Thoughts, comments, questions?

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#1 Tue, 09/09/2014 - 05:18
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Thoughts, comments, questions?

I'm not seeing much different from the beta, which isn't bad. The beta was fun.

The story isn't very impressive so far. It kinda feels like Titanfall where you're playing the game and the story is just there in the background. I got to the moon and had NO idea why I needed to go there.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 14:53
Thom293's picture
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My only complaint so far is the speed at which you level. They should have slowed it waaaayyyy down. I've played 5 Crucible games and the first 2 moon missions (all on hard) and I'm level 10. If you want slower leveling, don't accept any bounties.
Tue, 09/09/2014 - 15:50
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I'm find normal difficult. All of the game is more difficult than the Beta. Liking it though. Soon I'll be looking to play with friends.

I like the Bounties and Patrol missions. Busy stuff but so much more to see than just doing story strikes.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 15:54
YEM's picture
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Played for like 8 straight hours (level 11) and the only reason I stopped was because my eyes hurt and I was hungry ;)

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 16:04
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Has anyone found a different looking weapon? Every shotgun I find looks like every other shotgun except for the color and possibly the scope, same with the assault rifles and everything else.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 16:15
ImMrPete's picture
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The story is kind of lame. I was expecting more from bungie on this aspect considering how much I enjoyed Halo's.

I agree with leveling too fast. I played for just over an hour and am already level 6. This wouldn't be an issue if the cap wasn't level 20.

I wish the framerate was 60fps. After playing Battlefield and COD, going back down to 30 is a little jarring. 

I am enjoying the game though. It's nothing revolutionary, but still good. 

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 17:23
KamakazeTaco's picture
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I like how after finishing a strike there's no chest or boss dropped loot or anything. That way I have incentive to go do something else.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 18:03 (Reply to #7)
pyro13g's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

I like how after finishing a strike there's no chest or boss dropped loot or anything. That way I have incentive to go do something else.

I agree. 

The full game has confirmed my rating of the beta.  Mediocre PvE. Horrible PvP.  5/10 overall.  The game is more fun to watch on twitch then playing it.   I should have kept Madden 15.  Oh well, I'll spend some time with it and then trade it in. 



Tue, 09/09/2014 - 18:52
KamakazeTaco's picture
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It also seems every strike follows the same formula. Kill a few dudes, ghost decrypts a door for 3 waves, kill a strong boss for no loot, kill a slightly weaker boss for no loot. The only time stuff drops is when killing regular enemies which I could have found on any mission.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 18:54
RadBrad31's picture
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I'm ready to start mars and I'm 15 with about I dono, 12 of my last 15 hours of being alive being play time? Except for some bathroom and normal living breathing stuff going on.

My brother and I have loved every minute running co-op. Patrols get a little monotonous but we just want to hit 20 to start getting the good stuff and building up our guys. So far, so great for me. Maybe I'm easily entertained.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 19:03 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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RadBrad31 wrote:



I'm ready to start mars and I'm 15 with about I dono, 12 of my last 15 hours of being alive being play time? Except for some bathroom and normal living breathing stuff going on.

My brother and I have loved every minute running co-op. Patrols get a little monotonous but we just want to hit 20 to start getting the good stuff and building up our guys. So far, so great for me. Maybe I'm easily entertained.

Kudos for you guys. Nice to read a good news story.

I like Destiny PvE. Not so much the PvP. I am just going to pick my way through and see how much life the game will have for me. I believe I will enjoy all of the Open World stuff. It's even better when playing with friends against a big Boss.

Loving it on normal. I have Hard to look forward to, i guess.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 20:50
TCMooch's picture
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I didn't plan on buying this until my brother called me and ranted and raved that I need to go immediatly buy it.

So I did.

And I played for about 3 hours.

I couldn't shake the feeling that this games PvE feels and handles like Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. You have some classes and you go and kill wave of enemies. This game is boring as shit and the PvP is fricking horrible. Waste of $60 and if Bungie things this game is going to last more than 3 months they are going to be horribly disappointed.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 21:14
KamakazeTaco's picture
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It'd be different if there were sidequests or crafting or anything, but there isn't. Each planet has its story missions and a strike, then you're done. There's no way to not rush through the story.

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 22:32
DEEP_NNN's picture
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What about all of the out of way boss fights and hidden caves? These can be changed over time too.

