Demonhunter lore/advice/options?

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#1 Tue, 05/27/2014 - 09:28
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Demonhunter lore/advice/options?

I have 4 pieces of Marauders (shoulders, boots, gloves and CHEST) and I have Garwulf's so far, no Tasker and Theo's., and no RoRG of worth yet,mine would cost me 135k damage or thereabouts and I'm not going there. I might be able to roll crit chance/damage on it, haven't really looked yet.

I was saying the other night I like my three dogs BUT I'm guessing it's more beneficial to run the 4 piece set with all pets, even though there's only one dog damage wise WITH the added benefits of all pets?

To make it worse I'll need to replace the chest and eventually the gloves so I have two more piece of marauders to track down I guess. I know there's pants, what's the last piece?

Other than that I WANT another Kridershot, you know, a level 70 one....  sad

EDIT: Also have 2 or 3 pieces of Shadows and while it looks cool,it just doesn't look useful. Maybe in HC?

EDIT two: Okay so I can go with head pants boots Marauders, aughilds shoulders and bracers, Tasker and Theo gloves, and Garwulf chest with RoRG,  Or max the marauders with 5 pieces and drop something, most likely the shoulders as the gloves are pretty impressive? And then that leaves aughild bracers on their own, what's BiS at that point?

I'm guessing if my Scoundrel uses a Windforce, my Strongarms wouldn't boost damage only if I use the bow?

Wed, 05/28/2014 - 05:58
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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And the gods of RNG continue to taunt....I now have a Lvl 49 Krdershot AND Lvl 70 2600 dps unsocketed Cluckeye...


Mon, 06/02/2014 - 10:15
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Now have a lvl 70 2623 dps Cluckeye ( crap emerald, it will get better)

Got my 5th piece of Marauders (pants, still lacking headpiece) AND go my Tasker and Theos! ( And pretty good rolls on them too!)

So, need the headpiece so I can dop the chest piece for the Garwulf's sitting in my stash AND I'm still looking for a good damage RoRG...

And I'm debating 6 piece Maruders vs 4 piece/Garwulf's. Seems like 4 piece/Garwulf's the better play?


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