[Destiny] Lev 20 and beyond Info

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#1 Fri, 09/12/2014 - 12:38
Tactica's picture
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[Destiny] Lev 20 and beyond Info

Hit lev 20 last night with my Warlock. Moved over to PSN on a PS4 for this game. Have to say - love it, but all my experience is from that perspective and this is only 1 week (Tues - Thursday) into the game. I'm sure more will be learned and more will change. Afterall, Raids aren't even open yet Vault of glass doesn't open till [ EDIT] Sept 16 or for Lev 26 players [/ EDIT] so... but this is what I've learned so far about 20+, all subject to more learning of course.

At level 15, I unlocked a second sub class B. If I switch sub classes, will I have to earn more experience to unlock those other skills in sub class B?

  • Yes


Can I switch back and forth between subclasses A & B without penalty and keep all progress on each at any time?

  • Yes


Will I continue to earn EXP after I hit the level cap of 20?

  • Yes


Will all my current sub-class skills be unlocked when I hit level 20?

  • No


Will the EXP I earn after lev cap 20 be beneficial to me?

  • Yes. Use it for unlocking your character skills in sub classes, for leveling your gear, for earning Motes of Light


What is a Mote of Light?

  • Item you earn for each progress point instead of a new level after 20.
  • Mote of Light is another type of currency
  • Mote of light is used at the Seer for example in exchange for legendary class items (cosmetic?)


Hit EXP lev cap 20 – unlock “light”

  • You now can buy armor with the “light” stat modifier


How do you go above level 20?

  • You need enough “Light” stat to push you to level 21
  • When you equip enough gear with enough “light” modifiers, you move up in “light” level
  • Just like Discipline or Strength or Intellect… Light is now a 4th stat after level 20 on your gear
  • Example – it may take a total of 20 total “Light” stat (across all gear) to push you to level 21


What armor can have “Light” modifiers?

  • All 4 slots can have it, and you want it


Where do you get armor with “light” modifiers?

  • You must first reach character level 20, when go to orbit, you receive a notice, then…
    • Vanguard armory (Quartermaster or Vanguard Rep)
    • Crucible armory
    • Seer
    • Faction armories (several in Tower)
    • Cryptarch (hypothetically - unconfirmed)
    • Earn it through Missions
    • Earn it through Crucible
    • Random Drops fighing in the wild
    • Patrol mission rewards
    • Events


How come I can’t just use Glimmer to purchase “Light” armor?

  • Armor with “Light” bonuses on it is harder to acquire
  • You now need some combination of 4 things:
    • Reputation (Crucible, Vanguard or *Faction)
    • Marks (Crucible,  Vanguard or *Faction)
    • Glimmer
    • Motes of Light


What is the difference between Reputation and Marks for Vanguard or Crucible?

  • Reptuation is how much favor you have with them.
  • You need to earn enough favor or Rep (think street cred) before you get to see the goods
  • The more reputation you have, the better stuff you get access to


What are Marks?

  • Where Glimmer is currency accepted everywhere… MARKS are specifc to group
  • Marks are just currency for that specifc group
  • Each Faction, Vanguard and Crucible all have their own set of MARKs
  • Each set of Marks are earned separately
    • Vanguard Marks
    • Crucible Marks
    • Osiris Marks
    • Future War Cult (FWC) Marks
    • Dead Orbit Marks
    • Etc…


How do I earn Vanguard Marks?

  • Strike Play Lists – circle next to the crucible circle on the Director (opens at level 18 or so)
  • Look for specific REWARD Vanguard Marks for special strikes / events on left column on director
  • Look for special Bounties and/or Daily / Weekly / Nightly Event Strike type events with Vanguard Mark rewards


How do I earn Vanguard Reputation?

  • Play ANY Strike
  • Perform Patrol Missions
  • Turn in Vanguard Bounties
  • Resource cash in (need 50 of a given item) at Vanguard Quarter Master


How do I earn Crucible Marks?

  • Play competitive Multiplayer i.e. Crucible
  • Look for special Bounties and/or Daily / Weekly / Nightly Event rewards (left column on director)


How do I earn Crucible Reputation?

  • Play the Crucible
  • Turn in Crucible Bounties
  • Resource cash in (need 50 of a given item) at Crucible Armory Bot


How do I earn a specific FACTION reputation & Marks?

  • After reach level 20, buy an class item from the faction in the tower
  • Equip it
  • Now – go read the Vanguard and Crucible tasks – do the same stuff
  • You will earn Faction Reputation & Marks instead of Vanguard/Crucible Rep & Marks


What is the highest Light level you’ve seen so far?

  • Light Level 29


What is the highest PvE mob you’ve seen and where was it?

