Raid checkpoint on hard
Thu, 10/16/2014 - 06:06
Raid checkpoint on hard
I have it ready at Atheon And I Can Push. Last Week I did It With Only Dixon Just To See If IT worked and it did. If you want either the mythoclast or gear post here and I'll take you through. If you don't want to cheese and are a purist go else where. If I get no replies I'm soloing today at 9 pm est.first 5 are in. post in here if interested.
Damn, I NEED raid gear. I always get shards or energy. Too bad the Pats are on tonight or I'd join you
I do want to run through it legit, but I'll take some cheese too if I'm online.
As stingy as this game is with drops, I'll take all the help I can get.
I'm down with this stingy loot game. I'm sure Dixon got all exotic drops as usual.
That's when I got the legendary sparrow and something else. The heavy machine gun, maybe? By the way, if you get that heavy machine gun, you'll absolutely love it.
And, as always, Bunny, let me know. I'll Raid virtually any time.
The heavy machine gun "Corrective Measures" has the perfect balance perk (at least mine does) and can get a 95% full stability bar. Its absolutely sick once you have it upgraded. You can cross-map people with it. I got my first ever "machine lord" medal in crucible last night because I got five kills with it in one life.
Same here. I try tinkering with other heavy machine guns, specifically on Nightfall missions, but they're hopping all over the place compared to Corrective Measures.
Yes, i'd like to cheese before patched. I should have a normal checkpoint also (no luck getting a group together to try and finish it yet).
What system? If PS4 I'm done for getting some loot.
I'll go but have not done a Raid before.
I love cheese. If XB1 I'm in. Gamertag is Temujin
Only 35 more shards needed to fully upgrade my raid chest and boots.
Did they patch Atheon cheese somehow? I have to sit and get killed over and over while my sunsinger dual grenades and my super charge up.
So it's not 30 seconds LOL!