4 planets, 1 area each, PvP is the main focus

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#1 Mon, 07/28/2014 - 16:31
KamakazeTaco's picture
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4 planets, 1 area each, PvP is the main focus

In a video from Deej I can't find right now  he's said we will get 4 planets to explore. During the live stream he also said each planet will have one destination.  For example, Earth will only have Old Russia.

Not really surprising considering the level cap is only 20. Bungie says in this article http://www.gamezone.com/news/2014/07/28/bungie-responds-to-size-criticis...   " we’re sort of known for making games you can play for months, years, and even decades if you’re a little bit…dedicated" Considering they're talking about Halo, a game where multiplayer is the main focus that you play for years, it really looks like the campaign is meant to be something short you go through just to get your story and they intend us to spend most of our time in the crucible. And I suppose if you find the Crucible to be incredibly fun then that works out for you. Personally I was a little less than thrilled with it and really hoping we'd get more campaign stuff.

Now, we're supposed to get 10 years of support and there's always DLC, but it leaves me wondering how much content will really be in the game at release. If you're not a Crucible guy how long will it be til you've done everything?

Mon, 07/28/2014 - 16:50
pyro13g's picture
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If PvP is where they are driving the game towards , then I'm out.  I think there are 32 missions outside of explore.  If the PvE is just more of what the beta was then I've already had enough. 

Mon, 07/28/2014 - 17:03
KamakazeTaco's picture
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“There are 23 known story missions, 8 unknown and 1 mission are the credits. For the strike there are 5 nightfall missions, 6 normal missions, 4 vanguard missions and the rest are duplicate. I have a feeling that the nightfall missions are the regular missions during the night although I can’t confirm this at all.” It also seems that there 148 total activities in the game."

The story missions, I'm assuming, are the things you do as a 3 man team. It looks like there might be 15 strikes to do, assuming the author is wrong and the nightfall missions aren't just regular ones at night. While the 148 activities sounds like a lot that may very well include the 32 story missions and the little "kill a cluster of enemies and collect their liver" dinky missions you get during the free explore.

The story missions I'm sure most people will get through in 2 days. Hopefully we get a bunch of big, elaborate strikes because if most of them are like Devil's Lair and only take an hour or less, that's not looking like a whole lot of campaign to play.

Mon, 07/28/2014 - 17:37
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Looks like replay value is very good in this game. Hopefully better than any Halo.

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 10:41
pyro13g's picture
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Maybe those "??" leveled enemies were'nt blocking off parts of the map.  It will be interesting to see/hear what was really there.  if they were blocking then earth is bigger then what we were able to explore which is encouraging.

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 12:31 (Reply to #5)
thejokell's picture
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Eart at least appears to be huge, as there were many areas completely inaccessible because of those "??" enemies.  My friend and I found a whole underground section that looked massive, but we could only get to the entrance before being turned around by those guys. 

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 11:36
DarthTabasco's picture
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We also haven't heard about the Raid missions yet and what that will take to accomplish. Plus you can bank on "legendary" difficulties for all things campaign related, so that will take some time to manage. 

If Bungie can deliver on keeping us interested by using special events - for PvE and PvP - that's another thing for us to play.

In all honesty, I'm hoping to just have time to play both the PvP and the PvE stuff. Plus I like to grind and farm for gear, so replaying areas hoping for a loot drop is right up my alley. 

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 12:55
YEM's picture
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I found at least 2 areas with ??? guys. I actually made it pretty far into one area by hauling ass on my sparrow before I was killed. There is definitely more area we haven't seen.

I also thought I heard something about the asteroid belt being a location too

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 13:30
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I boosted past those ??? guys once and it was a simple open ended tunnel. Same map on the other end. The same tunnel at another time, had no monsters at all.

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 14:24
pyro13g's picture
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Well that doesn't sound promising at all unless they drop some good loot for killing them.  We'll see.  I'll most likely give it a go from day 1 to kill some time before the next game on my radar releases.

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 18:25 (Reply to #10)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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pyro13g wrote:

Well that doesn't sound promising at all unless they drop some good loot for killing them.  We'll see.  I'll most likely give it a go from day 1 to kill some time before the next game on my radar releases.

There's that one tunnel inside the room where, during the strike, you have to defend your ghost. It's all filled with ?? guys during the explore mission. Me and 2 friends ran in there in different directions to explore it and get the enemies spread out so we could look around. The cave itself isn't much bigger than that skywatch building, and it just leads back outside and puts you out across from where those downed airplanes are. The map looks big at first, but considering how much of it is just open empty space there;s really not that much to it.

