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Thu, 09/11/2014 - 20:13
pyro13g's picture
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Made it to 20 and now have to figure out how to boost with light.

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 20:37
Wood_Ghost's picture
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You guys receive anything worthwhile when you complete a public event? I've been in a couple 1 got the gold event for the day but didn't receive anything good. I think it was a shard or something that just went into my inventory as material.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 01:21 (Reply to #63)
RadBrad31's picture
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Wood_Ghost wrote:

You guys receive anything worthwhile when you complete a public event? I've been in a couple 1 got the gold event for the day but didn't receive anything good. I think it was a shard or something that just went into my inventory as material.


Was it Ascendent Energy or something like that? It's used to upgrade Legendary and Exotic gear. So while it may not seem like much right now, they're valuable later on.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 00:21
Captiosus's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

The story isn't very impressive so far. It kinda feels like Titanfall where you're playing the game and the story is just there in the background. I got to the moon and had NO idea why I needed to go there.

I give you that Bungie did a terrible job with the story aspects, which is a fairly big gripe, but to compare it to Titanfall? Titanfall didn't even try to give you any story. I read the opening 10 pages in the Titanfall Prima Guide at Barnes & Noble and found five pages of backstory about the Frontier, Frontier expansion, drive technology, the IMC, and the Militia that Respawn didn't didn't bother telling us in game.

At least Bungie tried... just not very well.

Anyhoo, I digress. Although I'm still having a blast with the game my biggest non-story gripes are:

1. The rote repetition of the patrol missions. I'm an MMO player. I get that repetition is a staple of the MMO genre and, despite Bungie's claims, Destiny is really just a buy-to-play MMO. But my god, the patrol missions... Within an hour, you can see almost all of them. Since they're shared between planets, they're almost always the same: Scan, Gather, Kill X, or Kill Priority Target. Sure, they may substitute Vex for Hive, or Hive for Fallen but the names and processes are identical. The gathering based quests ARE completely identical.

2. The inability to communicate with anyone outside of a fireteam is truly baffling. For a game that repeatedly touted seamless public events dropping in, having no way to communicate with other people in the area is ridiculous. It is next to impossible to meet new people/make new friends in the current system outside of matchmade Strikes. Piss poor social design helped kill Defiance when it came out and I can't help but see parallels between the two games in this regard.

Although I'm addicted to the game, I'm kinda nervous that the game's population is going to fizzle out by year's end unless Bungie does something to strengthen the social aspects and increase/improve the more grindy elements of the game.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 07:24 (Reply to #65)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Although I'm addicted to the game, I'm kinda nervous that the game's population is going to fizzle out by year's end unless Bungie does something to strengthen the social aspects and increase/improve the more grindy elements of the game.

Bungie has said before they have extensive on-going support planned for this game.  Whether the newish content, ramped features or simple adjustments make the game more enjoyable, we'll just have to experience to see.

Here is just the first.

Also, it's amusing for me that questions myself and others had posted for DeeJ, during the Beta live with 2old2play, are exactly the same things being questioned by gaming media.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 11:16 (Reply to #66)
Captiosus's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Bungie has said before they have extensive on-going support planned for this game.  Whether the newish content, ramped features or simple adjustments make the game more enjoyable, we'll just have to experience to see.

Here is just the first.

I read that long before I posted. Adding timed events and Bungie specific bounties doesn't change the fact that the are going to be the same objectives over and over. The only thing these events do is add a temporary reward element.

I suppose the argument I'm making is that events aren't the same as content. We saw something similar with Halo and how Waypoint was used to add new events: Context might change but the content doesn't. Bungie spent months implying that this was going to be a series of massive worlds with lots to do in both PVE and PVP but the reality is the PVE content - other than the as-of-yet unlocked raids - is extremely light and overly repetitive for this particular genre. The Crucible is solid, thankfully.

For me, it feels like the PVE side of the game needed to ship with a couple more moons or planets and leveling needed to be slowed. While I'm playing I can't help but imagine how cool it would have been to have a set of missions on  Phobos and Deimos and maybe some stuff on Jupiter (or its moons) or some missions in the asteroid belt. The game continually references Mercury but we never get to see it. There's literally a universe of possibilities yet the PVE content feels rushed.  

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 11:52 (Reply to #67)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Captiosus wrote:

I read that long before I posted. Adding timed events and Bungie specific bounties doesn't change the fact that the are going to be the same objectives over and over. The only thing these events do is add a temporary reward element.

