[FM4] Seat Leon Supercup Series 2 - [Finished] Thanks for racing
[FM4] Seat Leon Supercup Series 2 - [Finished] Thanks for racing
[FM4] 2Old4Forza Seat Leon Supercup Series 2
Car and build: (This is the same build as the previous series!)
Race Brakes only
You can change the wheels, but the ones you put on must NOT be lighter than the stock rims.
Everything else is to be left stock.
No meddling with the gearbox, final drive MUST be set to 5.5 (We are on the honor system here)
I will be limiting the Number of drivers to 4 Drivers per Team as we did in the GT2 Cup so hope to see some fresh teams out there and a few of the regulars.
1. You must use the car you first start in for the rest of the season.
2. This is a NON-Contact event. However lightly rubbing or leaning on another car is allowed as long as it doesn't result in rubbing the other car into:
A) A Wall or Barrier
B) A 3rd/4th Car,
C) A totally different direction
D) Anything too aggressive that may prompt your opponent to submit a complaint against you.
Please drive clean and respectfully.
3. Cosmetic damage will be enabled.
4. Handicaps will be enabled (See below for more information).
5. Cautions will be in place up to the end of lap 3 (usual caution rules apply).
6. Each race night will consist of 2 20-25 minute races.
7. Racing grid will be set to random (practice laps will be run from at least 1 hour prior to race time).
8. Your lowest 4 race points will be removed from your final score.
9. Any cars found not to be built to spec and that have raced will be banned for the rest of the season
10. All paint jobs must feature the drivers racing number.
11. Any complaints must be made to me by Private Message here on 2Old2Play within 24 hours of the race finish.
Race officials are: Snoop SLR8789, MaxPerforma, and Parcells.
Handicap Information:
The highest handicap profile a driver will race with is 20% Power reduction. The handicaps start at 10% and will go in increments of 5% to 20%.
The top 3 drivers from each race will receive a 5% Power reduction to their Handicap Profile.
Place 6th (or last if less than 6 drivers) or lower will lose 5% Power Reduction from their handicap.
If you are unsure on this system please ask.
1st = 25
2nd = 20
3rd = 18
4th = 16
5th = 14
6th = 12
7th = 10
8th = 8
9th = 7
10th = 6
11th = 5
12th = 4
13th = 3
14th = 2
15th = 1
16th = 1
The overall champion will be decided by the driver who has the most points over the season.
Tracks and Dates:
All races are to be held on a Sunday at 20:00BST, 15:00EDT, 14:00CDT, 13:00MDT, 12:00PDT
Each race night will take no longer than 1 hour. There will be 10 different tracks. Each track will be hosting 2 races per week. Depending on the number of people willing to race there may be 2 rooms.
Date | Track Name | Number Laps |
As always if I have missed anything or you don’t think something is right please say so.
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wNdS7O0CW8teMcOGWhQAm1I9l_cSu9qTQ6n0uxkGPeA/edit?usp=sharing
Parcells is in.
Darnit looks like I will be missing this week at Catalunya.
Sim in..........................now i'm feeling better !!
Yep I'm there
D Seeker34 will race.
Seat Leon Super Cup - first 1st place ever at Nurburgring GP Short April 7th, 2013 -
sign up sheet is up on OP and ready to go, if you are in a team please put your team in the appropriate slot i have put in the ones i know unless anyone is moving about :)
Already 10 drivers, this should be good
Any plans for a shakedown this Sunday?
Count me in please.
Signed up but may not be able to join every race since it's at noon Pacific time.
Hey Snoop,
I think we should change the schedule. At July 13th is the World Cup finale in Brazil.
For following dates I will not be able to race, because my family demands holidays in Texel, Netherlands.
03. August, 10. August, 17. August and not sure may be 24. August.
My car:
The old built / tune means PI 537, right?
I have uploaded the old number plate to my storefront.
Can someone send a tune to me for this. thanks
What do people think about postponing for the World cup. I'm not fussed either way in all honesty England are out so i couldnt give a rats ass who wins but if you want to postpone let me know see whatthe majority want to do
I was going to be really lazy and run with the old paint, but i have a paint i am thinking about doing for this car but depends on how it turns out.
I had a little bit time and some creativity for simple liveries left. If someone want to use one, I will gift it to you.
I'm in but can't sign up...
Had to finish some work of so haven't been able to get on!
Can I get a tune for Lean Please :)
<<<Shakedown Sessions>>>
Shakedown Sessions will take place on Sunday 29 June 2014 from 20:00BST
I will require a host as I will not be available due to other commitments.
Thanks in advance
I can host this on Sunday!
Church is at Croft watching the BTCC and probably wont make it back in time so i will be hosting the shakedown.
See you guys at 8pm BST
Can someone drop me an invite?
Due to ongoing technical problems with internet i will be unable to run in the shakedown and probably not in any races in immediate future until talktalk sort their s##t out.