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 18:38
SquatterBag's picture
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The ?? were just guys above your lvl like the red skull guys from Borderlands. I found a cave with ?? when I was like lvl 3 or 4. Went back at lvl 8 and the ?? guys were lvl 11.

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 07:42 (Reply to #12)
YEM's picture
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SquatterBag wrote:

The ?? were just guys above your lvl like the red skull guys from Borderlands. I found a cave with ?? when I was like lvl 3 or 4. Went back at lvl 8 and the ?? guys were lvl 11.


No, these are different guys. Still ??? at level 8

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 19:28 (Reply to #13)
SquatterBag's picture
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YEM wrote:

SquatterBag wrote:

The ?? were just guys above your lvl like the red skull guys from Borderlands. I found a cave with ?? when I was like lvl 3 or 4. Went back at lvl 8 and the ?? guys were lvl 11.


No, these are different guys. Still ??? at level 8

Yeah, I saw tons of ?? guys at lvl 8. That just means they were too far above your lvl at 8. I found one cave that had ?? that were low enough to switch from ?? to a number as i lvl'd up to 8 in the beta.

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 07:35
pyro13g's picture
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All the ?? leveled enemies I saw were while I was level 8.  I didn't go off the beaten path to look around much until I hit 8.  Now that I think about it, the area with Hallowed Knights or whatever in forgotten shores looked like it just passed through back to the outside.

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 07:36
SoulTerror's picture
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They do have 3 expansions packs planned for the game already as well. Hopefully they are more then just 1 planet each and they raise the level cap with each one.

Wed, 07/30/2014 - 18:48
DedJeloC's picture
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I saw a 4:30 min (apox) clip on upload of a guy wandering around the moon.  If you ignore the mission, the moon had a lot to see below ground. All the bad guys were lvl 6 to 8.  The area looked  

pretty big.

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 22:40
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

In a video from Deej I can't find right now  he's said we will get 4 planets to explore. During the live stream he also said each planet will have one destination.  For example, Earth will only have Old Russia.

Not really surprising considering the level cap is only 20. Bungie says in this article http://www.gamezone.com/news/2014/07/28/bungie-responds-to-size-criticis...   " we’re sort of known for making games you can play for months, years, and even decades if you’re a little bit…dedicated" Considering they're talking about Halo, a game where multiplayer is the main focus that you play for years, it really looks like the campaign is meant to be something short you go through just to get your story and they intend us to spend most of our time in the crucible. And I suppose if you find the Crucible to be incredibly fun then that works out for you. Personally I was a little less than thrilled with it and really hoping we'd get more campaign stuff.

Now, we're supposed to get 10 years of support and there's always DLC, but it leaves me wondering how much content will really be in the game at release. If you're not a Crucible guy how long will it be til you've done everything?


See, and I'm a little afraid that Crucible won't be as supported.  There's the potential for folks being disappointed all over the place.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 13:38 (Reply to #18)
MrGuster's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

In a video from Deej I can't find right now  he's said we will get 4 planets to explore. During the live stream he also said each planet will have one destination.  For example, Earth will only have Old Russia.

Not really surprising considering the level cap is only 20. Bungie says in this article http://www.gamezone.com/news/2014/07/28/bungie-responds-to-size-criticis...   " we’re sort of known for making games you can play for months, years, and even decades if you’re a little bit…dedicated" Considering they're talking about Halo, a game where multiplayer is the main focus that you play for years, it really looks like the campaign is meant to be something short you go through just to get your story and they intend us to spend most of our time in the crucible. And I suppose if you find the Crucible to be incredibly fun then that works out for you. Personally I was a little less than thrilled with it and really hoping we'd get more campaign stuff.

Now, we're supposed to get 10 years of support and there's always DLC, but it leaves me wondering how much content will really be in the game at release. If you're not a Crucible guy how long will it be til you've done everything?


See, and I'm a little afraid that Crucible won't be as supported.  There's the potential for folks being disappointed all over the place.

You both make good points. I'm worried about the PvP. I didn't enjoy it during the beta and chose to play the PvE. If the PvE is short then this game won't have staying power for me. Could have been the fact I was playing with random or that I sucked at it. We will see after release.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 15:34 (Reply to #19)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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MrGuster wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

In a video from Deej I can't find right now  he's said we will get 4 planets to explore. During the live stream he also said each planet will have one destination.  For example, Earth will only have Old Russia.

