RIP PS4 :(

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#1 Sun, 02/16/2014 - 21:10
ImMrPete's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/14/2007 - 23:00

RIP PS4 :(

My launch day PS4 has bit the big one. I finished watching the first episode of House of Cards season 2(amazing by the way) and my console freaked out now is constantly trying to eject a non-existent disk out of the Blue Ray player. I've tried everything. I eventually called Sony. They are shipping a box to me overnight so that I may send my console back for repairs or replacement. 


Please, please ship a console back to me before Infamous is released.

Sun, 02/16/2014 - 22:56
Biznass's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2006 - 23:00

Weird. Sorry for your loss Pete.

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 01:16
MrGuster's picture
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That blows. I have barely used mine but I love it. 

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 06:34
darththorn's picture
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I've read on the Sony forums about this issue, if you still have your PS4, check the rubber foot in the center of the console right by the eject button and slide it back away from the button. From what I have read, it can "slide" forward and actually press itself against the eject button causing this issue.

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 07:12 (Reply to #4)
ImMrPete's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/14/2007 - 23:00

darththorn wrote:

I've read on the Sony forums about this issue, if you still have your PS4, check the rubber foot in the center of the console right by the eject button and slide it back away from the button. From what I have read, it can "slide" forward and actually press itself against the eject button causing this issue.


I'll be goddamned. That was the problem. I slid the bumper a little back and the issue stopped. Thanks man! 


This little episode scared me to purchase an extended warranty.


Edit. You can only purchase the extended warranty within the first 30 days of the purchase. Looks like that money is going to be used to pre-purchase Infamous.


Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:13
Garfy99's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Glad to hear your issue has been resolved

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 12:22
darththorn's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Sweet, glad this worked for you! 

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