Grid Autosport announced for June

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#1 Tue, 04/22/2014 - 11:44
Fitzy's picture
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Grid Autosport announced for June

So another Grid game is on it's way, oddly it will not be available on next gen consoles Ps3, 360 and PC only. They say they have listened to the criticisms of Grid 2 so this time there will be 2 in car views, more tracks and more racing series from F3 to Tourng cars and many more. They will be going for a more Sim like experience but not too much that will upset the arcade racers. After my extreme disappointment that was Grid 2 I will wait and see on this one.

Tue, 04/22/2014 - 16:27
gizziegod's picture
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after grid 2 it will need a demo first i think

Tue, 04/22/2014 - 17:20
Parcells2's picture
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It will require a convincing endorsement from a solid majority of 2O4F members before Parcells waste money on this game...Parcells prefers to waste money on non-racing games when its unlikely he'll play them.

Been too long since I received a beat down from you guys. Will have to change that soon.

Tue, 04/22/2014 - 17:35
MaxPerforma's picture
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Looks great, but like Gizzie said i would like to try a demo first and even then i would wait til its a bit cheaper

Tue, 05/13/2014 - 22:14
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Grid 2 was such a disappointment, especially since it looked so promising in the previews. I'll be renting this one before I buy another racing game, and the fact that it won't be on the new console only reduces the probability that I'll be buying this one. Remember when Codemasters was cutting edge? Yeah, me neither.

Wed, 05/14/2014 - 15:58
SnappyDee's picture
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I'm calling it: it will suck. Physics will resemble Grid 2 but with just enough of a tweak to make people feel like it's better. There is no mention of tuning or customizin. just a few more tracks and a physics tweak. I'm guessing that they will not lure any "racers" and then piss off the drifters who may have liked grid 2. Waste of time. 

Sat, 06/07/2014 - 05:22
MapoUK's picture
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Meh, if it's fun I'll play it, if it's not I won't!

No point in good physics if it's not fun and lets face it, that's what we all want, entertainment!

And Sacasmo, I DO remember when Codemasters was cutting edge but then that was back when they made BTCC games.

Wed, 06/25/2014 - 14:25
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yup Toca was the game that first got me interested, had the Sidewinder wheel and pedals and thought it was the dogs danglys, they have never bettered that game. I have pre ordered as there was a good deal on SimplyCDkeys £16 if I remember right, can spend twice that in the pub in a night so if it entertains me for a week or so it's a bargain. Don't know if PC and Consoles can play together online, but here is hoping they can, might get to have some fun with some of you guys again.

Wed, 06/25/2014 - 16:47
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Thu, 06/26/2014 - 10:24 (Reply to #9)
MapoUK's picture
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Shaggy_SoCal wrote:

Kotaku's posted their review.


That must be one of the shortest game reviews I've seen!!

I loved TOCA Touring Car Championship as well and still have TOCA and TOCA 2 here for the original PS!

A couple of my friends have it already and say it's decent, very difficult and challenging against the AI which is what I want! None of this GT6 "into first place on the first lap with 100PI less" carry on!

Sat, 06/28/2014 - 11:37
Fitzy's picture
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Ok I could not resist I bought it. I read a lot of reviews first and they were mostly positive. I have only started the first career race and done only one online touring car race but so far a thumbs up. Gone is the silly Grid 2 handling and in is a far improved one. It's not Forza obviously but it ain't half bad. I shall keep you up to date.

Sat, 06/28/2014 - 13:05 (Reply to #11)
SnappyDee's picture
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Fitzy wrote:

Ok I could not resist I bought it. I read a lot of reviews first and they were mostly positive. I have only started the first career race and done only one online touring car race but so far a thumbs up. Gone is the silly Grid 2 handling and in is a far improved one. It's not Forza obviously but it ain't half bad. I shall keep you up to date.

I'm looking forward to your insight on this title. I almost grabbed it but resisted the urge. I don't know how I did that because the game looks really good and I keep reading positive things as well. Let us know.

