D3 questions from a noob

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#1 Fri, 09/05/2014 - 05:42
Assassin_45's picture
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D3 questions from a noob

     I'm almost level 70. I notice when I identify an item it is usually a legendary of whatever level I'm currently at. Should I just wait and identify these items until I hit level 70? I have several now and ones a green name but I haven't looked up what that means yet.

     Same question for blood shard items and whatever a hordaic cashe(don't know what this it either). The blood shard items I buy, will they be whatever level I am at the time of purchase?

     I don't understand enchanting really. I just recently unlocked the mystic. I see I can change certain properties of some items. I can only change them to other enchantments on the "list". I have had a weapon and wish it had a "life per hit" stat on it. I go to enchant it and theres no way it seems to do it. Is it always like this?

     That's a few of the things I've been wondering. Thanks for any help you can give.

Fri, 09/05/2014 - 07:26
DarthTabasco's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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The Legendary items you have now, and have not identified will not scale to level 70 when you identify. Basically, if it drops at level 60, it's a level 60. In other words, go ahead and identify. Green Legendary items are set pieces. This means they are part of set that, if worn together, will give you extra perks. The minimum is generally 2 items for set bonuses.

The same holds true for blood shards. However, if you are almost at level 70, I would save your blood shards so you can gamble for level 70 gear.

Enchanting is a really interesting part of the game, for the exact reason you metioned. Let's say you finally get that item you've been looking for, but you wish it had a different stat. You can "re-roll" certain stats for other stats. However, only certain stats may be available - as you've discovered. Re-rolling can totally change how an items works and it's a great way to customize builds.

If you want to party-up and play, then send me an invite or message - or just hop in my game. I can help you with more specifics. 

Fri, 09/05/2014 - 10:26
Assassin_45's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Ok thanks for answering. I'll hook up with you sometime. My connection finally is fixed it seems.

Fri, 09/05/2014 - 14:08
KamakazeTaco's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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Anyone figured out exactly how the legendaries in the mail work? I feel like no matter what level or class I am, the legendary item will always be appropriate for me but only until I take it out of the mailbox, then it's locked at whatever level/class I am.

Sat, 09/06/2014 - 09:10
Assassin_45's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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     What about pets/companions? I have a barbarian and have had a littlle blue dog since I started. I think it's a dog. I was playing with others and one guy had a goblin thing and another had a wolf. I was playing this morning and joined with a random. He was a witch doctor. He was running around with a whole crew following him. He had like 5 dog creatures and two other large creatures the were attacking everything. I made a clip of it. Was that a hack? My dog dosen't seem to do anything. Is there a way for my barbarian to have a different pet?

Mon, 09/08/2014 - 07:38
DarthTabasco's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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The blue dog you mention is just a "digital pet" and doesn't do anything for you. Barbs don't have pets that deal damage.

The goblin is from a puzzle ring. If you wear a puzzle ring then a treasure goblin follows you around and picks up white weapons, once it has picked up I think 10 items, it drops a rare or legendary item.

The wolf was from a Demon Hunter. Demon Hunters have a skill called Companion and you can choose various animals to boost your stats. The wolf is the best as it can boost damage by 30% when activated.

Finally, most Witch Doctors run pet builds which include zombie dogs, fetishes (little dagger wielding guys), gargantuan, etc.

Mon, 09/08/2014 - 14:42
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
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Sentries and hydras are considered pets for most damage generation and items which benefit pet damage/speed etc as well.

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