "burning vacation days" mode right now and have tomorrow off so I'll be up for some BF4 tonight if anyone's on.
Might not be until later at night though....10:30/11pm.
I'll be game after the 22nd.
Good games last night Biz, after we were actually able to squad up. I'm on most nights playing. since I just Plat the game I might switch over to ACIV until the next map pack comes out.
No problem Blimey.
Good games tonight kids.
I should be on tonight (Friday Dec 13th) ?? but I definitely want to play either BF4 or Killzone this weekend; but I hear it's a BF4 weekend if your a Premium Member??? also want to see if the new patch has finally stablized things at all???
We've been hitting the smaller player maps and have pretty much been finishing rounds no problem. I hear the 64 player is still up in the air.
Party chat is pretty much req'd for coordinating players. I try to create an open party chat so hop in and we'll get you sorted.
Hit the party icon on the xmb and it should have a list of parties you can join, just jump in. No invite really needed.
I'll be on tonight (friday 13th) for sure.Since we are supposed to get buried with snow tonight I will most likely be on a bunch this weekend.
If you guys are on tonight I will be on. I normally play TDM and Domination,but I am up to try the other modes. Just don't ask me to pilot a chopper.
With the coming holidays and much needed vacation days I'll be off work from Dec 24 to Jan 6. Finally finished AC4 and can now finally show some love for BF4. Does mostly everyone have Premium?
I'm up for some BF4 Christmas eve and Christmas taking down the Christmas day noobs.
I'll be up for some more once I get back from visitiing family. I should be on Friday night.
same here be online xmas night and later in week. PSN: xman30075
Get dem noobs!
I've found a love of commander mode. I'm like a 7 star now after a couple of hours.
I played a bit of BF4 the other day finally. I had zero problems while playing. So seems they have most of the stuff worked out then I guess. I will probably be online tonight playing some BF4.
I play nightly. Always looking to group up.
Game finally works and I can't find anybody with a mic....
I traded in my copy of COD and picked up BF4. How do I join a game as a squad?
This is where the game is a little wonky.
It's easier to get in party chat, have someone join a game with free slots, people follow them in, and then try to join the same squad.
Had fun last night guys. I turned my mic off, you don't need to hear me coughing and weezing.
Saw you guys on but I never joined. I got "Need For Speed: Rivals" for Christmas and holy crap is that a fun game. I couldn't stop playing it.