Exotic Bounty
Sat, 10/11/2014 - 10:42
Exotic Bounty
Holy crap I have to complete 25 strikes for my (first) exotic bounty,and I dont even know if thats all I have to do. I've already completed the weekly strike thinking thats easy....um no!
So who wants to do some strikes? Feel free to send an FR or post up and I'll send ya one.
Thought it was hard getting coins for Xur....
There is a decent pvp element at the end. I finished it last night. 8-12 games or so, depending on how many warlocks you see (they give triple points).
Gun is pretty cool. Mag is way to shallow though. needs 6-9 more bullets (2 or 3 trigger pulls) to be worthwhile.
Gun is due for a buff soon so it might be worth it to keep. The 15 mag is an issue. I still have to complete the strikes before buying a frame from Xur and then do the PVP.
OMG! This is gonna be torture. I almost did the one that said " Speak to Kora " Anyone know what that bounty gives you?
I believe that is invective, the shotgun. I dont have it upgraded yet, but it completely crushes souls in pvp. It will be even better with the fitted stock upgrade later in the tree. Its easily the single biggest weapon upgrade I have ever gotten. It is so damn good.
Invective shotgun.
You know I turned in five bounties all at the same time,wonder if that had anything to do with it.
I used to be like you, but then
I took an arrow to the kneeI started seeing them trickle in a couple of days ago. Now I have three active bounties that are clogging up my bounty queue.Do you patrol much?
Im on my second and my son who plays a lot with me has had zero. He refuses to ever patrol, I've got mine from the postmaster after coming back from patrol with 2 or 3 bounties to turn in. Maybe totally random but IDK.
It's too bad I didnt get this early in the week,wonder if Iron Banner would have counted toward the pvp aspect.
Only if you were on the pvp part of the bounty. You'll have to comlete the 25 strikes before moving on to the next step
I've trashed 2 or 3 Exotic bounties because of the Crucible requirements.
I'll probably trash the Thorn one (500 points Void damage in Crucible - 5 points for a kill, -2 for a death). That would take forever if I ever got it.
But the Invective which is +25 kills isn't bad if you can keep a positive k/d for a few games.
Just got another exotic bounty " Voice in the Wilderness " . I had also turned in another five bounties at once so I think it's like the lottery,more you play,more you win. Same goes for blue engrams,dont turn in just one or two. Stockpile that shit till you have five or six,one will turn purple.
Yeah but I still have to wait till Fri to buy a module from Xur.
Same thing happened to me.
nah it doesn't matter how many you turn in at once. I've gotten them from turning in one. I got that bounty too - it's easy. You get Super Good Advice, a machine gun.
The exotic bounties might be tied to how many vanguard marks you have....I have been offered them three times, all three times I had maxed out for the week at 100 marks.?.
yeah, because you can then give them to your other characters if you have any.
I don't think that's it either. I've been firmly pressed against the weekly caps for both kinds of marks for the last couple of weeks and its only now that I saw a few of the bounties. I think they're just random when you hit a certain level threshhold.
I did just find my first Exotic a couple of days ago, Icebreaker. Of course, I had bought it from Xur the day before. When it rains, it pours.
Bah ha I was sure that was going to happen to me too. Drop 17 strange coins then pick up in the game after bitching about never getting a drop.
Yeah, its sitting in my inventory right now. I can't quite bring myself to dismantle it, not yet at least.
Xur would be the second element of the bounty...shit.
I finished Super Good Advice over the weekend. The main issue is the Stability is low, so makes it somewhat of a challenge to control - just burst fire the weapon. Up close is where it really shines.
I also did the Invective bounty and it's a beast of a weapon, especially once you unlock the Stability upgrade - as mentioned above.
Were it not for bounties and Xur, I would have no exotics, which is ok, but I do wish I would see one actually drop from one of my other activities.
Me too. My first trip on the Xur Cryptarch roulette turned up an awesome exotic hunter helmet. Bad news I had a level 7 hunter I stopped playing because I liked the warlock best and titan second best.
My next Xur I got the Apothisis Veil for my Warlock which was good because it was for my warlock bad cause it was my 3rd choice of exotic helm I was hoping for.
I did get an exotic bounty but cant remember when. I so far have had to find a dead ghost, finish a strike on heroic, now working on dismantling 10 rare (blue) or better fusion rifles. After that I may need to take over for the robot who continually is sweeping the same spot for an hour in the hangar or rub Ikora Reys bunion feet but hitting a series of buttions correctly like the old game simon!!
Anyhow I rarely have used fusion rifles so can say I am too excited about this exotic either.
Pocket Infinity is probably the best pure fusion rifle in the game, though. Clears out a room really quick.