@Sarcasmo - are you planning a review any time soon?

Sat, 06/28/2014 - 18:51 (Reply to #12)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Didn't you guys learn anything from Grid 2?

SnappyDee wrote:

@Sarcasmo - are you planning a review any time soon?

Yep, I am currently reviewing Grid Autosport.

Sat, 06/28/2014 - 15:22
MapoUK's picture
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I pre ordered for the PC and I've only done the first TC Championship and the first Street race (and some online challenges) and I'm loving it!

I'm running with +5 laps in the settings so most races are 15-20 laps or around 20-25 mins long, using no assists and AI on very hard. I ended up using the hood view as I find the blurry interior distracting. The force feedback is good for a game of this type and the wheel feels natural even though I'm down to 270 degrees.

In the touring cars you start with a low team, I managed a 5th then a 3rd in the first two rounds but in rounds 3 and 4 all I could muster was 11th and 6th!! Few silly mistakes and got involved in an incident and went from 3rd to last! It's very challenging and you have to drive smooth, as Fitzy said, none of this silly Grid 2 handling model. I had an epic 8 lap battle with a Mini in the first street race and it was most certainly one of the best AI fights I've ever had! 

Going to play a couple more hours tonight but I'll report back on the other race types.

EDIT: Just noticed there's clubs in the online section!! yes

Sat, 06/28/2014 - 16:00
CProRacing's picture
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The BTCC fan group (Facebook) I help run is now sponsored by Codemasters and we will have a competition with a few copies of this up for grabs. Search for BTCC Fans Group and join for a chance to win!
Sun, 06/29/2014 - 04:13
Fitzy's picture
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I have set up a club called 2old4forza if your playing please join. Everyone is welcome except Jones of course.wink

Mon, 06/30/2014 - 09:25
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Looked but can't see it, maybe console and PC is seperated after all...

Mon, 06/30/2014 - 09:33
Fitzy's picture
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Yea Knight It's only on the 360.

Tue, 07/01/2014 - 03:57
Fitzy's picture
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I haven't been on much lately but I have run a few more races, the open wheel cars are great lots of grip then all of a sudden none if you apply the power while touching a curb which results in a spin. As Mapo said the cockpit views have no interior detail they are just blurred but as a racing view I found it no problem, there are two cockpit views one shows your hands on the wheel the other puts you closer to the windscreen which for me gives a better view of the track ahead. The first thing I did was turn off all assists and I'm running with the AI on hard which is more challenging than I expected and makes for some really close racing, if you go wide on a corner the car behind will take advantage and pass you on the inside. 

The handling in my opinion is much improved and is based on the original Grid only better, the cars react as you would expect and unlike Grid 2 if you get it sideways round a corner it will actually make you slower. All the basics for a realish driving experience are there, I would like it to a dumbed down Forza as regards the driving and handling but anyone who plays Forza will feel at home here. The touring cars are great fun and if we had an online lobby with a crew from here running I know we would have an absolute blast. 

The other thing I really like is that it has plenty of racing circuits actual real life tracks with many variations, there are street circuits but now they have there own street racing category so you won't have to go there as often as before. This was one of my major disappointments with Grid 2 along with the crap handling obviously. This is the game Grid 2 should have been so please buy it so I can race online with you guys, trust me it will be worth it.

P.S For once I'm really looking forward to one of Jones reviews as I have spotted him online playing this.

Tue, 07/01/2014 - 07:48 (Reply to #19)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Fitzy wrote:

P.S For once I'm really looking forward to one of Jones reviews as I have spotted him online playing this.


Fri, 07/04/2014 - 17:58 (Reply to #20)
oldmodelt's picture
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Fitzy wrote:

I haven't been on much lately but I have run a few more races, the open wheel cars are great lots of grip then all of a sudden none if you apply the power while touching a curb which results in a spin. As Mapo said the cockpit views have no interior detail they are just blurred but as a racing view I found it no problem, there are two cockpit views one shows your hands on the wheel the other puts you closer to the windscreen which for me gives a better view of the track ahead. The first thing I did was turn off all assists and I'm running with the AI on hard which is more challenging than I expected and makes for some really close racing, if you go wide on a corner the car behind will take advantage and pass you on the inside. 

