Fri, 01/24/2014 - 19:28
So who hid in a corner when they heard a new Alien game was coming? I did,after the huge fuck up that was Colonial Marines! At least this is being made by Creative Assembly and NOT Gearbox. Who thinks it will suck? I know I'll be waiting for all reviews to come in on this one.
GI had a write up about this one in the latest issue. Isolation is more survival horror than shooter...1 human (Ripley's daughter) against 1 Xenomorph. I was so disappointed by A:CM that I'm having a hard time getting excited about this one...but I'm going to play it anyway.
Same here. I read the preview in G.I and it sounds awesome...but so did A:CM!
I did see a quick look at the new game on either Machinima or looked promising.
Not just know but HELLL NO!! God I would piss myself playing that. Prob throw a controller too, not out of anger but from getting the shit scared outta me.