  • Level 26 Minotaur Vex thing
  • Venus in the wild
Fri, 09/12/2014 - 14:52
Tactica's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/17/2006 - 23:00

So, I was just reading through 'the BACK" of all of my Grimiore cards while at work... I came across this...

Rank 1: 9/50
"Cloaks, marks, and bonds can now drop for completing any Strike."

Rank 2: 100
Rank 3: 250

So... I'm guessing that the "Bonus" I get when I've completed at least 50 Strikes, is that I will earn VANGUARD MARKS for ALL OF MY STRIKES after I have played at least 50 strikes.

... and I really don't dig Crucible, but there's one for that too, as one would expect... but instead of the info under the "Cucible into card, its found under by CONTROL card back..."

Rank1: 3/25
"Cloaks, marks, and bonds can now drop in this Playlist. Tournament Tickets also become more common."

Rank 2: 50
Rank 3: 100

Cool, something for everyone.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 14:55
Thom293's picture
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Bravo Sir.  Thanks.  

I will add - the amount of drops you get greatly increases when you hit 20. I am getting  2-4 green/blue per strike.  I picked up a purple orb, but it  only gave me a blue.  Maybe next time.  (Color of orb is max color item you get - but there is a chance it is a lesser color too).

EDIT:  I've started to see shaders drop also for some people, although I haven't gotten one.  

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 13:51 (Reply to #3)
Shadow's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

Bravo Sir.  Thanks.  

I will add - the amount of drops you get greatly increases when you hit 20. I am getting  2-4 green/blue per strike.  I picked up a purple orb, but it  only gave me a blue.  Maybe next time.  (Color of orb is max color item you get - but there is a chance it is a lesser color too).

EDIT:  I've started to see shaders drop also for some people, although I haven't gotten one.  

bolded isn't true - I got a blue encrypted orb and it decrypted as a purple scout rifle.  In the details it says what kind of weapon it could be.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 13:59 (Reply to #4)
Thom293's picture
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Shadow wrote:

Thom293 wrote:

Bravo Sir.  Thanks.  

I will add - the amount of drops you get greatly increases when you hit 20. I am getting  2-4 green/blue per strike.  I picked up a purple orb, but it  only gave me a blue.  Maybe next time.  (Color of orb is max color item you get - but there is a chance it is a lesser color too).

EDIT:  I've started to see shaders drop also for some people, although I haven't gotten one.  

bolded isn't true - I got a blue encrypted orb and it decrypted as a purple scout rifle.  In the details it says what kind of weapon it could be.


You are correct.  I also got a scout rifle this way.  Ill edit it.


EDIT:  Guess I wont.  I dont see a way to edit an old post.

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 15:51
YEM's picture
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Just shy of 23, and like Thom said, the drops are much better. 

Fri, 09/12/2014 - 21:38
RyanFromVegas's picture
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LVL 21 Hunter...no crucible play.

I got one purple drop that was titan specific...bummer.

Ive gotten 2 shaders and a couple blue cloaks.

I saw a lvl 22 guy who had a purple shader and a purple ship.  well the ship was black..but it was a legendary drop.  Didnt ask him where he got it.

I didnt know factions like FWC worked with stock missions...I assumed it was all crucible.

Sat, 09/13/2014 - 15:14
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Motes of light are drops, just like the strange coins. I've tried to decrypt blue engrams and gotten a mote instead as well. You also stop earning mission rewards for anything except strikes once you hit level 20.

The factions don't have their own currency, just their own rep. There's 2 forms of tokens, vanguard and crucible. You're allowed to earn 100 of each per week. The vanguard needs vanguard tokens, the other factions need crucible tokens.

You can earn armor with light on it most easily doing the strike playlist. It's VERY unlikely you'll get much of anything going back to do patrols or the story missions. Sadly light becomes pretty much the most important stat in the game, since if you're not the same level as the enemy you'll do less damage than you should no matter how good the rest of your gear is.

Also, once you hit 15 with one character you can immediately switch to the 2nd subclass for any character no matter what level they are.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 13:53 (Reply to #8)
Shadow's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

Motes of light are drops, just like the strange coins. 

they CAN be drops, though it's rare.  Very rare.  Usually it's a reward for a strike.  Then you can also get them by exp, after you max the bar out you get another mote.

Sun, 09/14/2014 - 16:21
Thom293's picture
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Check out the weekend vendor in tower by crucible quartermaster. He has some scary good wares - and an even scarier face.
Mon, 09/15/2014 - 08:00
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm not in too big a hurry to rank up. I'm being pretty selective with my gear. Basically I want Light, Intellect and Discipline. I try to stay out of CQC, so I'm not worried about my melee cooldown, but having my grenade cooldown at almost 100% is nice. 


