New Thrustmaster Wheel and Pedal Set for Xbox One - $99.99

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#1 Tue, 03/18/2014 - 18:18
Zero7159's picture
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New Thrustmaster Wheel and Pedal Set for Xbox One - $99.99

Those of you who have wanted a wheel for Forza 5, but did not want to drop $400, your prayers have been answered.  Thrustmaster has announced an Xbox One compatible wheel that will cost $99.99.  It will be released on April 14.

It has 240 degrees of rotation and uses a bungee cord resistance system.  This sounds a lot like the M$ Racing Wheel that many of us own (or, at least in my case, previously owned).  The rim looks similar to the stock rim that came with my TX wheel.  Although I prefer the GTE add-on rim, I have warmed up slightly to the stock rim and would not hesitate to recommend it with a low budget set up like this.  The paddle shifters are actually quite good and the rim has a good, solid feel to it.

Tue, 03/18/2014 - 20:06
brntguy's picture
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Nothing like the MS wheel at all. The MS wheel at least had a motor and ffb. No bungee cords or rubber bands for resistance at all. Now the pedals sucked and are probably on par with the hundred dollar thrustmasters.

Fri, 03/28/2014 - 09:24
CIlettiDad's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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Basher just releases the CPX Adapter for the TX wheel to Club Sport and CSR pedals. Since this lower priced wheel was just announced, I don't know if the CPX will work with it this wheel or not (I suspect it will, since Thrustmaster seems to be smart in their design). It's worth a question to Basher. The link is:

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