Not really surprising considering the level cap is only 20. Bungie says in this article http://www.gamezone.com/news/2014/07/28/bungie-responds-to-size-criticis...   " we’re sort of known for making games you can play for months, years, and even decades if you’re a little bit…dedicated" Considering they're talking about Halo, a game where multiplayer is the main focus that you play for years, it really looks like the campaign is meant to be something short you go through just to get your story and they intend us to spend most of our time in the crucible. And I suppose if you find the Crucible to be incredibly fun then that works out for you. Personally I was a little less than thrilled with it and really hoping we'd get more campaign stuff.

Now, we're supposed to get 10 years of support and there's always DLC, but it leaves me wondering how much content will really be in the game at release. If you're not a Crucible guy how long will it be til you've done everything?


See, and I'm a little afraid that Crucible won't be as supported.  There's the potential for folks being disappointed all over the place.

You both make good points. I'm worried about the PvP. I didn't enjoy it during the beta and chose to play the PvE. If the PvE is short then this game won't have staying power for me. Could have been the fact I was playing with random or that I sucked at it. We will see after release.

There's potential with the raids. They're supposed to be 4+ hour long things so that sounds like a lot of content, but is it practical? Who's got 5 friends on nightly who want to run a 4+ hour raid, possibly longer if people keep dying and need to try again? These really sound like a weekend sorta things where you have to plan ahead, and if I'm only playing a game once a week on a schedule I'm gonna probably get bored.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 15:46 (Reply to #20)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

There's potential with the raids. They're supposed to be 4+ hour long things so that sounds like a lot of content, but is it practical? Who's got 5 friends on nightly who want to run a 4+ hour raid, possibly longer if people keep dying and need to try again? These really sound like a weekend sorta things where you have to plan ahead, and if I'm only playing a game once a week on a schedule I'm gonna probably get bored.

I think I read there were save points within a raid. Was it Luke Smith who said it?

I'm unsure what I read but 4 hours per session really is too much for a lot of people. After 3 hour sessions of Halo, I can barely move as it is.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 15:55
MrGuster's picture
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That is way too long for a raid unless it has breaks or gaps in it for a few minutes at a time. I already stretch in between MP matches but they usually have intermissions or breaks avery time a match ends.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 17:56
pyro13g's picture
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They shouldn't support Crucible.  They should kick that terrible PvP to the curb. 

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 19:09
DedJeloC's picture
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If raids are like warcrack, they are very time consuming.  Especially when the group is learning that raid.  Bungie said the raid will not have a help system (waypoints etc.), so people will have learn  the raid through trial and error.   It is going to be cool in a shooter, organizing time and people will be the challenge.

Wed, 08/06/2014 - 07:28
DarthTabasco's picture
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I hope the raids are long and epic (that's what she said...) and if that's the case, the loot better be epic too.

Remember this a site full of us old farts that have jobs and families, so we may not have the ability to game all day. However, there will be plenty of people that will have that time. This is a way to reward the people that really take the game seriously and put in the effort to complete the hardest tasks in the game.

Personally, I'm excited by the idea of organizing a raid party and running through this with a group of friends.

Wed, 08/06/2014 - 07:48
SoulTerror's picture
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I thought they were only suppose to be about 2 hours long, I haven't seen anywhere that said 4 hours. That's crazy!

Wed, 08/06/2014 - 09:55
pyro13g's picture
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I keep seeing 4 hours plus being mentioned.

Wed, 08/06/2014 - 10:01
jtgjr007's picture
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Honestly I'll be a little dissappointed if we can't roam around the city and talk to people, I know that's probably asking too much. At the very least I hope that the world is bigger than just Old Russia, or the parts we've seen in the beta. In one interview/video Jason Jones (I think) said, "If you can see it you can go to it." or something similar. That wasn't the case in the beta, I mean, there were simple one story buildings I couldn't get on top of! That's pretty lame actually; even Skyrim let you try to climb a mountain the wrong way if you didn't want to stay on the path. I feel like the world should at least be as big and explorable as Skyrim - a 3 year old game!

With that being said, the game was a ton of fun. I just hope it lives up to its potential.


Wed, 08/06/2014 - 11:05 (Reply to #28)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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jtgjr007 wrote:

Honestly I'll be a little dissappointed if we can't roam around the city and talk to people, I know that's probably asking too much. At the very least I hope that the world is bigger than just Old Russia, or the parts we've seen in the beta. In one interview/video Jason Jones (I think) said, "If you can see it you can go to it." or something similar. That wasn't the case in the beta, I mean, there were simple one story buildings I couldn't get on top of! That's pretty lame actually; even Skyrim let you try to climb a mountain the wrong way if you didn't want to stay on the path. I feel like the world should at least be as big and explorable as Skyrim - a 3 year old game!

