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Wed, 09/10/2014 - 16:52
RadBrad31's picture
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Patrols need some spontaneity. Some pizazz. I don't know quite what it's missing, but it does get repetitive and meh quickly.

I'm not yet sure what the best way is to level up a subclass. Sometimes to mobility of double jump and the durability of upgraded codexs are really needed to complete high end strikes and missions. Yet when you drop to a basic subclass, it's hard to find a starting point to start levelling. I'm taking a short break then I think I'm going to start doing level 20 rank story missions, starting with the first, and moving back through the game (think Borderlands style).

A very frustating thing happened to my brother though. He decoded a blue engram and got a legendary warlock chest (he's a titan, his only character). That's the first legendary either of us have seen. It sucks that it's for a class he doesn't even have yet, and I thought they made it where you only received items for your class? Oh well. There's more loot out there.


On another note, I think I see how they're going to make the upper ranks harder. You have to upgrade the defense on your higher end gear. My brother and I tried the heroic weekly strike, a level 22 version of Sepiks Prime with Arc Burn enabled. I could one shot a Captain at full shield/health with an arc fusion rifle. But, the arc damage also hits extra against us. So the sniper vandals are one shot kills (with my current gear). Anyways, best of luck people! And anyone wants to play, send me a message in PSN and we'll do some stuff!

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 18:59 (Reply to #32)
Thom293's picture
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RadBrad31 wrote:

Patrols need some spontaneity. Some pizazz. I don't know quite what it's missing, but it does get repetitive and meh quickly.


Now that you say that - I havent seen a single public event in public areas yet.  Has anyone?  I saw quite  a few in the beta.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 19:01 (Reply to #33)
RadBrad31's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

RadBrad31 wrote:

Patrols need some spontaneity. Some pizazz. I don't know quite what it's missing, but it does get repetitive and meh quickly.


Now that you say that - I havent seen a single public event in public areas yet.  Has anyone?  I saw quite  a few in the beta.

One on venus. And that's it. They do seem a lot more rare.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 21:23 (Reply to #34)
pyro13g's picture
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RadBrad31 wrote:

Thom293 wrote:

RadBrad31 wrote:

Patrols need some spontaneity. Some pizazz. I don't know quite what it's missing, but it does get repetitive and meh quickly.


Now that you say that - I havent seen a single public event in public areas yet.  Has anyone?  I saw quite  a few in the beta.

One on venus. And that's it. They do seem a lot more rare.

I had one on earth

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 17:35
TRIHunter's picture
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For anyone who hasn't played an MMO, the game probably seems pretty boring. Leveling in an MMO is typically boring. A lot of grinding with virutally no story line punctuated with a dungeon instance (3 man strike) to break things up. So far, the same for Destiny. For me, the real MMO fun was raiding. I'm holding out hope that will be the case with Destiny. I'm looking forward to max level and decking out my character in purples. As long as the game is more casual that WoW, and not the same kind of time suck, I can see myself raiding for a long time.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 19:12
KamakazeTaco's picture
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To those who have beat the game: Dafuq? Does anyone understand or care what happened? They kinda just send you from one spot to the next but I really couldn't find any incentive. And what was with the obviously incestual brother and sister? You see them the once then they're never important again. Never even figured out their name.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 21:43 (Reply to #37)
RadBrad31's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

To those who have beat the game: Dafuq? Does anyone understand or care what happened? They kinda just send you from one spot to the next but I really couldn't find any incentive. And what was with the obviously incestual brother and sister? You see them the once then they're never important again. Never even figured out their name.


Haha, maybe we should make a new topic with a spoilers tag so people don't get surprised!

Anyways, eh, the story was just kinda there. I wanted to fight badass mobs and get cool loot. And now I am. After every strike you get 1-3 blues, and during the strikes you always get 1 blue engram if not 2-3. Along with a couple greens. Also, I saw someone pick up a Legendary engram in a lvl 22 strike playlist I was in. So those are out there too. Guaranteed legendary or exotic. Mmm hmm. Oh, and someone got one of those in a PvP match I was in as well, as loot afterwards.

