Wheel locked up on me again so I quit the race ; it was bad timing as I think 2nd & 3rd were about to lap me; sorry if I blocked anyone as I crossed the track and headed for the wall.
Road Atlanta this week, Road America next week. Just sayin
That hurts. Those are Parcells favorite road tracks and it seems I'll be missing both. Special guys only bridge game this afternoon and a tournament next weekend. Those aspirations I never ever had of winning this series have all but been dismissed.
Drive safe guys, or not, I wont be there so what do I care?
Max. You are the ailen. Average 1:31. Absolute best was 1;30.8.
But on the plus side. Its RaceDay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!?!!!?!!!!?!!!!?!!?!!?!!!!;!/!;!;!;!;!!!!;!!+!!+!++!+!+!!+!++
I am ready for my stomping.
Wow! This race was as important to me as my first ever win a long, long time ago. I made a big step in my lap times, was 3 seconds faster as ever before (1.31.630) and I made it to the fifth place. The last laps I had to be consistent, which is one of my biggest challenges. DBrown hunted me, but only in lap 35 I left the track (long straight downhill breaking zone). For me it feels like a victory
Thanks for good, clean and fair racing, guys!
PS: @Max: will you send me your tune for Raod America? There is no JDanRacing anymore and Church left, so I need you!
@Jdan. Consistency and keeping it on the track. Most important things to a fast winning race.
MAX great race. The "Incident" may have been partly my fault. But it was spectacular. So awesome. I cant tell you all how great it is to race with you guys.
I have not looked at the replay yet but we were bumper to bumper going into the last turn and you must have let off the throttle which caused me to nudge you and that resulted you going into the wall. It was not how i wanted it to turn out and it was a shame as we were having a good race.
A race full with "aliens". I was six seconds behind. Don't like that track and my Audi was slow and my breaks locked up, because I had used the wrong tune. Grrrrrr. But it was fun! I will watch the replay and check for improvement.
How much do you need?
Lol you of all people dont need practice
Great racing tonight
Points updated
See you all at Road Atlanta next week
Wheel locked up on me again so I quit the race
; it was bad timing as I think 2nd & 3rd were about to lap me; sorry if I blocked anyone as I crossed the track and headed for the wall.
I won't make it today
Race day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's get ready!!
Hey, aliens, which time is possible for you? I want to check if my regulary 6 seconds behind are ookay for Road America!
Not sure about the aliens JDan but i am low to mid 1:29's
Not funny. Alright I confess Parcells thought it was kind of funny but seriously Max who you trying to kid? LOL
Road Atlanta this week, Road America next week. Just sayin
Drive safe guys, or not, I wont be there so what do I care?
Not going to make it either guys. I have some events to attend. Have a good race!
@Stewie: Thanks for the news "Road Atlanta". Hmmmmm, I think I did not make one single training lap there.
Wow! This race was as important to me as my first ever win a long, long time ago. I made a big step in my lap times, was 3 seconds faster as ever before (1.31.630) and I made it to the fifth place. The last laps I had to be consistent, which is one of my biggest challenges. DBrown hunted me, but only in lap 35 I left the track (long straight downhill breaking zone). For me it feels like a victory
Thanks for good, clean and fair racing, guys!
PS: @Max: will you send me your tune for Raod America? There is no JDanRacing anymore and Church left, so I need you!
If i update the tune JDan i will pass it on
It was a very good race.
I have not looked at the replay yet but we were bumper to bumper going into the last turn and you must have let off the throttle which caused me to nudge you and that resulted you going into the wall. It was not how i wanted it to turn out and it was a shame as we were having a good race.
Replay is on my store front if you want to see it.
I saved the replay just havnt got around to watching it. I will get on today and view it
I have to work again tomorrow. I'm going to try and make it home in time for the race.
Race Day!!
I will delay the start Drivebye
Sad to report I will miss this race and the next one. Race on, race on
Shame BigDaddy, i was enjoying racing with you.
Hope to see you in a future series
A race full with "aliens". I was six seconds behind. Don't like that track and my Audi was slow and my breaks locked up, because I had used the wrong tune. Grrrrrr. But it was fun! I will watch the replay and check for improvement.