Buy Xbox One next week and get any game free!
Fri, 09/05/2014 - 09:28
Buy Xbox One next week and get any game free!
Microsoft has a promotion that if you buy an xbox one between Sept. 7- 13th, then you can get any game free. The game has to be a hard copy, so no digital orders or pre orders. You can even double up the games by picking up the madden eddition or the fordza edition and still get a free game on top of that!
I did just that.
I finally caught a sale on something XB1. I wanted a second XB1 for convenience and so my wife might join in. The free game I picked was Kinect Sports Rivals for the Kinect XB1 I already have.
I already downloaded the Destiny digital version and that will be perfect for sharing across the two systems.