Thu, 01/23/2014 - 17:21
Picked up Insurgency (early access)
Really good little MP FPS. Kind of has the smooth feel of COD without all the gimmicky BS and XP points flying up the screen etc. Plays more like CS but with a Red Orchestra type of realism (weigth of what you are carrying slows you down, 1 or 2 bullets = death, no crosshairs when shooting from the hip, shoot through cover). Worth checking out if you like the MP FPS thing :)
I'll pick this up if two more people on 2o2p get it.
Gets the thumbs up from TotalBiscuit - but seems very reliant on having a decent ping.
yeah I'm not sure why TB made such a big deal about that - I've played with ~200 ping and been fine....obviously I prefer to play 30 - 100 which isn't a problem - I've been finding lots of servers in that range.
Just got this on Steam sale - a fun mix of COD meets counterstrike, with more emphasis on CS. Worth the price of entry if its half price.
THen again, I think I'm the only one left in this forum, so prove me wrong.
I have this game as well and it is really a great game even at it's full price. I will look for you online sometime.
Have you moved to Canada yet?
You could be a bot. I'll need photographic proof. Lol
Tickets booked for BC sept. 29th - who knows how long until my PC arrives from the UK.!!?
I'll be online sporadically until then, but playing as much if this as i can
I will try and find you online soon. I have been playing a bit of BF4 lately so if you are up for it, look for me there as well.
FYI... it looks like there is no more Mumble Server for 2old2play so we will need to use something else. Do you have Skype?
Hi Cardiac, sorry it took so long to answer, but I've been on the road.
I gave up on Mumble and got Ventrilo instead.
Found a " guest " room online - is the hostname / IP
and 4298 is the port number
Server name - Scratchskis drinks Room
I set this up but I don't see your room in there. I saw several rooms when I entered but not yours.
I'll check my settings sir !
My error, try Scratchski drinks Room ( no s atthe end of scratchski this time ).
If not, well, I'll start again.
Still no luck. I keep ending up in a room that says Stormer Ventrillo Server and has room for Esports, League of Legends, and a few others.
Hey Scratchski, have you settled in Canada yet and has your new PC arrived? I am unemployed now so I have a little extra time on my hands.
Hi Cardiac,
Yup, we're here. Have been for two weeks now.
The super fast, ( yeah, we'll see ) internet gets set up today, but the PC isn't here yet..dammit.
I find myself getting very frustrated / bored with this damn touch screen tablet for all my surfing. Such terrible first world problems.
Mind you, it means I get out more. Just last saturday we were treated to a pair of bald eagles, a big black bear and then a cub all within the same 100 metre stretch on our afternoon walk !
I'll let you know the instant I'm game ready - missing my Insurgency action.
Good news. I will wait to hear from you and then we will get our gaming on.
The monster has corsair water cooler installed, updates updating, should be all good by wednesday evening !
( even the shipping crate is cool
Nice, too bad my internet is down now and I don't have time to wait for a tech to come and fix it. Hopefully, I will be up by the weekend.
No worries..I *might * be playing new COD for a few days anyway.
Get it now, pay what you want on Humble Bundle, plus two other games