How in the heck do you party up in BF4? [Xbox 360]

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#1 Sat, 01/04/2014 - 23:23
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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How in the heck do you party up in BF4? [Xbox 360]

So hopped into BF4 tonight and had a blast! Partied up with a friend of mine who knows how to fly the chopper and spent some time jumping out on Conquest points, hitting vehicles with mah noob tube. But I'm not totally sure how I got into his game. When I tried to join via his gamertag when it gave the option, it always said "No Commander slots open" or something. Neither of us could find a button to invite the other to join.

When I joined his party chat, maybe that brought me in, or maybe it was when I clicked on him in Battlelog? If someone could walk me through how to do that, it would be awesome!

Sun, 01/05/2014 - 08:42
YEM's picture
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The party system isn't in the game yet (a problem you run into when games are released before they are ready) It's suppose to come sometime, but who knows when. 


Right now, the only way to party up is to click the join option when available. A message pops up when a friend joins a room, so just open BL, and click join when you see it

Sun, 01/05/2014 - 12:16
MrGuster's picture
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This drives me nuts. One of the best games for parties and it is missing it. 

On the One, when the party leader jumps into a room you get dragged in with them (if you accept) and some times end up on different teams due to balancing. I haven't played it much on the 360.

Sun, 01/05/2014 - 18:49
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Well something dragged me in twice, when we were in party chat. There were two things that happened:

1. We were in party chat

2. I clicked on his name in Battlelog, on the left, probably halfway down, probably under friends playing Battlefield 4

Both times I wound up in the same game, although the second time it put me on the opposite team. As soon as someone left his team it switched me over mid-game, which it never did in BF2 (it'd wait until the next game and try to pull them over) So maybe there is a system of sorts, it's just not an obvious one?

Sun, 01/05/2014 - 19:22
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Anytime you join a friend's game and there's room, it will try to put you on the same team, but if his team is full or has an unbalanced number of players (12 v 9, 10 v 5, etc) it will throw you on the other team.  It sucks but you just have to wait for an opportunity to switch teams.  

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 13:38
Callsign Mike's picture
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This is pretty maddening.  Normally, once we get situated in a server we'll stay there good games or bad, simply because it's a problem to get everyone in the same game and on the same team.  Lately, servers that have lots of room seem to be having the 'reversion to starting load outs'  If you haven't had the joy of experiencing it all your unlocks are gone and you have only the starting kit.  The upside is the stats don't seem to be recording, so it's a good opportunity to try out the MX4 or the XM Airburst......

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 15:26 (Reply to #6)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Callsign Mike wrote:

The upside is the stats don't seem to be recording, so it's a good opportunity to try out the MX4 or the XM Airburst......


Hey, Mike. Yeah, I don't even know what those are yet, lol.

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 15:26
EVILCLAW's picture
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AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

So hopped into BF4 tonight and had a blast! Partied up with a friend of mine who knows how to fly the chopper and spent some time jumping out on Conquest points, hitting vehicles with mah noob tube. But I'm not totally sure how I got into his game. When I tried to join via his gamertag when it gave the option, it always said "No Commander slots open" or something. Neither of us could find a button to invite the other to join.

When I joined his party chat, maybe that brought me in, or maybe it was when I clicked on him in Battlelog? If someone could walk me through how to do that, it would be awesome!

Best thing to do is party up in party before getting onto server. Anyone in the party that joins a server will trigger the invite systems to spam the other party members with an invite A for yes and B for no. You have forewarned. Can be a good thing and a bad thing.

This canl be maddening for you BECAUSE: if you are all in  a party and one of you is booted out of server, left game or whatever, and then can't get back into your server, instead joins another server, EVERYONE in the party gets the invite. Remember that A/B choice? Well lets say at that point you are doing something that REQUIRES the "A"  button at the exact moment the spam gets to you. BAM!!! you have just accepted the invite and lost all your XP, etc... from that game you were just in and will spend the next 5 minutes navigating to the new server you never meant to join. O__o

Even hitting the B real fast and trying to get back to A does't always work either. take your time and Press the right button. If you think this won't happen very often, has happened WAY too many times to me and others than I care to count. I want to turn it off but I can't find a way.

As for joining up with friends, on the multiplayer menu where you have the 3 choices  on left, Quick game, server, and test area, you will see on the same screen in upper right, the servers where your friends are playing. You can click on those to join your friends OR you can use the server interface and search for the server number your friend is on and there are a couple of more ways, via tablet/phone./PC apps.

Good luck.

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 15:43
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Thanks for the info, EvilClaw, and *shakes head* so broken...

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 17:10
YEM's picture
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That's never happened to me wink

Wed, 01/08/2014 - 07:49 (Reply to #10)
EVILCLAW's picture
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YEM wrote:

That's never happened to me wink

Thats because your ...."special".

