beta Invites Away!
Wed, 03/27/2013 - 10:27
beta Invites Away!
First round of invites were sent out yesturday. Keep a close eye on your email accounts and make sure to check your spam filters people!
read your nda
yestyrday a new round of beta invites went out! Watch your spam filters
I may or may not have received one.
I have one though I won't likely try it. If anyone (legit site member I know) wants to use my credentials let me know.
Raise Periscope!
After playing this I have to say, I think it was quite rough. I know it's a beta, but I just didn't feel like it was something I was willing to pay a sub for. I suppose time will tell.
That is not what I wanted to hear.
Got my beta invite on the 7th, signed up, downloaded, patched and ready to rock. Lol
Yeah I found a few bugs and reported them but overall seems like a good game, need to get further into it today.
i am really impressed my old pc runs it. it may look ugly because the settings are turned down but it runs seamlessly.
dual core 3ghz, 3gigs ram, radeon hd5450