Wolfenstein: The New Order

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#1 Wed, 05/21/2014 - 23:33
T3muJin's picture
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Wolfenstein: The New Order

Anyone have the game Wolfenstein: The New Order?  If so, please give your thoughts on the game.  I'm on the fence about buying it.

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 10:56
Moff_T's picture
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Somehow this crept up on me.  I've been hungering for a game with a good campaign mission.  Not surprisingly, Titanfall didn't cut it.  And I'm not a fan of GTA, so I'm not very excited about Watchdogs.  It just seems a little too much like a spin-off of the same idea.

That means I'll be sneaking out to buy Wolfenstein soon.  The initial reviews look good, and the stealth action looks like a nice addition.  Unlike most stealth games, where you play that "if I stand in a shadow I'm invisible" bit, Wolfenstein looks like you actually have to move slowly and pay attention to where the enemy is looking.

Anybody actually played it yet?

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 11:49
JZA's picture
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I didn't realize it just came out, I just threw it at the top of my GameQ.  It looks like both of you guys have Xbones, so I got it for that.  I should have it in a few days, I'll post again when I have it. 

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 13:35
Shadow's picture
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this is getting great reviews from players, and is currently at a 79 on Metacritic.

I had planned on getting it, but wavered.  I'll probalby pick it up eventually now that it's getting such good word of mouth.  My backlog is large though, so I can wait for a price drop.


FYI, it's single player only - no multiplayer.  So, no need to rush out to get it.

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 15:47
Garfy99's picture
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I have the game for the Xbox 1, and I've got to say, that I am very impressed what Id Software has created. First off the enemy A.I can be an absolute bitch if you crank up the difficulty, the one thing that you will learn quickly, is that Wolfenstein is a thinking mans shooter, and what I mean by that, is that sometimes stealth works, and other times going balls to the wall and guns a blazing is needed.

Your AI companions are not stupid smucks either, they function to help you out, even if some of the stuff is scripted; the game's puzzles aren't that difficult that you can't figure out the solution, after giving one a good look over (example: cutting elevator cables to drop the car in order to proceed through a hidden shaft), the game is just plain fun, there are all sorts of weapon varieties (some you have to find hidden away of course), and the storyline so far is your standard crazy Hollywood flair, the Big Bad guys are straight out of the old James Bond films.

There's always something new to behold, such as co-piloting a bomber and manning the belly gun turrents, fighting giant Nazi Mechs, and my favorite so far, this giant robotic beast that moves like a panther and gives your character a constant headache (it's part of the story, because he keeps coming back)

Overall if your looking for a good campaign FPS, that doesn't rely on multiplayer to make it any good, then Wolfenstein is a great game to fill in that void of decent shooters, don't get me wrong I love playing Titanfall, but I would have loved if it had a single player campaign attached to it; and as for what I would give it for an overall score, I would definitely give it a solid 8.5 out of 10, and as for graphics, and comparisons to the PS4 version, I don't see that much difference, the Xbox 1 version looks fantastic, in fact it's one of the better looking titles that I have seen running on the system. Anyways that's my personal opinion on the game!!!!


Thu, 05/22/2014 - 16:30
Nightfall's picture
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I bought it at midnight release day for Xbox One.  I'm on the last chapter and I don't regret buying it, it's been a lot of fun.  I'm going to start a second playthrough after beating it tonight if that says anything.

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 17:50
SarcasmoJones's picture
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 I've been skeptical of just rushing out and buying something from id after Rage, but Wolfenstein has been kick ass so far. A nice combination of tight claustrophic id signature gameplay, some larger open environments, some collecting, a few fetch errands, and an old-school throwback level. The quality narrative is a bonus. We should have a comprehensive, and I would suspect complimentary, review on the home page soon.

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 21:50
T3muJin's picture
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awesome, looks like i'll be buying it soon.

