TitanFall: Prestige System, Ziplines, Turrents, etc
Mon, 03/03/2014 - 09:03
TitanFall: Prestige System, Ziplines, Turrents, etc
If you click on the above link to the Official Xbox Magazine, more information, including pictures, details how TitanFall will have a Prestige System, similar in nature to COD (level cap will be 50, and then you have the option to start over as a 2nd Generation Pilot); also that some maps will have Turrents that will target your Titan, and if you think wall running is fun, well there's Ziplines too folks; and of course more confirmation that some of the maps will have monsters that will attack the IMC or the militia.
Can't wait
I'll have to see what the Prestige rewards are before I'll know if i'll bother with that or not. Never bothered with it in the early CODs that had it that I played (i jumped off after MW2).
MW2 was the last one I played as well. Never once hit prestige.
Prestiging doesn't interesnt me. It never has. Starting over once I find the weapons/kits I like just doesn't appeal to me. I know for a lot of people it keeps the game fresh, but that's never been an issue for me
Ditto. I don't spend enough time on a game to give everything up.
Stupid question. How do I use the zipline?