I enjoy it. Lvl 22, almost 23, and having a blast. Just met someone and ran a 2 man lvl 22 strike. Was crazy fun. The end game is where the fun is people.

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 22:28
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I had at least 2 public events since yesterday. They probably are less frequent than the beta.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 04:02
SiBoN xB's picture
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Dont know what servers you guy's are playing on ( From the UK here if it makes a difference ) But since release ive had 5 or 6 of these happen. Best ive got is 2 silver stars

Playing on Xb1 BTW

And what i think of the game so far

So far my Destiny experience has been fantastic. I'm loving the art direction and the epic feel of the maps we get to fool around in. I'm loving the steady trickle of new weapons and new abilities to play around with (just unlocked the first subclass for my hunter and was excited to see that it's a whole new skill tree for me to build up). I love the fact that higher end weapons get their own small skill trees to unlock as well. I love the (very Halo-like) feel of the combat. I love the fact that you can just drive around the various planets, occasionally getting in fights, occasionally coming across other players, helping them out with public events est. I like the side missions or quest's if you like that you can pick up. I'm loving the crucible multiplayer for how it evokes memories of old-school halo matches but with all the extra character skills and abilities.

 Most of all I'm loving the fact that I have tomorrow off so I can play Destiny for most of the day.


Happy days wink


Thu, 09/11/2014 - 05:04
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Okay, officially finished the game. Done every possible mission on every planet and now into the endgame. You know what I have there? 5 strikes. When you hit level 18 you unlock the Strike Playlist. It's a playlist with 4 difficulties. Level 18, 20, 22, 24. All it does is randomly throw you into a strike over and over until you quit. And that's it. I can't go back to other planets because the enemies won't level up with me and I can't earn XP anyway. If you play with lower level friends and do their missions you will not get loot at the end.

To reach level 25 you have to find armor with Light +# on it. This is entirely random. I've found armor that's 20 defence lower than what I had but it had 10 light more. Sadly, Light becomes the most important stat. You need roughly 17 Light per level, it never actually tells you. That light is not a permanent thing either. If I switch out my chest piece with +5 light on it for one with +2, I go from level 21 to level 20. So once you've finished the last mission, your game becomes endless strikes just hoping you'll get armor with +light on it. If you find the strikes fun, that could be awesome for you. Having done each of them about 5 times now, I'm a wee bit bored of them. The bosses are little more than bullet sponges. There's no mechanics to learn, no timing to worry about, nothing. You stand behind a collumn when the boss is shooting you, you shoot it when it isn't, you kill the adds as they appear. It's just time consuming.

It's not all bad. Doing a strike I usually average 3-4 rare items each go, sometimes even getting a better weapon. It's hard to get better armor because if it doesn't increase your light level, then it's decreasing it and what's the point in going backwards?

And I know there was some confusion about what motes of light are before. They're currency for ass flaps. You take them to the Speaker and when you get 25 of them, you can buy your titan a new ass flap, or new bedsheet cape for your hunter.

I have also joined the Future War Cult buy purchasing their lovely ass flap, as that is how you join a faction. When wearing their ass flap all faction rep you earn will be for that faction. To buy anything from your faction requires a LOT of rep to reach rank 3. And by a lot, the big bounties give about 100 each and after doing 3 of those my bar was maybe 5% full. You can also earn Vanguard tokens from the bounties to buy the vanguard items. But, in order to help increase the games longevity, you're allowed only to earn 100 tokens a week. Considering the fastest way to earn them is the strike playlist and in there you can earn them 2, 4, 5 or 8 at a time, I don't see that being too big a problem.