Fri, 05/23/2014 - 10:49
Moff_T's picture
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I agree with a lot of what Garfy said.  The stealth mode is what I feel stealth should be.  Guys walking around, you have to be patient to sneak up on them or find one of the hidden paths around.  Most times I started out going stealth, then couldn't find the sneaky path, then get spotted, and it turns into a madhouse shooter.  The controlls aren't as crisp as CoD, but if you crank up the sensitivity, it's not bad.  It goes a bit more old school; you don't regenerate health, but look for first aid packs everywhere.  There always seems to be a back-path everywhere, but if you screw up, you'll get spotted and it will turn into an automatic fire orgy.  I spend a good portion of my time trying to silent kill the commander so they don't call in more baddies.

For me, this does a better job of stealth than thief and fills the void of FPS campaign that titanfall left.  I'm a little leary of watch dogs because It seems a lot like a GTA reboot.  I'm not interested in another game that focuses on me learning how to drive with my thumbs and watching guys see how fast they can get the army to send tanks after them.  If the reviews aren't kind for watch dogs, this may be my go-to campaign game until Destiny.

Fri, 05/23/2014 - 10:52
Moff_T's picture
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Oh, if anyone finishes a playthrough for both side-kicks, can you please tell me, without any spoilers for those who care, how different the other option is?  I saved the young guy and was wondering if the other option would have been better.

Fri, 05/23/2014 - 21:17 (Reply to #10)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Moff_T wrote:

Oh, if anyone finishes a playthrough for both side-kicks, can you please tell me, without any spoilers for those who care, how different the other option is?  I saved the young guy and was wondering if the other option would have been better.

I saved Wyatt as well...gonna have to boogie to finish this timeline and playthrough with Fergus before the weekend slips away.

Fri, 05/23/2014 - 21:45
Nightfall's picture
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Moff_T wrote:

Oh, if anyone finishes a playthrough for both side-kicks, can you please tell me, without any spoilers for those who care, how different the other option is?  I saved the young guy and was wondering if the other option would have been better.

One gives you health bonuses and the other gives you armor bonuses, also one gives you hotwiring and the other gives you lockpicking.  You don't take any different paths or anything for the hotwire vs lockpick just the way you open the same things changes.  The health bonus is the better choice otherwise there is no real difference besides the achievement for which you save.

Sun, 05/25/2014 - 20:28 (Reply to #12)
Moff_T's picture
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Nightfall: which is which.  Is the young guy the health (I know it's the lockpicks)?  Not that I'm going back given what you said.

As for the sex scene, I'd agree on the no kids rule.  Still, I was stunned 10 years ago when they put a naked chick on TV and simply computerized out her nips and got away with it.  Apparently digital pasties makes it legit for public viewing.  And I saw no nips on the young lady riding our hero, so public TV has said that's OK.  Still, I wouldn't want to explain to junior what is going on there.

"They're just wrestling, son.  Now go to bed."

Sun, 05/25/2014 - 20:57 (Reply to #13)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Moff_T wrote:

Nightfall: which is which.  Is the young guy the health (I know it's the lockpicks)?  Not that I'm going back given what you said.

As for the sex scene, I'd agree on the no kids rule.  Still, I was stunned 10 years ago when they put a naked chick on TV and simply computerized out her nips and got away with it.  Apparently digital pasties makes it legit for public viewing.  And I saw no nips on the young lady riding our hero, so public TV has said that's OK.  Still, I wouldn't want to explain to junior what is going on there.

"They're just wrestling, son.  Now go to bed."

Wyatt, the young guy, gives you the armor bonuses.

Fri, 05/23/2014 - 23:03
Garfy99's picture
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Oh I forgot to mention the most important thing about this game, and that's the fact it's a hardcore mature title; absolutely have no children around when playing, the "F" word alone is thrown around like poetry, and I didn't expect to see some pretty racy sex scenes that I'm sure is going to piss off of some anti-gamer and right winger (hell if they complained about Mass Effect for it's sex scenes, they are going to flip on this stuff)

Fri, 08/22/2014 - 21:52
Monkey_House's picture
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I got the platinum trophy for this game. I loved it. Good story and the stealth stole the show. so fun and satifying to clear a room quietly. Plus i loved the guns.

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