Tue, 09/16/2014 - 04:19
DedJeloC's picture
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Nice info! Thanks for putting this together!

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 10:14
Thom293's picture
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I maxed out the Titan striker class last night.  The final ability is "juggernaut" that gives you a shield after you sprint for a little bit, but I'm still not exactly sure how it works.  Ill be switching to the other class for missions now, and stay with the striker in pvp.

I have been stuck at 24 for the last 3 days.  I am getting plenty of armor drops, but none of them have more than my current armor.  I've been playing the highest level strikes and crucible.  Ive gotten a crapload of good weapons though.

Oh, and if people dont know - if you miss some loot that dropped for you on a mission (it ended or you forgot to go pick it up) it will show up in your mailbox at the bottom under "lost items."  So dont sweat it too much if you dont scour every inch of the map after you kill a boss.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 14:04 (Reply to #13)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

I maxed out the Titan striker class last night.  The final ability is "juggernaut" that gives you a shield after you sprint for a little bit, but I'm still not exactly sure how it works.  Ill be switching to the other class for missions now, and stay with the striker in pvp.

I have been stuck at 24 for the last 3 days.  I am getting plenty of armor drops, but none of them have more than my current armor.  I've been playing the highest level strikes and crucible.  Ive gotten a crapload of good weapons though.

Oh, and if people dont know - if you miss some loot that dropped for you on a mission (it ended or you forgot to go pick it up) it will show up in your mailbox at the bottom under "lost items."  So dont sweat it too much if you dont scour every inch of the map after you kill a boss.

Level 24 is the highest you can get without at least one legendary piece. For rare armor it maxes out at 13 light, which you can upgrade to 15.

Of course, the game then makes it VERY hard to even find a legendary engram then just gives you the middle finger and makes those into rare gear when you decrypt them.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 15:31 (Reply to #14)
Thom293's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

Thom293 wrote:

I maxed out the Titan striker class last night.  The final ability is "juggernaut" that gives you a shield after you sprint for a little bit, but I'm still not exactly sure how it works.  Ill be switching to the other class for missions now, and stay with the striker in pvp.

I have been stuck at 24 for the last 3 days.  I am getting plenty of armor drops, but none of them have more than my current armor.  I've been playing the highest level strikes and crucible.  Ive gotten a crapload of good weapons though.

Oh, and if people dont know - if you miss some loot that dropped for you on a mission (it ended or you forgot to go pick it up) it will show up in your mailbox at the bottom under "lost items."  So dont sweat it too much if you dont scour every inch of the map after you kill a boss.

Level 24 is the highest you can get without at least one legendary piece. For rare armor it maxes out at 13 light, which you can upgrade to 15.

Of course, the game then makes it VERY hard to even find a legendary engram then just gives you the middle finger and makes those into rare gear when you decrypt them.

Ahh - that explains it.  Thank you.  I chose the dead orbit faction, and just hit level 1.  You cant start buying armor until level 2 I believe.  So I have a bit of a grind I guess.


I just realized that in addition to the strike playlist, you can go back and run old story missions on heroic at level 24.  That should make things a bit easier.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 16:21 (Reply to #15)
YEM's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

 then just gives you the middle finger and makes those into rare gear when you decrypt them.



Tue, 09/16/2014 - 17:43 (Reply to #16)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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YEM wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

 then just gives you the middle finger and makes those into rare gear when you decrypt them.



"I'm very much the gamestop of , The trade in values are awful." Love it.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 18:40 (Reply to #17)
Thom293's picture
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YEM wrote:

KamakazeTaco wrote:

 then just gives you the middle finger and makes those into rare gear when you decrypt them.




This is hilarious.  

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 18:26 (Reply to #18)
Wood_Ghost's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:


Level 24 is the highest you can get without at least one legendary piece. For rare armor it maxes out at 13 light, which you can upgrade to 15.

Of course, the game then makes it VERY hard to even find a legendary engram then just gives you the middle finger and makes those into rare gear when you decrypt them.

Only a 23 but didn't know 24 was max without legendary. Found my first piece of legenday last night unfortunately was for a titan I'm playing as warlock.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 16:04
DarthTabasco's picture
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Initially I chose FWC for my faction because their gear has intellect and discipline. However, I then realized my warlock vanguard sells the same stuff and it looks better...lol

Also, the vanguard stuff cycles so I changed back to vanguard for rep as it seems like there will be more choices.

That's my current plan.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 16:53
pyro13g's picture
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Not sure how much more grinding I can take.  I look at how much I've played vs where I'm at and it's either getting close to break time or packing it in.  Probably a break since there aren't any other games to play right now. 

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