And that's my end game summary. Bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 06:57 (Reply to #41)
YEM's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

 When you hit level 18 you unlock the Strike Playlist. It's a playlist with 4 difficulties. Level 18, 20, 22, 24.


It must not be level based. I just hit 16 and it unlocked.


And don't forget, raids are coming. Endgame isn't just strikes :)

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 06:19
KingNeb's picture
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I'm on Mars right now & hope to finish the game today.  I've logged 23.5 hours in two days & the game is an absolute blast.  I've already gotten my money's worth.  The PvP is definitely different & takes some getting used to.  I got way better when I took a step back & didn't play as aggressively (I'm the Titan class & I move pretty slow).  I also play the "item control" game with the Heavy Ammo.  People haven't caught on how insane it is in PvP & I crush face with my machine gun.  

I did hit level 20 already & I'm trying to go beyond that (won't say anything else for those who aren't there yet).  

I'm really hesitant to read anything about Destiny until I beat it to avoid spoilers.

Overall I'm sad that this is my last day off work this week & won't be able to play for 12 hours/day anymore.  Between this & Halo I will be set on games to play well into 2015.  And that's exciting :)



Thu, 09/11/2014 - 07:15
DEEP_NNN's picture
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SHEESH!  I wish I wasn't retired. Seems as if you work , you get more time to play.  laugh

I'm loving the game even though I don't like everything about it. I think I hit level 10 and only made one trip to the Moon. I like playing alone when doing out right exploration but I very much like playing with friends in the story, strike and public events. At this point, I have zero interest in Crucible.

Destiny is the most polished game I've ever experienced outside of maybe Halo 3. I've had 2-3 network disconnects. That's it. No glitches. No weird stuff. Sorry one weirdness. Settings forgot my screen size but it could be because I keep switching between tv sets.

It's being reported that story is Destiny's weakest point. Probably true.  The one overarching feeling I get  is that it's simply  good against evil.  Do I feel like a Guardian? Yeah, a bit. Every once in awhile the game kind of lets you know you're important! Feel good moments.

You probably know you can go back to the Devils Lair in Patrol mode? I want to search that area a bit more but you still have to kill the walker tank thing but then you can take your time.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 07:44
FreeRadikal's picture
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I'm loving it, especially playing with others.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 08:04
Thom293's picture
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Yeah I have to say the strikes with a friend are fun.  I joined up with pyro last night for a few hours and had a blast.  I do wish the bosses had a bit more variety.

Id say as a shooter it has fantastic value.  As a MMO, it has lesser value (depending on how raids turn out).  But on average, I am loving it.  It will get me through until Borderlands, DA3, MCC then destiny expansion.  Going to be a good winter.  I've missed the gym all week though.  I better start back or it's also going to be a heavy winter.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 08:23
RadBrad31's picture
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I want to echo what DEEP_NNN said about polish. From start to finish, I had no bugs/glitches and gameplay was buttery smooth through everything. I experienced a few disconnects but oh well, it saved my spot and I hopped right back in. It is by far the most visually gorgeous game I've ever played. Too bad I can't play with some of you Xboners as well!

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 13:12
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Just found out there were weekly strikes once you hit lvl 20 and they are very hard.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 13:13
tbox's picture
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i haven't gotten too far in yet, only got to play a few hours last night and got to level 6 i think.  could definitely tell a big difference in the first strike (devil's lair?) based on who i got teamed up with (need to get in some games with 2o2p'ers soon!).  the first time i was with a 10 and an 11 and i couldn't damage the captain's shields at all, and was getting one-shotted on the reg, which was frustrating and ended up having to quit once the others dropped.  2nd time was better but still wasn't able to get past the initial mesh layer portion due to everyone dying so much and having to restart multiple times.  overall i appreciate it being harder for sure so it's not as easy to blow through everything but def need some better gear (or better teammates) before heading back in.  i do hope they have more frequent public events though, i enjoyed those during the beta but haven't gotten one yet.  i should be on a lot the next few nights so if you see me, shoot me an invite (xbone)!

