12-16 PC Patch Updated
12-16 PC Patch Updated
New patch for PC this morning. Hopefully this finally fixes all the crashing and we can get on to fixing more important bugs like netcode and our damn ribbons not counting for XP
Client Patch http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065670201033581/
Inserted mention of the "Shot behind cover when changing stance" fix. This was missing in the original post.
Dec 9 PC Game Update Notes
Shot behind cover when changing stance
Sometimes the character stance could get into a multiple frame desync and be part of the problem where you got shot even though your character was actually behind cover. This would mostly affect players doing transitions into crouch and prone as well as moving when crouched. The impact was smaller in a standing stance. This bug fix eliminates this particular desync issue.
We have also increased the camera height when crouching and moving to more accurately reflect the actual height of your soldier in that stance (the first person camera was too low when crouching and moving, resulting in that you had a poor representation of how much of your soldier that was actually out of cover.)
-Fixed one of the most frequently occurring client crashes
-Fixed broken collision on containers with open doors. The bug previously made grenades bounce back even though the doors were open.
-Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win the round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb, if the bomb was disarmed in the previous round.
-Miscellaneous stability fixes further reducing the number of client crashes
-Fixed side gunner jitter when aiming in attack boats & transport helicopters
-Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission)
-Fixed broken aiming for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike
-Fixed a bug where the sound when capturing a flag was not playing correctly
-Removed a bug that would double save during MP round transition and SP level transition. This fix will reduce the occurrence of corrupted save files.
Server Patch http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065220950157129/
R15 Server Update Notes
-Various server side crash fixes, including the top seen crashes on R14
-Activated the reservedSlotsList.aggressiveJoin command that enables VIP players and server administrators directly joining full servers
-Client patch compatibility to make servers compatible with the Dec 09 client update
or alternatively...they will have made it worse
We'll see. ( since I've spent the whole day trying to sort my connection / ping woes to reduce the amount of potty mouth you guys have to put up with. )
Been on almost all day without any issues.
things looking up.
12-16 PC Patch Update Looks like the game will be much more stable and the first netcode fix, yeah! Looks like the 4x minigun bug was if YOU were equiped with defensive and got shot by a minigun in the chest you'd receive 4x damage.
The game update for PC is now live. Please read down below for change notes.
We’ve rolled out a new PC game update and will continue to make improvements based on your feedback. The update includes fixes with the aim to increase the general stability of the game, and eliminates bugs that you may have experienced. It also includes an improvement to the “Netcode”.
UPDATE: We have noticed that players who have SLI enabled on their graphics card may experience graphical flickering. Also, we're looking into the issue where the revive bar would get stuck on-screen in some instances. Both of these have our attention, and we're investigating them.
Dec 16 PC Game Update Notes
-Fix for a crash that would cause the game to stall, resulting in a sound loop. This should eliminate most of the problems relating to this.
-Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “roadkilling” opponents.
-Fixed one of the issues related to the so-called “Netcode” (see below for details).
-Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's minigun would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped.
-Fix for player tags not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members.
-Fix for graphical flickering appearing on terrain.
-Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode.
-Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out.
-Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen after being killed.
-Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived.
-Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression.
-Made NVidia 331.82 or later driver versions mandatory for all players.
-Disabled DirectX 11.1 on NVidia cards that have outdated drivers.
-Fixed driver version not being properly detected on NVidia Optimus systems.
-Fixed a minor crash that could occur when bringing up the scoreboard.
“Netcode” improvement
We’ve addressed the so-called “Kill trading”. This refers to when two players fire at each other and, seemingly, both die at the same time. The time window where a bullet could cause damage from an already dead player is now calculated as intended, decreasing the timeframe when players with high latency could get a kill, even though they should be dead according to the server.
FYI. My entire BF4 PC friend list is gone. Re-adding now.
Yeah I was wondering Tri what happened.
One day *poof* and everyone was gone. I first thought it was a vast consipiracy, but then I realized I'm just not worth that much effort.
My contribution to the " Things Battlefield Players don't say " thread.
Tried to see the improvements, but alongside the patch I also upodated my Nvidia Geforce and something happened because my FPS have gone down drastically.
LOL I didn't have the stuck in revive screen before the patch, which is listed as one of the things they fixed. Now I get it every other time I'm revived.
I thought I was chasing the enemy around unloading clips into them and they weren't dieing. No blueberry must = the enemy, shoot to kill. Then scratchski informed me I was shooting at him and my other teammates, tried to blow up our own LAV, and thought no one could see me because I was standing right next to a bunch of bad guys and no one tried to shoot me.
fixed it. had to reinstall my nvidia drivers. something got fucked up and blocked my geforce card.
good games last night. Loooong but fun.
Anybody having issues with loadouts not saving? I've started off with bare metal weapons the last couple nights.
This happens for me with the L85A2, every time the game launches this weapon loses all of it's attachments. But it only happens with that one specific gun, never had this happen with anything else.
It has happened many times to me. Weapon loads but no sights, grips or anything.
I've had delays, so I spawn with no weapon in my hands and it pops in about five seconds later.
I think he's talking about his loadouts as in which gun for which class, sights, attachments, etc. He changes it and it doesn't save.
I haven't had the problem but I use in game to make my changes, not battlelog.