I suppose the argument I'm making is that events aren't the same as content. We saw something similar with Halo and how Waypoint was used to add new events: Context might change but the content doesn't. Bungie spent months implying that this was going to be a series of massive worlds with lots to do in both PVE and PVP but the reality is the PVE content - other than the as-of-yet unlocked raids - is extremely light and overly repetitive for this particular genre. The Crucible is solid, thankfully.

For me, it feels like the PVE side of the game needed to ship with a couple more moons or planets and leveling needed to be slowed. While I'm playing I can't help but imagine how cool it would have been to have a set of missions on  Phobos and Deimos and maybe some stuff on Jupiter (or its moons) or some missions in the asteroid belt. The game continually references Mercury but we never get to see it. There's literally a universe of possibilities yet the PVE content feels rushed.  

This is the problem with Bungie's keeping so much of the game under wraps and building hype. People can't put into perspective how good a foundation this game has laid because expectation and hype for this game was so high. 

Also, I'm not sure what content you can put in a FPS that isn't "go here and kill stuff", protect this area and/or fetch quests. 

Again, people perhaps expecting too much too soon, but I lay this at Bungie's feet for keeping us in the dark.  

I see a VERY promising start to a series and a game that has so much potential to be awesome. 

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 18:34 (Reply to #68)
pyro13g's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Captiosus wrote:

I read that long before I posted. Adding timed events and Bungie specific bounties doesn't change the fact that the are going to be the same objectives over and over. The only thing these events do is add a temporary reward element.

I suppose the argument I'm making is that events aren't the same as content. We saw something similar with Halo and how Waypoint was used to add new events: Context might change but the content doesn't. Bungie spent months implying that this was going to be a series of massive worlds with lots to do in both PVE and PVP but the reality is the PVE content - other than the as-of-yet unlocked raids - is extremely light and overly repetitive for this particular genre. The Crucible is solid, thankfully.

For me, it feels like the PVE side of the game needed to ship with a couple more moons or planets and leveling needed to be slowed. While I'm playing I can't help but imagine how cool it would have been to have a set of missions on  Phobos and Deimos and maybe some stuff on Jupiter (or its moons) or some missions in the asteroid belt. The game continually references Mercury but we never get to see it. There's literally a universe of possibilities yet the PVE content feels rushed.  

This is the problem with Bungie's keeping so much of the game under wraps and building hype. People can't put into perspective how good a foundation this game has laid because expectation and hype for this game was so high. 

Also, I'm not sure what content you can put in a FPS that isn't "go here and kill stuff", protect this area and/or fetch quests. 

Again, people perhaps expecting too much too soon, but I lay this at Bungie's feet for keeping us in the dark.  

I see a VERY promising start to a series and a game that has so much potential to be awesome. 

Game is dead by spring 2015

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 14:52 (Reply to #69)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Captiosus wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

The story isn't very impressive so far. It kinda feels like Titanfall where you're playing the game and the story is just there in the background. I got to the moon and had NO idea why I needed to go there.

I give you that Bungie did a terrible job with the story aspects, which is a fairly big gripe, but to compare it to Titanfall? Titanfall didn't even try to give you any story. I read the opening 10 pages in the Titanfall Prima Guide at Barnes & Noble and found five pages of backstory about the Frontier, Frontier expansion, drive technology, the IMC, and the Militia that Respawn didn't didn't bother telling us in game.

At least Bungie tried... just not very well.

Personally I don't see this as any different. Who are the fallen and where do they come from? Why are the vex evil robots and why should I care? Who's the strange robot lady following me and who is she talking to on that venus mission?

I still want to know why I can't skip cutscenes. It was all funny in that 2o2p interview when Deej just laughed it off, but now the game is out and we've seen how bad they are. Why, when I make a new character, am I forced to watch them?

I'm also not real happy with how they absolutely DO NOT want you playing with someone who isn't your level. If you're even one level beneath the requirement you do substantially less damage than you should and it just makes things way harder than it should be.

But that's just me being negative. Look at the positives. The grass is pretty, Bungie didn't fuck up anything major with the programming so they game actually works like it's supposed to.


Sat, 09/13/2014 - 19:13 (Reply to #70)
Thom293's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

Captiosus wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

The story isn't very impressive so far. It kinda feels like Titanfall where you're playing the game and the story is just there in the background. I got to the moon and had NO idea why I needed to go there.

I give you that Bungie did a terrible job with the story aspects, which is a fairly big gripe, but to compare it to Titanfall? Titanfall didn't even try to give you any story. I read the opening 10 pages in the Titanfall Prima Guide at Barnes & Noble and found five pages of backstory about the Frontier, Frontier expansion, drive technology, the IMC, and the Militia that Respawn didn't didn't bother telling us in game.

At least Bungie tried... just not very well.