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 13:18
Minotaur's picture
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Played with Kkrull for a few hours yesterday on the X1. My thumb is wavering horizontal. A big complaint I have is more with the X1... It's way harder to join/invite people and have their mics work than it is with the 360 (which does that so well). How come I can't join friends from within Destiny - only invite? I have to go to the X1 home screen to "join". The 360/Halo is much better in that regard. I'll be playing with my daughter later this week on the 360s.

Surprised that some of the bad guys are "Minotaurs".... Seems I need a new graphic for my signature here... :)



Thu, 09/11/2014 - 13:59
Duke12's picture
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I noticed that inability to join in XB1 as well last night. I switched back to 360 and joined an open fire team of 2old2play friends.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 14:24
Duke12's picture
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Actually, is there a way on XB1 or 360 to have a party of 6 or even 12 (or more?) players communicate as a party even though they would be part of separate, but presumably coordinated, fireteams? Or can official missions only accomodate one fire team at a time?

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 14:47 (Reply to #52)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Duke12 wrote:

Actually, is there a way on XB1 or 360 to have a party of 6 or even 12 (or more?) players communicate as a party even though they would be part of separate, but presumably coordinated, fireteams? Or can official missions only accomodate one fire team at a time?

There might be some convoluted way of getting more of your friends on the main map with you, but you can't invite them or anything once you have a full fireteam. And as soon as you get to the actual mission part and those darkness rooms it'll cut you off from everyone anyway. Tried for a while last night to get 2 fireteams into the same patrol and aside from one team staying in the room and the other constantly leaving and trying to join over and over til they get lucky, I don't see how to do it.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 15:07 (Reply to #53)
DarthTabasco's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

There might be some convoluted way of getting more of your friends on the main map with you, but you can't invite them or anything once you have a full fireteam. And as soon as you get to the actual mission part and those darkness rooms it'll cut you off from everyone anyway. Tried for a while last night to get 2 fireteams into the same patrol and aside from one team staying in the room and the other constantly leaving and trying to join over and over til they get lucky, I don't see how to do it.

This is one thing that is curious to me - especially with all of Bungie's wanting this to be a social game. How fun would it be to have a tower full of friends or go on Patrol? The 3 person limit for Fireteams would seem much less restrictive if we could load up a server, go on patrol and shoot baddies together. 

Here's to hoping this is a feature Bungie will add. 

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 15:32
Minotaur's picture
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I suspect "difficulty" would be harder to manage with more than a 3 person fireteam all working together as a unit, so Bungie limited the number to better manage the experience. They kept Halo campaign limited to just 4 players. 

Unrelated, the following question might be a spoiler for some. 

[spoiler]Did anyone make it onto the docked enemy spaceship on Venus? I got inside a ways, but I couldn't get far. [/spoiler]

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 16:02 (Reply to #55)
RadBrad31's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

I suspect "difficulty" would be harder to manage with more than a 3 person fireteam all working together as a unit, so Bungie limited the number to better manage the experience. They kept Halo campaign limited to just 4 players. 

Unrelated, the following question might be a spoiler for some. 

[spoiler]Did anyone make it onto the docked enemy spaceship on Venus? I got inside a ways, but I couldn't get far. [/spoiler]


[spoiler]Theres a golden chest clear to the right when you first get on that ship :)[/spoiler]

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 16:20
pyro13g's picture
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Join friends server(game instance) option would be nice.  The map tells you how many friends are at a location but I haven't seen one there in game.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 16:41
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FYI, you can join friends showing up on your XB1 friends list. Pick name, select Join game. Slightly annoying but easy.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 17:04
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Yeah, why should they put that in the game? It's much easier to simply leave shit out and let people find work arounds.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 17:31
pyro13g's picture
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Losing sound going to home to find a friend to join is annoying too.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 18:41
YEM's picture
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Made it to level 21 today

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