Looking for GOW mates
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 14:25
Looking for GOW mates
I still play Gears 3, and even though Judgement is not as good I still like it as well, me and my girlfriend play ithem just about every night.
We would love to meet other mature adults to game with, we play alot of Team Death Match, co-op Campaign, OverRun, and Survival.
Been wanting to get back into Gears. Hit me up on XBL. My gamertag is Gatsu Godhand. I'd be glad to jump in some matches with you.
Thnks, my GT is CerebralM3Nace
What's up?I'm willing to help out.GT:Th3 Bunman
...oh by the way,i have Gears 2 & 3 but not Judgement.
Great!!! friend request me.
If anyone still plays gears 3 shoot me a FR and I'll be happy to gnasher some people in the face with ya. Just put something in there that ur in 2old. Happy chain sawing everyone.