Personally I don't see this as any different. Who are the fallen and where do they come from? Why are the vex evil robots and why should I care? Who's the strange robot lady following me and who is she talking to on that venus mission?

I still want to know why I can't skip cutscenes. It was all funny in that 2o2p interview when Deej just laughed it off, but now the game is out and we've seen how bad they are. Why, when I make a new character, am I forced to watch them?

I'm also not real happy with how they absolutely DO NOT want you playing with someone who isn't your level. If you're even one level beneath the requirement you do substantially less damage than you should and it just makes things way harder than it should be.

But that's just me being negative. Look at the positives. The grass is pretty, Bungie didn't fuck up anything major with the programming so they game actually works like it's supposed to.


On the story, I get what you are saying, but I think we are using an unfair metric.  Halo.

Dont forget, we didnt know anything about the Covies or flood at the end of Halo 1.  Neither really got a backstory until H2.  Then books, comics, movies, four more games, etc. The point is that Halo has had 15 years to build one of the best sci fi universes around.  But at the end of Halo 1 the enemies were just generic 'evil empire' and 'grotesque alien menace' enemies.

Could the story be a bit better?  Probably.  But its early yet.  Revealing everything at this stage would be premature. I still think with the Grimoire thay have taken a huge start on the right path.  Just my opinion. 


Fri, 09/12/2014 - 07:31
DEEP_NNN's picture
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If this post is correct, there are Skull game modifiers too.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 09:17
FreeRadikal's picture
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I like the story, I mean after getting competely confused by Bio Shock, I like an easy to follow story. I still have no idea what that game was about.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 11:36
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I've already put more time into PvE in Destiny than any previous Halo campaign within a similar time frame. I've barely touched Venus and I feel the need to explore the Moon and Earth more. Destiny works so smoothly I've already enjoyed several hours of co-op time with friends. Co-op in Halo was often a hit or miss experience because of network issues.

I haven't pre-ordered any DLC but I no longer doubt whether I'd but it.

All I'm seeing is win-win for me but I do concede there are a few annoying issues.

Anyway, forums suck. Back to Destiny if my wife doesn't have something for me to do.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 17:46
ImMrPete's picture
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I wanted to like Destiny. I played both the Alpha and the Beta. I saw the potential. I took the 9th off......


The game just isn't fun for me.


The patrol missions are boring and repetitive. This is coming from a long time MMO player.

I think they dropped the ball with the social aspect. You should be able to chat with other people in the Tower and be able to join single player games via matchmaking.

The bosses are like bullet sponges. They take for ever to kill and once you do it's more of a sense of relief than one of accomplishment.  

The multiplayer is broken. The Supercharged moves ruin it. While you and your team is capturing a flag, having a opponent wipe everyone out within a 10 foot radius is frustrating.


I hope to play a little more this weekend. Maybe my opinion will change. I know one thing though, this game isn't the second coming it was made out to be. The potential is there, the execution is off.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 18:03
PixelSkills's picture
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Unfortunately I agree, games are just becoming money sponges, they will hype a game up just to make money off us. I also can say im having alot of fun but im sure it will end soon.
Fri, 09/12/2014 - 20:06
SharktopussX's picture
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Thanks to Twitch, YouTube and forums like this one, I have decided to wait on purchasing Destiny -- and an Xbone. Destiny seems to be constructed of an odd mix of refined concepts and bizarre design choices. It's got buttery Halo gunplay with about-fucking-time sprinting and iron sights... but you can't see what your character's head is gonna look like from behind (in 3rd person view) until you play through the tutorial? And then, should you not like the look of your hair-don't, have to roll the dice again. I've heard lots of folks comment on the tiny but odd "missing head rotation". I mean, if you have people scratching their heads and looking for a "missing" button on the first option screen of the game...

And why do I have to go to the web to read my lore (grimoire cards)? You're telling me the last city on Earth doesn't have a fucking library terminal I can use to see what happened while I was dead? 

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 00:38
RadBrad31's picture
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Woo, there is some hate on the game. And, under level 15, I totally get that. Once I hit 15, I felt like drops were more plentiful. At 20, the challenge was appropriate. Now, at 25, I have a few opinions -

Patrol is just a bounty to gain exp/rep with classes. It's a grind. It's not enjoyable. Although today I noticed 2 more public events happened and THOSE were fun. But I will hand it to you, they are repetitive and not something anyone looks forward to at this point.

Social aspects are lacking. The only change I would really, really like to see is automatic chat on in Strikes and Crucible. If you don't like it, you can change an option to make it the way it currently is now, or you can individually mute people. I understand some people want proximity chat and there is definitely pluses and minuses to that. 

