Just curious if anyone is into the new Horizon game at the end of the month.
Might be a nice break from my guardian duties. Hit me up if you're thinking of picking it up.
Xbone of course. \m/
Free demo is up on the xbone. Played some last night. I have to say it was really good. Beautiful graphics. The cars handle very well. The off road stuff was a blast. Flying through corn fields and catching some air here and there. Great stuff! Can't wait for the full release. Hope to see some 2old2play folks on the road.
I'm getting it but I'm really not excited about it. However my xbone seems to have fixed itself and multi player works fine so there's probably some fun to have there.
I've got my hopes up probably more than I should for this one but I've already paid for it. And yes, I'm sure there is some fun to be had. It looks much better than the first one and the addition of off road has got to be a good thing.......right?
you will find few of the 2old4forza guys with this
I'm getting it but I'm really not excited about it. However my xbone seems to have fixed itself and multi player works fine so there's probably some fun to have there.
Fun game I'm really enjoying it. I'm having trouble figuring out the online play so hit me up my gamertag is racerchaser
Suspicious cat is suspicious
That didn't take long!!!! lol