The handling in my opinion is much improved and is based on the original Grid only better, the cars react as you would expect and unlike Grid 2 if you get it sideways round a corner it will actually make you slower. All the basics for a realish driving experience are there, I would like it to a dumbed down Forza as regards the driving and handling but anyone who plays Forza will feel at home here. The touring cars are great fun and if we had an online lobby with a crew from here running I know we would have an absolute blast. 

The other thing I really like is that it has plenty of racing circuits actual real life tracks with many variations, there are street circuits but now they have there own street racing category so you won't have to go there as often as before. This was one of my major disappointments with Grid 2 along with the crap handling obviously. This is the game Grid 2 should have been so please buy it so I can race online with you guys, trust me it will be worth it.

P.S For once I'm really looking forward to one of Jones reviews as I have spotted him online playing this.

Mr Cheapie has it on loan from the library for 2 weeks.  Through 10 career seasons and I am having fun.  No rearview mirror is a minus as is no pit stops (unless they show up later).  The tuning and paint aspects fit in well with my lack of talent in those areas.

Tue, 07/01/2014 - 21:23
SnappyDee's picture
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I think Fitzy meant well, Sarcasmo. He may be referring to the fact that it's a racing title as opposed to a shooter or something else. Know what I mean? 


Wed, 07/02/2014 - 00:22
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Probably, but it's not as funny.

Wed, 07/02/2014 - 03:51
Fitzy's picture
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Thanks Snappy but Jones knew what I meant.

Wed, 07/02/2014 - 16:01
SnappyDee's picture
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Read lots of reviews and watched lots of videos. Couldn't resist so I picked it up on PC (Steam). Played a few minutes, I like it. I'm running the triple screens and it looks really good. It feels much better than Grid 2. Car and Track selection seem very good. If anyone wants to run laps anytime just let me know. I'm in the EST time zone but I can get on between 8am and 1 PM on most days. Besides that I'm on after 10pm EST.

Wed, 07/02/2014 - 17:27
jdankert's picture
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I bought the game today and played it a little. All I can say is: I like it! 

Fri, 07/04/2014 - 16:26
CProRacing's picture
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(FaceBook) The BTCC Fans Group, Grid Autosport give away sponsored by Codemasters is now live!

Tue, 07/15/2014 - 13:30
CProRacing's picture
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We now have a TT Torny on the BTCC Fans Group FaceBook page.

Prizes are available! DLC, Season Passes, Merchandise etc!

Thu, 07/31/2014 - 23:57
oldmodelt's picture
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Having a lot of fun with GAS.  Mr. Cheapie actually put  down his RL credits and bought it.  Send me a FR if you're not already one of the select few who are currently tolerating me.  Like my previous post a couple of downers but I've always liked the arcade type of racing (within reason) and I can live with the game's shortcomings.  My time is split 50/50 between career and online play.  Like the longer series events that are opening up now that I'm through season 20 in career.  Reminds me of the GT games that I liked so well.  And I've become quite the tuner as well.  I don't touch anything.  And insanerc and ziggy_proline put together a livery so I get extra credits online.  Our garage/club has almost broken the top 100.  I like to think I've played a small part (very small) in that.

Fri, 08/01/2014 - 06:46
CProRacing's picture
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It's ok chap there is almost no racing at all anymore on here other than a Sunday and Tuesday. It's not you chap ;)
Sun, 08/03/2014 - 22:37 (Reply to #30)
oldmodelt's picture
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Did I miss a conversation?  Or was the comment meant for someone else?  Unfortunately with my crappy RL schedule I was never able to take advantage of the tons of race series that were once populating these threads.  I do want to thank you for the brief racing we did do though.  Hope to see you in some game, some time, some where in the future (I need to patent that phrase).  laugh


oldmelt (as a drunk guy once called me).

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