Sorry I couldn't join. Just got out of a raid without us droppng atheon. People had to leave. Maybe iI'll push him off the edge myself
I hope there is a group running Friday night or sometime over the weekend when I can join. Seems like groups form up either too early or too late for me during the week.
I want to see what all of the fuss is
Darth, I will likely be on Friday night and would be up to help with the raid again.
Ders. wrote: Darth, I will likely be on Friday night and would be up to help with the raid again.
Anybody else going to be around tonight to try the normal Raid?
What level do you need for the raid? I am about halfway thru 26. Progress has been slow. I need ascendant shards and energy to upgrade.
Ok, just hit 27 Titan and posted in the over 50 Raid thread.
I'm in. What time?
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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Sorry I couldn't join. Just got out of a raid without us droppng atheon. People had to leave. Maybe iI'll push him off the edge myself
I hope there is a group running Friday night or sometime over the weekend when I can join. Seems like groups form up either too early or too late for me during the week.
I want to see what all of the fuss is
Darth, I will likely be on Friday night and would be up to help with the raid again.
Anybody else going to be around tonight to try the normal Raid?
What level do you need for the raid? I am about halfway thru 26. Progress has been slow. I need ascendant shards and energy to upgrade.
Ok, just hit 27 Titan and posted in the over 50 Raid thread.
I'm in. What time?