With that being said, the game was a ton of fun. I just hope it lives up to its potential.


There will be other worlds, but for Earth and the moon (half the game, mind you) you've already seen everything there is to explore. I'm sure most of us combed every inch of the Earth map, and if you were on during the small window the moon mission was open you could explore the whole thing.

Wed, 08/06/2014 - 14:07 (Reply to #29)
xBIGWIGx's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

jtgjr007 wrote:

Honestly I'll be a little dissappointed if we can't roam around the city and talk to people, I know that's probably asking too much. At the very least I hope that the world is bigger than just Old Russia, or the parts we've seen in the beta. In one interview/video Jason Jones (I think) said, "If you can see it you can go to it." or something similar. That wasn't the case in the beta, I mean, there were simple one story buildings I couldn't get on top of! That's pretty lame actually; even Skyrim let you try to climb a mountain the wrong way if you didn't want to stay on the path. I feel like the world should at least be as big and explorable as Skyrim - a 3 year old game!

With that being said, the game was a ton of fun. I just hope it lives up to its potential.


There will be other worlds, but for Earth and the moon (half the game, mind you) you've already seen everything there is to explore. I'm sure most of us combed every inch of the Earth map, and if you were on during the small window the moon mission was open you could explore the whole thing.

Also, and I could be wrong, I think the Tower is much bigger than the Beta showed. Did you notice all teh extra doors, some of them pretty big? For instance, right in the front middle there was a set of steps, leading up to an opening that was walled off. It seems silly for that platform to be there for no reason. My guess is there will be areas dedicated to PVP shops, or perhaps "In Tower" missions. Also, in the Tower North section there was a huge door as well that seemed too out of place to just be decoration.

And I believe there is more to Earth than we saw. A few people mentioned tunnels (I saw one of them myself), where there were Double ?? enemies right at the start, preventing you from going in. My guess is that there will be much higher level "dungeons" in the same starting areas.


Wed, 08/06/2014 - 18:04 (Reply to #30)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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xBIGWIGx wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

jtgjr007 wrote:

Honestly I'll be a little dissappointed if we can't roam around the city and talk to people, I know that's probably asking too much. At the very least I hope that the world is bigger than just Old Russia, or the parts we've seen in the beta. In one interview/video Jason Jones (I think) said, "If you can see it you can go to it." or something similar. That wasn't the case in the beta, I mean, there were simple one story buildings I couldn't get on top of! That's pretty lame actually; even Skyrim let you try to climb a mountain the wrong way if you didn't want to stay on the path. I feel like the world should at least be as big and explorable as Skyrim - a 3 year old game!

With that being said, the game was a ton of fun. I just hope it lives up to its potential.


There will be other worlds, but for Earth and the moon (half the game, mind you) you've already seen everything there is to explore. I'm sure most of us combed every inch of the Earth map, and if you were on during the small window the moon mission was open you could explore the whole thing.

Also, and I could be wrong, I think the Tower is much bigger than the Beta showed. Did you notice all teh extra doors, some of them pretty big? For instance, right in the front middle there was a set of steps, leading up to an opening that was walled off. It seems silly for that platform to be there for no reason. My guess is there will be areas dedicated to PVP shops, or perhaps "In Tower" missions. Also, in the Tower North section there was a huge door as well that seemed too out of place to just be decoration.

And I believe there is more to Earth than we saw. A few people mentioned tunnels (I saw one of them myself), where there were Double ?? enemies right at the start, preventing you from going in. My guess is that there will be much higher level "dungeons" in the same starting areas.


That door was open during the Iron Banner event. The guy was inside there to the right. It only led to a room slightly bigger than the room with the chick who sells the spaceships, looked like it would have more spots for other NPCs to stand. My guess would be the other PvP modes will have an NPC standing there you can talk to. For the Iron Banner when you earned IB points you could exchange em for capes and shaders and such, probably something very similar for the other modes.

And that tunnel is basically right where you started the free roam, there was a little room with stairs that lead down, you could find a room with ?? enemies. It doesn't go anywhere, it's just a room. When I went in there wasn't even a chest in it, but those can be random.

I really feel like if you're not a big Crucible guy, the life of this game is going to be fairly short. Maybe enough story for a few days (depending on how often you play of course) then nothing but the same raids over and over trying to get gear. That works in an MMO where you have different classes that change how you play and what you do, I don't know about in an FPS where every class shoots the same guns the same way.

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