Should I return this game or keep it?
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 10:00
Should I return this game or keep it?
I pre-ordered this game based on the commercials I saw on TV and did not research it beforehand. I don't really have the time to play online, and none of my friends are gamers. My gaming style is to play a game once a week for a few hours on Saturday night. In fact, my XBox 360 still has silver membership, so I already know I can't play this game's COOP mode.
I've heard that this game does have a single player campaign and also that it doesn't have much of one. Or is it mostly shoot everything that moves, divide the loot, repeat?
You can't really play it without a gold membership. I like the game and would recommend it, but it's going to be impossible for you unless you upgrade to gold.
as far as other games coming out I think Shadows of Mordor is coming out in about a week. It looks really unique and it's single player I think. Might want to wait on reviews for that one though. Seems to be a genre-edge game. Those can spectacularly succeed or flop.
It's a beautiful game with a sketchy storyline that you should probably avoid, based on what you said.
If you had gold and some friends you could regularly play with that once a week I'd say keep it. The game basically encourages you to only play once a week. But the whole point of the game is doing the strikes and raids which require other people. Playing it solo just isn't as fun.
I agree, sounds like it's not the game for you.
Thanks for the input, it's appreciated. I will be returning this game and waiting for the next RPG to come along.