Going into a Strike Playlist, and getting a few blue engrams, kind of breaks the need/want for a playlist. You want to go back to the tower, turn into the Crytparch in case you get an upgrade, then back to it. Maybe do 2 in a row. But honestly, as a playlist it's not set up very well given the engram system.

But, all is not lost in my opinion, and allow me to touch on some of the amazing parts of Destiny.

-It is beautiful. I mean, honestly, I know gameplay and what not trumps all, but the beauty of this game should not go without saying. The skyboxes are absolutely gorgeous. I catch myself sitting in the Tower watching the sky pass by over the mountains. It's incredible what they've done.

-As far as a shooter, it runs and shoots buttery smooth, The game never hiccups. I haven't run into a single game-breaking bug in any mode at all whatsoever. No glitched mobs in walls or under floors. No invincible mobs. Etc

-Customization done right. You don't have to have matching armor. Equip a shader and boom, armor looks awesome, no matter what the name brand of them are. It's a little thing, but I like it.

-Mob variety, I like it. I know some people accuse the beta of being a "shooting gallery" as far as enemy AI. Vex and Cabal are different beasts. With the straight-forward march and teleport of the Vex, and the shield packing AOE attacking Cabal, it mixes up gameplay a bit.

-I find the PvP enjoyable. Although some people may disagree with the super usage, over the course of a game, it balances out (in my opinion). I consistently find myself within the top 3 and I feel like the best players still come out on top most times. I feel like a balanced game is one that superior players consistently excel at. From my experience I see that happening.


On top of all this though, it's an online game. Bungie has full control. The can (and will) adjust and add. I feel like they have an amazing foundation to start with, and can't wait to see what it becomes. I'm very optimistic with it and I really enjoy it. It hits my spot. I can see where people have their gripes, but for me, the pluses outweigh those heavily. To each their own, and I'm sorry more of you haven't found Destiny to be as enjoyable as you'd hoped!

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 10:24
pyro13g's picture
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Cricible has turned into a huge unblanced pile of stink.  I couldn't  cause any damage at point blank range with a shotgun on a regular basis.   I have caused 0 damage with Vortex grenades dropped at opponents feet.   Those disappearing teleport moves are nearly impossible to counter.   My fully charged melee won't srop anyone yet theirs will drop me in one hit.  The Crucible mark limit is a nice incentive not to play after you reach it  for the week.  Some strikes lack match making(not good)

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 14:02 (Reply to #79)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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pyro13g wrote:

Cricible has turned into a huge unblanced pile of stink.  I couldn't  cause any damage at point blank range with a shotgun on a regular basis.   I have caused 0 damage with Vortex grenades dropped at opponents feet.   Those disappearing teleport moves are nearly impossible to counter.   My fully charged melee won't srop anyone yet theirs will drop me in one hit.  The Crucible mark limit is a nice incentive not to play after you reach it  for the week.  Some strikes lack match making(not good)


So, you can only hit 100 Crucible marks and be done for the week, right?  Lame.  I've got my hundred and I've notived I've been there for a day or so.

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 14:17 (Reply to #80)
RadBrad31's picture
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I haven't experienced grenade misses. I use a hunter and trip mine is pretty damn consistent and strong. 


No ones melee is a one hit kill. They all require a couple body shots or a headshot to have killed you. Unless you're referring to the bladedancer super. Are you level 20 with all your skills  unlocked? Part of the balance is that everyone is super strong.  What class are you?

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 15:32 (Reply to #81)
pyro13g's picture
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RadBrad31 wrote:

I haven't experienced grenade misses. I use a hunter and trip mine is pretty damn consistent and strong. 


No ones melee is a one hit kill. They all require a couple body shots or a headshot to have killed you. Unless you're referring to the bladedancer super. Are you level 20 with all your skills  unlocked? Part of the balance is that everyone is super strong.  What class are you?

22 Warlock..  Those shields a class can drop are nice when they are your teammates.  It's going to take a while to level my purple hoodie(helmet).  Farm Mars iron and figure out how I get all the shards I need.  I need to level up the travelers pulse rifle to full auto  until I get something better.


Mon, 09/15/2014 - 09:45 (Reply to #82)
Sparty1992's picture
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pyro13g wrote:

Cricible has turned into a huge unblanced pile of stink.  I couldn't  cause any damage at point blank range with a shotgun on a regular basis.   I have caused 0 damage with Vortex grenades dropped at opponents feet.   Those disappearing teleport moves are nearly impossible to counter.   My fully charged melee won't srop anyone yet theirs will drop me in one hit.  The Crucible mark limit is a nice incentive not to play after you reach it  for the week.  Some strikes lack match making(not good)

I am not a awesome PvP guy, but I have felt like someone sent me bear hunting with a pellet gun and a stick on my early trips into the crucible.  I have not got to level 20 yet, sounds like that should make a difference in at least leveling the armor and weapons (my skill still needs work).  My other PvP beef is picking who is friend or foe where it is quickly and easily unmistakable like the red v blue in halo.  Maybe it will take getting use to since I never played COD PvP only Halo.

