BF4 Premium - Yea or Nay?

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#1 Sun, 01/26/2014 - 17:05
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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BF4 Premium - Yea or Nay?

So I just got my new HDD set up and I've updated Battlefield 4 on it, went to go buy China Rising while it was updating and realized I might want to opt for the Premium deal instead. Usually map packs aren't much less in bulk, and although it would be nice to have the maps two weeks early, what I'm really interested in is this supposed preference on servers? Anybody know what that means and if it's really any kind of benefit? I just hate buying maps packs for a game I don't know I'll be playing when they come out, so I need moar infos.

I'll await ya'lls response and play sans China Pack for now...

Sun, 01/26/2014 - 17:10
SoulTerror's picture
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Premium is worth it if you plan on buying all the DLC for the #1 reason you save money in the long run. Other benefits include getting the maps two weeks early, premium double xp events, and extra knifes, tags, and camo.

Sun, 01/26/2014 - 21:45
T3muJin's picture
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As far as preference on servers, if there is a queue for a server you want to join you are pushed ahead of the average joe who doesn't  have premium.  But if the others in queue also have premium you're behind them (1st come 1st serve).  Doesn't really matter on PC though since there are so many servers to chose from.  Not sure about the other platforms.  And what SoulTerror said :)

Mon, 01/27/2014 - 10:22
kidbeater's picture
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 I bought the premium. It would have been nice to have an auto aim for that price. :D

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 14:25
Callsign Mike's picture
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I had premium on BF3 and had no regrets even though I didn't really play much of the last DLC (end game).   The additional perks, periodic double XP, gold battlepacks, server queue, etc are nice but not much of a selling point.  I really like the 2-week early release for DLC.  Second assault maps will be awesome, IMO, whenever they come out.   Bottom line:  if you think you'd buy all the DLC then premium is a good deal.  If you think your interest may wane before they are all out and available, then might be worth going a la carte.  

Oh, and it's transferrable to Xbox One if you upgrade.  At least it was.   

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 18:41
bunsen27's picture
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Premium is worth getting eventually, but not something I've felt the "need" for yet.  With my pre-order I got the China rising DLC gratis, just like I did BF3's back to Karkand DLC.  I have little interest in replaying the BF3 maps in the 2nd Assault DLC except for Oman so I can wait.  I honestly would not be surprised if they were given away as FREE due to the clusterf#ck BF4 has been since launch as an attempt to buy back some consumer confidence.  The Naval Strike maps won't be out until Summer anyway and between now and then you might even catch Premium on sale. wink

Wed, 01/29/2014 - 03:48
CiaranORian's picture
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Wait until it goes on sale.

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 14:13
zipperleg's picture
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The Second Assualt maps are good, they show the aftermath of what happened after BF3.   Premium is a good deal if you can find it on sale, I would wait to see if they drop the price to make up for the issues they've had since the launch. 

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