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 20:37
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Is there at least a way to get into the same squad once you're on the same team? angry

Wed, 01/08/2014 - 01:07 (Reply to #12)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

Is there at least a way to get into the same squad once you're on the same team? angry

You can join the squad if it has less than 5 people.  If there's 5, and one of them is a Timmy, create a new squad.  Once all your peeps are in the new squad, have whoever created it set the squad to private.  No one can join your newly awesome squad unless invited.

Wed, 01/08/2014 - 08:01 (Reply to #13)
EVILCLAW's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

Is there at least a way to get into the same squad once you're on the same team? angry

You can join the squad if it has less than 5 people.  If there's 5, and one of them is a Timmy, create a new squad.  Once all your peeps are in the new squad, have whoever created it set the squad to private.  No one can join your newly awesome squad unless invited.

Yes! Have done it many... many...many.....too many times to count. Once you get into the game, you may have to switch teams. When you are at the menu for the squads, there will be a menu at bottom of screen and there should be a switch team which I beleive is the right thumbstick pressed down. If it isn't there then you can't switch yet because teams are full or its too close to the end of game(less than a 100 tickets) or its unbalanced if you switch. The first 2 you'll have to wait for new round but the unbalancing message means you could just wait in the menu there and keep hitting the switch team button and when someone else joins the game you will jump over.

Now once you've switched, most likely will be in random squad, find your partner and join his squad. If he is in full squad, either one of you could start a NEW squad and the other  could join it. I always start a new squad as I don't want some random chosing my destiny. ;)

You can then make it private to keep the randoms out and have up to 5 in a squad. Happy hunting!

Wed, 01/08/2014 - 07:30
YEM's picture
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Getting into the same squad once you're on the same team is the easy part..... getting to that point can be a bish at times

Thu, 04/03/2014 - 07:25
KamakazeTaco's picture
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It's pretty simple really.

1. Your friend joins a game and informs you that there's a couple spots open on his team.

2. You join on him and sit in a queue for a while despite your friend telling you there are spots open.

3. You finally get into the game and get put on the opposite team from your friend.

4. You now wait til someone leaves the other team because they have one more person than your team. This person will usually go 0-18 but will never leave.

5. You finally get to play with your friend, but then the game locks up on you and you get to do it again.

Thu, 04/03/2014 - 18:48 (Reply to #16)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

It's pretty simple really.

1. Your friend joins a game and informs you that there's a couple spots open on his team.

2. You join on him and sit in a queue for a while despite your friend telling you there are spots open.

3. You finally get into the game and get put on the opposite team from your friend.

4. You now wait til someone leaves the other team because they have one more person than your team. This person will usually go 0-18 but will never leave.

5. You finally get to play with your friend, but then the game locks up on you and you get to do it again.


I lol'd ^^

Thu, 04/03/2014 - 07:49
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I only lock up on Consolebreaker (Dawnbreaker).  Are you having issues recently?

Fri, 04/04/2014 - 01:00 (Reply to #18)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

I only lock up on Consolebreaker (Dawnbreaker).  Are you having issues recently?

That map still locks up on 360? Could have sworn they patched that shit.  I moved on to Xbone so it doesn't lock up, it just lags like crazy.

Fri, 04/04/2014 - 07:44 (Reply to #19)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

I only lock up on Consolebreaker (Dawnbreaker).  Are you having issues recently?

That map still locks up on 360? Could have sworn they patched that shit.  I moved on to Xbone so it doesn't lock up, it just lags like crazy.


It locks up for me and some of my friends.  Others seem to play it without issue.  I've completed maybe 3 games on Dawnbreaker since release.  Frustrating because it's a decent map, or so I've been told.  Haven't had any issues with the other maps though.  Just have to quit out and re-party up when Dawnbreaker pops up, which as you said earlier, is a frustrating issue itself.  

Fri, 04/04/2014 - 14:43 (Reply to #20)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

It locks up for me and some of my friends.  Others seem to play it without issue.  I've completed maybe 3 games on Dawnbreaker since release.  Frustrating because it's a decent map, or so I've been told.  Haven't had any issues with the other maps though.  Just have to quit out and re-party up when Dawnbreaker pops up, which as you said earlier, is a frustrating issue itself.  

It stopped locking up on me totally after I did the update clear trick, where you delete all the updates on your harddrive but the most recent and clear your cache.

...but then they did another update... :/

Now it's hit and miss.

Fri, 04/04/2014 - 14:49 (Reply to #21)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

I only lock up on Consolebreaker (Dawnbreaker).  Are you having issues recently?

That map still locks up on 360? Could have sworn they patched that shit.  I moved on to Xbone so it doesn't lock up, it just lags like crazy.


It locks up for me and some of my friends.  Others seem to play it without issue.  I've completed maybe 3 games on Dawnbreaker since release.  Frustrating because it's a decent map, or so I've been told.  Haven't had any issues with the other maps though.  Just have to quit out and re-party up when Dawnbreaker pops up, which as you said earlier, is a frustrating issue itself.  


You're not missin much. It's just 20+ snipers sitting on rooftops. So glad they did away with destructable buildings.

Thu, 04/03/2014 - 16:33
YEM's picture
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I haven't locked up in ages 

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