I have played a lot of the game (for me) and cant say that I love it but I have stayed up late after kids to bed to play almost every night since getting it.  I am hoping the level 20 will make PvP more enjoyable and like others they add content to remove some of the redundant nature so far.

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 13:38
SoulTerror's picture
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I'm loving the game so far. Have about 8 hours and I'm level 14 with my Titan. Last night I was stuck playing by my self last night, did team up with one of the guys from here for a mission on the moon, but then he had to go so I was back on my own just playing missions. Did the strick on the moon with some random people that went fine. When I'm playing with my friends is when I'm having the most fun and was the main reason I got this game. I plan on putting lots of hours into the game. I do agree that it's repeative, espacially the patrol missions, but I'm hoping the DLC will bring more worlds to explore.

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 17:04
YEM's picture
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FYI, the full auto on the Travelers rifle isn't like the full auto on the auto rifles. It still fires in 3 round bursts, only now you can hold the trigger instead of pressing it everytime you shoot.



Sat, 09/13/2014 - 17:52
pyro13g's picture
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Sun, 09/14/2014 - 00:25
RyanFromVegas's picture
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My love waned pretty quick...

Halo and Borderlands are just way too different to mix well.

They ended up getting rid of what was best about each game...or I guess thay got rid of what was best about Boderlands to try and preserve what was best about Halo..pvp...and missed on that mark as well it sounds like.


The things I liked about borderlands were:

Each class was noticeably different.  Not just in appearance, but in abilities. Sure, the sniper can fire machine guns if you want, but your buffs are all for squat and you had no health/armor to be in the middle of the fight.

As a sniper, I had a couple different damage type sniper rifles equiped and a shotty or something if things got close level 21, it had been about 10 levels since Id seen a decent scout I was using a pulse rifle instead..but maybe just should have used a auto rifle like everyone else.

About 20 different options on the time you factored in effect and damge type.

If you found a crazy cool new weapon in the middle of a mission, you could switch going back to the city to get your engram decoded...

It seemed like loot dropped a lot mre frequently in Borderlands and you were always making choices...Once I found my kick ass fire sniper that was going to last 10 levels, I was on the lookout to upgrade my acid rifle..or grenades...Not enough gear was dropping..and there isnt enough variability...Can anyone suggest which models in Destiny have the best scopes? or the best fire rate?  I knew these things in Borderlands.

Also, I dont care for the stats at the end of the strike missions.  Kills vs assists is the only metric.  What if the bottom killer did amazing dps but it was all focused on the bosses while the other 2 guys mopped up the little guys?  Nope, your bottom guy in the suck...better to just get the auto rifle and plow through the grunts to up your stats.

Anyways, it seems obvious that they had to comprimise to keep any semblance of balance in the crucible.

Sun, 09/14/2014 - 07:05
pyro13g's picture
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The bottom in strikes may be one of the best players.  It can be a lot of work to be the spawn anchor. 

Sun, 09/14/2014 - 19:19 (Reply to #88)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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pyro13g wrote:

The bottom in strikes may be one of the best players.  It can be a lot of work to be the spawn anchor. 


Absolutely this.  I've noticed that you're better off in most instances if everyone wipes out the little mobs and then focuses on the big one in the middle.

Mon, 09/15/2014 - 05:29
KamakazeTaco's picture
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The game rewards you more when you play like ass. This has happened way too many times to be coincidence. The bottom guy in the crucible gets 2 rewards, top guy gets one, or usually nothing. Finished a strike with a level 23 guy who had 3 legendary pieces of armor and still died 28 times, got a legendary engram in the rewards screen. So noob it up guys.

Mon, 09/15/2014 - 13:11 (Reply to #90)
Thom293's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

The game rewards you more when you play like ass. This has happened way too many times to be coincidence. The bottom guy in the crucible gets 2 rewards, top guy gets one, or usually nothing. Finished a strike with a level 23 guy who had 3 legendary pieces of armor and still died 28 times, got a legendary engram in the rewards screen. So noob it up guys.

As far as I can tell, its completely random.  Since there are two boxes for each person, one should be results based, and the other random.


On crucible, I have started to get the hang of it.  Creeping up to a positive k/d after a really rough start.


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