How do you guys cope with the drivatars in career mode?

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#1 Sat, 05/17/2014 - 06:42
Zeratul's picture
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How do you guys cope with the drivatars in career mode?

As per title, HOW? Unless I set the difficulty on unbeatable, wich is just that for my skill level, I have to deal with timmies controled by artificial stupidityangry. Don't even get me started on a.i. behaviour at Aue Rouge/Radillon or the left after the kink on Road America. This close to rage quitting SP alltogether.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 10:30
Parcells2's picture
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Zeratul wrote:
This close to rage quitting SP alltogether.

This is the only working solution Parcells ever heard about. Just try doing it before the rage kicks in if it isn't too late already.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 11:27
MaxPerforma's picture
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This has been discussed so much already Zeratul.

The Drivatars are just useless, they dont drive like the real person driving, they just have a mind of their own. What they do is pick up any bad habits, for instance if you have to brake mid corner because a drivatar has, your drivatar copies that. They do pick up little things like if you tend to out brake racers or block other drivatars on a straight. We have found from around 6th place and upwards they drive a bit better.

I would suggest putting the drivatar level 1 or 2 clicks below unbeatable, as the leaders are hard to catch by the time you have got through the field.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 12:21
Nightfall's picture
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Sat, 05/17/2014 - 16:52 (Reply to #4)
GTFOOTW's picture
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Nightfall wrote:

How do I cope?

Yup, best way to beat them is be a bigger jerk than they are. GIVE THEM ZERO RESPECT!

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 12:27
MaxPerforma's picture
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Lol yes

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 18:33
SoulTerror's picture
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Must be the people on your FL. I don't have that big of an issue with the Drivatars. I bounce between unbeatable and pro.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 19:12
steviegers's picture
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I cope by not playing single player at all. I just pick a car and track and put some laps in 

Sun, 05/18/2014 - 00:33
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Set it to pro and turn on the damage. They seem less inclined to run amok when the damage is on.

Mon, 05/19/2014 - 19:05
Zero7159's picture
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I cope with the AI by having damage turned off, skill level at two levels below unbeatable, my cars tuned to the maximum allowed and by turning off all assists.

Keep in mind that stupidity is not unique to AI, there is plenty of stupidity in us humans as well.  

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