What about the open world patrols? I doubt anyone has done them all. They can be changed by Bungie over time.

What about the public events which many of us haven't seen yet? More will be added.

What about interesting Bounties that will change over time?

What about replaying with each Class and sub-class? Should provide interesting approaches to battles.

What about DLC story expansions?

The first Raid doesn't even open up until next week?

Crucible? WTF, maybe a mother will love it?

I've barely touched on the possibilities.

Hey, if people don't like it, fine. People will like the game though, of that I am certain.


Tue, 09/09/2014 - 22:40
Ammodawg's picture
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I got my copy this afternoon and I just stopped playing about 30 minutes ago. Hooked up with some friends and we ran co-op for most of the evening, I had a blast. 

Tue, 09/09/2014 - 23:19
KamakazeTaco's picture
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The patrols and public events are only during the exploration mission, which in itself is boring as hell. And the bounties are simply telling you to go kill the same boss you already killed again. The caves? 90% empty. The other 10% they have a chest with 30 glimmer and a spinmetal.

Yeah, DLC and raids could make the game more fun but that's months in the future. For the moment, Destiny is looking like Bungie's Brink.

But no, you're right. Nobody should ever complain about anything. Why should a company actually be expected to put forth effort? We should just allow them to crap out whatever lazy product they want and be incredibly happy with it. Like when your kid makes a poopy. Sure it stinks, but you gotta act like they did a great job.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 07:26 (Reply to #16)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

The patrols and public events are only during the exploration mission, which in itself is boring as hell. And the bounties are simply telling you to go kill the same boss you already killed again. The caves? 90% empty. The other 10% they have a chest with 30 glimmer and a spinmetal.

Yeah, DLC and raids could make the game more fun but that's months in the future. For the moment, Destiny is looking like Bungie's Brink.

But no, you're right. Nobody should ever complain about anything. Why should a company actually be expected to put forth effort? We should just allow them to crap out whatever lazy product they want and be incredibly happy with it. Like when your kid makes a poopy. Sure it stinks, but you gotta act like they did a great job.

Fill your boots. Bungie and MS are looking for just the kind of stuff you post.

Other players will enjoy the game and they are quite likely to say nice things about it and the developer.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 05:38
PixelSkills's picture
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I like the game alot, I wish there was more content and it took alot longer to level up but they said they made it so you can get to endgame and enjoy that. SOOOO hopefully that is where the game fixes it self, maybe they have a TON of content endgame PVE for us. Lets hope or I will be right there bitching with you about it, I already wasted a ton of money on Titanfall which was a big piece of shit with no content. I will be severely pissed if its a game im done with within less then a month. At least you know for sure how many hours RPG's are before you buy most of them. Dragon Age inquisition is going to be like 150 hours long.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 05:43
YEM's picture
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Still loving it

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 06:34
InfernalGiggler's picture
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For those of you that have reached level 15 and unlocked your subclass...if you start a new character do they have both subclasses available to use?  My lock got to 15 and unlocked the Sunsinger...then I went to start a hunter and Bladedancer was available from I'm trying to figure out if it glitched or if that's how they are rolling.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 08:02
SoulTerror's picture
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Played for a few hours last night. Only level 4. Enjoyed it playing with my friends. We are taking our time looking around for dead ghost and chest.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 09:02 (Reply to #21)
PixelSkills's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

Played for a few hours last night. Only level 4. Enjoyed it playing with my friends. We are taking our time looking around for dead ghost and chest.

You mean friend? Because brad couldnt play anything lol.
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 08:03
Thom293's picture
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I'm still having fun.  Hard can be punishing solo.  If I have even one person with me, it seems really easy.  I like the challenge.

i have never played COD, so bear with me here, but I HATE the pvp so far.  So many goddam shotgun corner campers.  If everyone didn't spawn with a shotty or sniper,  I think I would love it.

im looking forward to doing some strikes with people from here.


also - when I get a game invite,  how the hell do I accept it?

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 08:09
DarthTabasco's picture
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Did anybody else have issues with continuously being booted from the game due to "network problems"? I had to sit through the opening cutscene a half-dozen times before I could finally play due to continuously being booted. This was for about 2 hours yesterday afternoon.

