Walking Dead...possible spoilers

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Mon, 11/25/2013 - 11:54
LocGaw's picture
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A tank? Really?

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 16:45
YEM's picture
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It follows along with the comics 

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 06:18
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Pretty good cliffhanger this time around?

The dock scene, creepy as all get out.

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 16:27
Mrs_Dixon's picture
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I'm a little comfused as to when were Mishone and Hershel sitting in the woods laughing? I thought the two Governor episodes were going on at the same time as the three Prison episodes?

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 18:37
YEM's picture
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The Gov's episodes were over a much longer period of time. From after Woodbury, up until the present.....several months 

Sun, 12/01/2013 - 21:22
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Midseason finale- oh my fucking god... That was amazing. We have to wait until February now? Fuck fuck fuck.
Mon, 12/02/2013 - 09:27 (Reply to #307)
YEM's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
Midseason finale- oh my fucking god... That was amazing. We have to wait until February now? Fuck fuck fuck.


This right here.



Thu, 01/23/2014 - 07:09
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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16 days until? ( I think)

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 07:38
YEM's picture
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Off by one, it's 17 days. Sunday Feb 9

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 07:44
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Great, another day added...

Sun, 02/09/2014 - 15:33
YEM's picture
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Mon, 02/10/2014 - 10:31
zombiekitten's picture
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One of those episodes where I yell at the tv. There was a lot of me yelling "what are you....don't do that!! Why are you....stop stupid!" 

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 13:31
YEM's picture
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I thought it was quite boring..... and I wanted to smack the shiz out of that whiny ass Carl  laugh

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 13:43
JPNor's picture
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I was disappointed too, but then again I would expect some recovery after the ordeal from the mid season finale.

On a side note wouldn't it be ironic if Carl gets deathly ill from E. Coli from the old chocolate he ate?

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 14:22 (Reply to #315)
zombiekitten's picture
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JPNor wrote:

I was disappointed too, but then again I would expect some recovery after the ordeal from the mid season finale.

On a side note wouldn't it be ironic if Carl gets deathly ill from E. Coli from the old chocolate he ate?

Thats one of the times I yelled at the tv: "you can't eat all that, stupid! Now you're gonna be sick!"

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 06:01
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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My wife, who feigns no interest in this ( and watched the whole episode with my boy and I)  said "Why would he open tha...AHHH!!!!" as the zombie pushed through...

The whole Mishonne thing never quite clicked with me last night until I woke up this morning, and it made perfect sense. Just had to sleep on it I suppose.To me

the shows about the psychological changes and stress inflicted on the "Waking Dead" IE everyone not yet dead. If you look at the show from that point of view, and not as a Romero flick, it's pretty awesome.The way people have evolved in the show, how they change, what some of them become capable of, is quite wild. Carol is a prime example.

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 07:24 (Reply to #317)
JPNor's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

To me the shows about the psychological changes and stress inflicted on the "Waking Dead" IE everyone not yet dead. If you look at the show from that point of view, and not as a Romero flick, it's pretty awesome.The way people have evolved in the show, how they change, what some of them become capable of, is quite wild. Carol is a prime example.

Out of curiosity do you read the comics? If not, I'd recommend it based on what you wrote above. The TV plot closely parallels the comics, and the comics' post-prison storyline explores this much deeper (and, IMO, it's the best story in the entire series).

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 10:22 (Reply to #318)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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JPNor wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

To me the shows about the psychological changes and stress inflicted on the "Waking Dead" IE everyone not yet dead. If you look at the show from that point of view, and not as a Romero flick, it's pretty awesome.The way people have evolved in the show, how they change, what some of them become capable of, is quite wild. Carol is a prime example.

Out of curiosity do you read the comics? If not, I'd recommend it based on what you wrote above. The TV plot closely parallels the comics, and the comics' post-prison storyline explores this much deeper (and, IMO, it's the best story in the entire series).

Never seen the comic. Is there a compilation or trade paperback set up to catch up easily?

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 06:00
YEM's picture
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I don't know about E. Coli, but he definitely is going to be wishing he had a bunch of TP..... he's going to be shitting for days haha

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 10:47
JPNor's picture
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So far there are two compendiums ($30 each at Amazon, each with 48 issues) and a bunch of trade paperbacks you can probably buy at any comic store. I started on Comixology and immediately purchased the first compendium.

If you do check it out on Comixology, I would avoid the WD starter kit. It includes origin stories that will spoil major story lines if you haven't read through the first 30 or 40 issues.

Thu, 03/13/2014 - 09:22
zombiekitten's picture
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ENOUGH with Beth already!! I finally get hubby watching the show with me every week, and he's about to bail (as am I) because of two Beth heavy episodes in a row. I hope whoever took her EATS her. I've seen two minutes of Carol and two EPISODES of Beth?? WTF?? 

*rant temporarily over* 

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 12:59
deSoldier2001's picture
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The last two episodes haven't answered many questions, more like filler material.

I couldn't tell, in the group that rolled up on Daryl was the one that saw Rick under the bed there?

Mon, 03/17/2014 - 09:45 (Reply to #323)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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deSoldier2001 wrote:

The last two episodes haven't answered many questions, more like filler material.

I couldn't tell, in the group that rolled up on Daryl was the one that saw Rick under the bed there?

The guy that saw Rick under the bed is dead no?

I liked the Bob episode with the girls. Although it kinda doesn't correlate with the alcoholic storyline they sent him down. Seems too happy to be alive with people to be jonesing for a drink. I like this Bob though.

A little Beth goes a long way. I think that episode was a bit about Darryl too though.

Very intrigued by the ones with Glenn.

Haven't seen last night's yet, but I hear it's a rough one.

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 11:23
Bluestar's picture
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Same group.  The leader, Joe, was the guy on the porch bouncing the tennis ball that Rick was going to cap before the walker bomb when off.

Sun, 03/16/2014 - 07:25
YEM's picture
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I still watch, but man, this half of the season has really sucked. I mean, can we get some sembalance of a story please? It's like 40+minutes of nothing really happeneing week after week. The new show runner is very much meh

Sun, 03/16/2014 - 10:35
JPNor's picture
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I kind of don't mind that they're taking the opportunity to finally develop some of the characters that desperately needed development, like Bob and Sasha and even Beth. Unfortunately none of them are likeable enough to be the subject of multiple episodes though, and for that reason I'm with you YEM. Time for some plot. 

Sun, 03/16/2014 - 14:00
zombiekitten's picture
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I saw a couple of interviews with Andrew Lincoln, and he raved about "the back 8" of this season. I am VERY confused. He hyped these episodes as amazing, mind blowing, etc. Am I supposed to be amazed and blown away that Beth is stupid enough to march around loudly shouting about wanting to get drunk? 


Tue, 03/18/2014 - 09:27
zombiekitten's picture
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I liked the Bob episode too. I  think they put too much Beth into two episodes in a row. I find her character annoying and unbelievably stupid. 

This weeks episode was good. It was rough for sure. As usual though, we found ourselves saying "really?" and questioning decisions made by the characters. Decisions that I think most of us would never make. And I find that really annoying. I think it's because certain characters seem so smart, and then suddenly do something that just seems stupid and unlike them. 

Tue, 03/18/2014 - 16:47
YEM's picture
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Wed, 03/19/2014 - 16:21
deSoldier2001's picture
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Beth is okay sometimes, she is perceived to be how old in this series, 18 ish? Daryll is what, 30 ish; hopefully Beth isn't dead so we can see this romance continue.

Too bad for Mika her sister was psychotic; looking forward to the Eugene story lines upcoming.

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