Beta Codes for Active 2o2p Members

Beta Codes for Active 2o2p Members
Hey guys,
We will be giving out a ton of beta codes (about 100) this week to all active 2o2p members. If you're on the forums just post in this thread. Please dont ask for a code if you preordered and already have one. We want to make sure all 2o2p members who are active can participate this week for PS4 and next week for Xbox.
We will also be giving out keys on the Twitch Stream here so feel free to watch us tonight on the who at 7pm PDT or throughout the week as we will give away more keys to twitter followers and Twitch followers. Members posting in this forum will have the codes PM'd to them.
*2old2play will have its own clan formed and we hope that everyone will join in. We'd like to focus a lot more on building up our base of gamers that just want to find others to play with. Our goal with Destiny is to move 2o2p back to its roots of a single clan gaming community and hope you all join in. Thanks!
So this is where the line starts! I would like a code please.
All set!
Awesome Doodi, the game looks good I def wana check it out
Sure thing
I would like a code - pretty please, with sugar on top!
Yes, I pre-ordered back in December from GameStop, but I did it online and never got the code. I would greatly appreciate a code so I don't have to deal with going to the
Are these codes for use on Bugie's website to unlock the beta or for the actual beta?
Yeah, I'll probably go by there to see what happens. If they do actually help me, I'll pay-it-forward and give the code to somebody.
I like this idea of one clan per game, instead of 20 different clans and no one playing together. I`ll be in as soon as I upgrade. (Don`t need a code thanks).
I would like a code, please.
xbox one code please.
Already got a code from pre-ordering, but I just wanted to say I like where youre head is at :)
I shouldn't need a code but I'd love to join the clan & meet up with some new people. Being in your mid-30's kind of sucks in the gaming world =/
See you in the beta!
For sure! The plan is one massive clan for Destiny. Hope to get a lot of people together!
Any 360 codes available?
Yep sent
I would take a code for the 360 please!
XB1 for me please.
Are you going to set up a new group/clan on I found one created by ElektraFi called 'The 2old2play Community'.
We're going to be using that one.
id give you one just for being bunny
Thanks for the code.
Thanks Doodi! You are the greatest man alive!!
Sweet deal doodi