Killzone: ShadowFall Weekend ???

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#1 Fri, 12/27/2013 - 16:02
Garfy99's picture
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Killzone: ShadowFall Weekend ???

Well here's the opportunity for anyone to try out the multi-player of the new Killzone, including myself; so I see that SONY has released a downloadable package that will allow PS+ subscribers to play the game all this weekend.

So whose interested in getting a group and have some crazy fun???  I will definitely will be online tonight Friday Dec 27th at around 8pm EST, and will also be on this Saturday Dec 28th at roughly the same time.

Fri, 12/27/2013 - 17:22
ImMrPete's picture
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I'll be playing tonight. It may be a little later after my daughter goes to bed though. 

Sat, 12/28/2013 - 01:26
ImMrPete's picture
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Where'd you go?

Sat, 12/28/2013 - 10:25
Garfy99's picture
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Looked like everyone decided to switch to BF4 instead; I tried playing Killzone a little longer with the general public and eventually logged off (nobody talks at all !!!)

I'll play either BF4 or Killzone, doesn't really matter to me; just figured that a lot of people that didn't buy the game, could try it out for the weekend. Definitely enjoy playing FPS's with friends, then with the genral public, lot more fun!!!! wink

Sat, 12/28/2013 - 10:36
ImMrPete's picture
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There is no public voice chat, that's why it is so quiet. I was on playing until 12:30 or so. I'll be on again tonight. My daughter is spending the night at her mother's so I have the entire night to game.

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 09:59
KidMach's picture
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There is voice chat. Originally there was not. The first patch fixed it, however you have to turn it on. It makes it much better. The only problem, most people do not know about it. Guerilla really fucked that up! They admit it but still did not fix it right. To be honest though the PS mic is so aweful I am glad it is not on for everyone. Half the time the mic is open on other players.

Wish more people played this. It is a great MP game if you like a lot of action and non of the stupidity that is COD. There is a learning curve for players new to KZ. Unlike the BF and COD, you have to shoot a lot more to kill someone, but the benefit is you can get shot a little more. So its usually not spawn die, spawn die. It is more team based then the others as well. My favorite part is the Warzones where the objective changes. It stops all the camping and sniping. Well it doesn't stop it but it makes it less effective. I am usually near the top of the leader board for the game but I am never the highest kill count. You get big points for helping your team mates.

If you want to try the game with someone let me know when and I will log on. I can usually be on during weeknights. Send me a friend request and I can show you around.

Thu, 01/09/2014 - 04:05
D1STORT1ON's picture
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Yeah I love killzone also.   I've been playing it the most out of the multiplayer games I have.   I wish the community was bigger though, not quite sure why it isn't.

I hope they remake some Killzone 2 maps.  There were some really good ones and had a lot of great games on them.  There was one DLC map that a siren would go off and you'd have just a bit of time to seek cover before a nuclear explosion or something wiped everything out.  Quite fun and the panic as you seek cover and can't get there while the explosion ticks down is great :)

Thu, 01/09/2014 - 15:45
ImMrPete's picture
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There is really a voice chat? Honestly, I had absolutely no knowledge of this. How do I turn it on?

I'm going to get back to playing. BF4 just is not doing it for me. Feel free to send me an invite if I'm on.

Mon, 01/20/2014 - 13:12
KidMach's picture
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Yes there is voice chat. Go into your audio and turn it to ON I believe is all you have to do. Their big update that is coming will have it set to ON automatically.

The MP in this game is outstanding if you are not a person that needs vehicles and all the rewards of missiles, helicopters, etc...etc... It is flat out awesome for those battles between players and not that person that found a tank. You are highly rewarded for completing objectives with your teammates. If you like team play then you will like this one. With the ojbectives always changiing it is like 5 games in one. That is a good thing unless you are getting beat by a really good team. Then it is very bad.

I will be on tonight if anyone wants to play look me up. I will also take any new players in so they can learn the game.


Tue, 01/21/2014 - 18:57
darththorn's picture
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I ordered this game today, should be here sometime next week, I will look for you guys when I am online with it.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 08:41
LandserBait's picture
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Thinking about ordering this as well.  Good deals on ebay right now for new copies.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 09:54
darththorn's picture
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I had my local Gamestop order me a copy, as they were out of stock.  They have a deal going where you trade in 2 games, must be games on their list, and you get any new game for $9.99.  I traded a few games in addition to two on the list and they owed me money.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 11:31
LandserBait's picture
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Just ordered my copy off ebay.  Good idea to get the season pass?

