Hello Gents (and Non Gents)

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#1 Fri, 02/21/2014 - 08:46
Isstasi's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/07/2007 - 23:00
Currently Playing: 

Hello Gents (and Non Gents)

I've been on and off 2o2p for years and I never knew this corner of the site existed, and here I was trying to convert my other clans to PC.

Steam - isstasi 
Dark Souls, Ghosts, CS:GO (badly), Loadout, TF2, Guardian of Light

Origin - isstasi
Titanfall (can't wait), Dead Space 3, Mass Effect 3

Fri, 02/21/2014 - 10:21
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 12/04/2006 - 23:00


I'm out of gaming for a bit (just recovring from a surgery) but once I'm in good enough shape to sit in one position for more than 20 minutes I'll add you on Steam!



Fri, 02/21/2014 - 21:25
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
Joined: 08/21/2010 - 23:00

Welcome to the group.  It has been a while since I played TF2 but I wouldn't mind playing it again.  I will probably also play some Loadout soon but I haven't tried it yet.   I am still undecided on Titanfall ATM.   

I will be sending you a FR request on Steam and Origin shortly.

Sat, 02/22/2014 - 04:31
ImMrPete's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/14/2007 - 23:00

Howdy.  I haven't been PC gaming much lately but will be in the short future.

Sat, 02/22/2014 - 06:46
Mr402's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 06/15/2008 - 23:00

Nice to see another brave Dark Souls player. I've logged over 200 hours into that masterpiece of love and hate and I'm still having fun participating in jolly cooperation. Played the Titanfall beta and have to admit I'm sold. Expect friend request for steam and origin. 

Sun, 02/23/2014 - 13:58
Assassin's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/24/2008 - 23:00

Welcome to the group. It is good to have another PC gamer!

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