I went to dinner and came back to play for about an hour and while it was better, I still got booted to the home screen a couple of times. Yes, I checked and my network seemed to be ok with an open NAT, but something was weird.

I'm going to love the game though, but I am disappointed people on my friends list are already level 20. Granted, they have played all day, but that is disappointing. I guess it just means we'll be able to level characters faster in order to have options instead of being stuck with a "main" character. In truth though, I was looking forward to the grind for gear, but the one guy on my FL that's a level 20 already has a pretty beefy character after just one day of playing. I'm hoping Bungie really has something more for endgame, but that is discouraging for those of us that like to grind for gear to really build a character.


Wed, 09/10/2014 - 09:02 (Reply to #24)
PixelSkills's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Did anybody else have issues with continuously being booted from the game due to "network problems"? I had to sit through the opening cutscene a half-dozen times before I could finally play due to continuously being booted. This was for about 2 hours yesterday afternoon.

I went to dinner and came back to play for about an hour and while it was better, I still got booted to the home screen a couple of times. Yes, I checked and my network seemed to be ok with an open NAT, but something was weird.

I'm going to love the game though, but I am disappointed people on my friends list are already level 20. Granted, they have played all day, but that is disappointing. I guess it just means we'll be able to level characters faster in order to have options instead of being stuck with a "main" character. In truth though, I was looking forward to the grind for gear, but the one guy on my FL that's a level 20 already has a pretty beefy character after just one day of playing. I'm hoping Bungie really has something more for endgame, but that is discouraging for those of us that like to grind for gear to really build a character.


Also its a known issue if you live on a college campus the game will not work properly because of their network setup. Bungie is looking into it. Not sure if that was your issue or not.
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 08:25
DEEP_NNN's picture
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There were known rampant network issues yesterday. I never experienced any of them. Just lucky. The game ran smooth as silk.

If you have friends who are already 20 and you play Destiny like me, those friends are probably not going to be your source of quality Destiny fun.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 10:28
Thom293's picture
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Well, I unlocked my first subclass and switched over.  This  is what it appears to me:

No penalty for switching back and forth between them.  You dont lose progress on your first.  You change it like a piece of armor.

Your new subclass has none of the scantron bubbles filled out, so that will take a long time.  I presume since my first isnt filled out even halfway, this is going to be the majority of the game - picking a subclass and maxing it out.

Also - at least for pve where you have a little room to manuver - hand cannons rock.  An equal level handcannon vs. equal level non-elite enemies = 1 headshot, 1 kill.  They seem to do about 5x damage, where other weapons seem to do about 3x  You can mow through people fast.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 10:44 (Reply to #27)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

...Your new subclass has none of the scantron bubbles filled out, so that will take a long time.  I presume since my first isnt filled out even halfway, this is going to be the majority of the game - picking a subclass and maxing it out...

This is true. Getting to level 20 is one thing, but then we have to try and figure out builds and max out weapons which will take some time - especially if you are going to build all 3 classes.


Wed, 09/10/2014 - 12:41
RadBrad31's picture
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I think once you guys hit level 15  you'll notice the game changes. A ton more drops for me, and my brother, after we hit 15. It's almost borderlandsy when you see a blue engram drop on the ground you're like HOLY COW NEW LOOT.

And after every high level strike I get loot. As far as PvP as long as i'm first or second I get a blue item almost every time. I'm now level 21 with light gear thanks to pvp. I am absolutely enjoying the hell out of the game.

Time to start doing some hard/heroic stuff!

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 16:19
pyro13g's picture
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The moon was better then Earth.  On to Venus.I might attempt the monn strike since I'm leveled high enough

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 16:22
Thom293's picture
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So, a few more thoughts:

For people who like single player - yes you can play it singleplayer.  It even resumes the level you are on if you have to leave.  Set it to hard and play solo.  Some of the levels are punishing - in a good way.  I actually had to change it to normal to beat one of the levels on Venus.  So. Many. Vex.  The Minotaur are nasty.

That being said - I had a whole lot of fun playing co-op with King Neb.  Levels were even harder.  Looking forward to more of that.

I was complaining about the levelling speed at first - and then I got my first subclass.  There is going to be a lot of more leveling up to do.  Time will tell on the longevity, but they can patch that pretty easily.  Its a damn good game for a genre-bending first effort.  I'd give it an 8 so far, and I havent finished Venus yet.

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