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 15:42
Garfy99's picture
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Well there will be free DLC coming very shortly, and now there will be a patch to allow the creation of clans for the game, here's the article:

Mon, 01/27/2014 - 15:01
KidMach's picture
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Right now I would wait. I did it because I have liked all the Killzone's and bought all the maps, etc... The new maps will be free. The season pass will get you the new co-op stuff plus other things. Find out if you like the game then order it...or not.

I will be on tonight around 7:30EST - 11:00 if anyone wants to run around and get killed.

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 09:41
LandserBait's picture
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Got it in yesterday and fired up the SP.  I died a lot.  Think I might just jump into MP. 

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 12:13 (Reply to #16)
darththorn's picture
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LandserBait wrote:

Got it in yesterday and fired up the SP.  I died a lot.  Think I might just jump into MP. 


This.  I tried MP and died alot there as well.  MP is like playing underwater, slow movement and the sounds are muffled.

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:24
LandserBait's picture
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Next time I see yall on I'll jump in.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 12:31
KidMach's picture
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Go into Botzone and get some kills there to get used to it. You do not run around like you are on crack so it seems odd for COD players. Also, you have to use a little more ammo (usually) to kill someone. So people are not used to that either.

I die a lot as well but because of the support and points you get for it I usually finish 1st or 2nd on my team. I have set aside Monday and Wednesday nights for KZSF. So if you can log on look me up. I will game with you.


Mon, 02/03/2014 - 12:51
thello's picture
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Bought a PS4 this weekend, and got KZ as my first game.  How deep is the MP community for the game?  I could be mistaken, but it looked like there were only a couple hundred people playing when I was on this weekend.

KidMach, if you're still down to play with somebody who's new and learning the maps (and how to actually use the PS4 - I'm an Xbox homer most of the time), send me a FR - DV_thello is my PSN.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 14:39
LandserBait's picture
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Cool, thanks Kid.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 18:14
ImMrPete's picture
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I usually play on Monday nights. Add me yo. 

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 12:10
KidMach's picture
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The community is not that deep but you never have a problem finding a game. There is usually a couple thousand on everytime I log on. The people on the website suck. They are either trolls or people that were expecting the perfect game. If I went onto the website before I bought it I would not have bought it. It would have been a mistake though. They actually complain to no end about lag. Hell it is the least laggy game I am playing on the PS4 or ONE. But there is lag.

Once you learn to play it, it is the most competitive and fun game I am playing right now. (as long as the teams are too unbalanced) I am trading in Ghost and BF will probably only see one night a week for me. But you have to get past how you feel slow and have to use more ammo to bring down the other guy. You will love the graphics, maps, game play, different missions during a match and the little bleep telling you that you just wasted someone.

Pete, I think I already have you but if I don't I will add you tonight.

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 15:03
Garfy99's picture
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I've got to get on the nights you fellas play; but it's kind of hard when you have family staying at your house for the winter, so I'm being a nice guy and allowing people to watch their TV programs, while I'm going stir crazy (LOL), usually the weekends is the best time for me to play anything MP wise.

Thu, 02/06/2014 - 09:56
thello's picture
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Garfy, add me (DV_thello).  I'm down to play whenever I'm on the PS4, just send me a message.  I played a few games last night, and I made the podium scene in every game I played... getting my neck snapped, getting t-bagged, getting shot in the head... I need teammates!  lol  I really enjoy playing the multiplayer, but playing with randoms is always a pain.

Thu, 02/06/2014 - 18:38
Monkey_House's picture
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Getting back into Shadow Fall. I'm down to play whenever. Feel Free to add me...Lou-igi on PSN.

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 14:10
KidMach's picture
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I will be on tonight Monkey and add you. Log on if you can. Me and DV have played a couple of times. It goes much better when you are playing with friends and people that actually are playing as a team.

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 15:14 (Reply to #27)
Monkey_House's picture
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Cool, yeah I got Thellos friend request yesterday. I hope to be on later tonight.

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 14:12
KidMach's picture
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I am actually playing through the campaign again but on Hard this time. It is better than I remember it and to be honest I have died a lot less. I guess MP helps. The only problem is I am now stuck on one of the frustrating parts. It might ruin it for me.

Mon, 02/10/2014 - 15:36
thello's picture
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Awesome!  The last couple of times I've played has been with randoms, and I ended up getting spawn camped about half the time.

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