Ascendant Energy.

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#1 Mon, 10/20/2014 - 07:01
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Ascendant Energy. says it is acquired via Raids, winning in the Crucible and rarely from other sources.

I'm having difficulty collecting Ascendant Energy.

Is Crucible a reliable source or are Raids paying off better?

Other sources?

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 07:40
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm not sure I've ever received ascendant materials from Crucible or if I have, it wasn't enough to really remember.

The most reliable way is probably doing the Daily Story mission on level 28 - as I seem to almost always get mats. Also your first gold-rated public event of each day should get you some ascendant mats too. 

Also, the weekly strikes are good sources, but you only get loot rewards once a week. 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 08:06
Thom293's picture
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Daily story missions at 26 and 28 guarantee it.  As does your first public event (random thereafter).  The raid is best though I usually get 6-8 upgrade materials per run.  Also,if you are sitting on a lot of marks, you can buy weapons or armor and shard it.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:01 (Reply to #3)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

Daily story missions at 26 and 28 guarantee it.  As does your first public event (random thereafter).  The raid is best though I usually get 6-8 upgrade materials per run.  Also,if you are sitting on a lot of marks, you can buy weapons or armor and shard it.


Also, I've been spending my marks on legendary weapons so they're getting used for that. I may soon be able to shard some that don't meet my personal preference.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:00
Sparty1992's picture
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Have you guys heard the one about not upgrading your stuff with the ascendant energy too much because you need an exotic plus legendary raid armor to make level 30.  The just legendary you get from vendors only goes up so much.  The exotic and armor won from raids go to 30.  So dont fully max out your regular legendary or you are wasting the energy?  I heard this from a 13 year old who heard it on the internet. .. .. so it certainly must be reliable!!!

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:20 (Reply to #5)
CTRChaosQc's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:

Have you guys heard the one about not upgrading your stuff with the ascendant energy too much because you need an exotic plus legendary raid armor to make level 30.  The just legendary you get from vendors only goes up so much.  The exotic and armor won from raids go to 30.  So dont fully max out your regular legendary or you are wasting the energy?  I heard this from a 13 year old who heard it on the internet. .. .. so it certainly must be reliable!!!


Hey Sparty,.. you know the kids is right. Some Legendary Armor is not worth upgrading but how do you know??? Personally I just ask my son,.. is this one good y/n. First we have to remember that you are allowed only 1 exotic Armor the rest is legendary. But as a Warlock I have 2, the gloves used with the sunsilger or what-ever that thing is called and the other Chest when I use the blue Sun or what-ever it's called. Knowing that everyone doesn't have a sun that works for a Game company, there is a website that explains this,... anyways as for the main subject from Deepnnn, If you do the raid you get a min of 10 shards and 13 energy,.. but if you are not at that level you can just do the strikes and daily you will get some 70% of the time, my best way to get shards when I needed to upgraded my gloves was to use my marks and buy legendary armor, bought 3 pair of gloves, same ones, and dismantled them to get 10 shared from them,… just another trick.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:26 (Reply to #6)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:

Have you guys heard the one about not upgrading your stuff with the ascendant energy too much because you need an exotic plus legendary raid armor to make level 30.  The just legendary you get from vendors only goes up so much.  The exotic and armor won from raids go to 30.  So dont fully max out your regular legendary or you are wasting the energy?  I heard this from a 13 year old who heard it on the internet. .. .. so it certainly must be reliable!!!

Yeah, I basically upgraded my gear enough to get me to 28 and I'm stopping there until I get some raid gear. I also have gear I'm upgrading for use specifically in Crucible, so I'm still in need of materials. 

The only pieces of gear I've actually fully upgraded are my exotics. The other stuff I'm holding off on doing full upgrades.

You can only get to 30 by using fully upgraded raid gear or 3 pieces of fully upgraded raid gear and a fully upgraded exotic.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:29 (Reply to #7)
CTRChaosQc's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Have you guys heard the one about not upgrading your stuff with the ascendant energy too much because you need an exotic plus legendary raid armor to make level 30.  The just legendary you get from vendors only goes up so much.  The exotic and armor won from raids go to 30.  So dont fully max out your regular legendary or you are wasting the energy?  I heard this from a 13 year old who heard it on the internet. .. .. so it certainly must be reliable!!!

Yeah, I basically upgraded my gear enough to get me to 28 and I'm stopping there until I get some raid gear. I also have gear I'm upgrading for use specifically in Crucible, so I'm still in need of materials. 

The only pieces of gear I've actually fully upgraded are my exotics. The other stuff I'm holding off on doing full upgrades.

You can only get to 30 by using fully upgraded raid gear or 3 pieces of fully upgraded raid gear and a fully upgraded exotic.



Mon, 10/20/2014 - 08:58
DEEP_NNN's picture
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It's true some legendary armour will not take you to 29. Mine is fully upgraded now and is just a smidge below 29.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 15:38 (Reply to #9)
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

It's true some legendary armour will not take you to 29. Mine is fully upgraded now and is just a smidge below 29.


You can get to 29 with no raid gear whatsoever. I have done it on my hunter. BUT you will need to fully upgrade it all and have 1 piece of exotic armor fully upgraded also. 

Back to topic. Daily events, daily story, weekly, nightfall and raid are all good sources for mats. If you do those everyday/week it shouldnt take you long to get a decent stockpile. If you really want a ton do those across multiple characters and you will have more than enough. I have 6 weapons I think fully upgraded and still have 30 plus ascendant energy. Thats from using 2 characters and doing most of the weekly challenges.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 17:03 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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IAmTheLiquor wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

It's true some legendary armour will not take you to 29. Mine is fully upgraded now and is just a smidge below 29.


You can get to 29 with no raid gear whatsoever. I have done it on my hunter. BUT you will need to fully upgrade it all and have 1 piece of exotic armor fully upgraded also. 

Back to topic. Daily events, daily story, weekly, nightfall and raid are all good sources for mats. If you do those everyday/week it shouldnt take you long to get a decent stockpile. If you really want a ton do those across multiple characters and you will have more than enough. I have 6 weapons I think fully upgraded and still have 30 plus ascendant energy. Thats from using 2 characters and doing most of the weekly challenges.

I do not have any Exotic armour yet, that is one problem but at least eveything I have is upgraded.

It's that dang AE. I've been doing your suggestions but not getting AE. Last week I couldn't beg hard enough for a Ascendant Shards (AS) and AE, this week the dailies and Public events are only rewarding AS.

See what happens when you luck into Purple Engrams. No AE. Poop.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 17:05 (Reply to #11)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Double post. Poop x 2.


Mon, 10/20/2014 - 10:11
OldnAchy's picture
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I have gotten Ascendant Energy from public events and the Daily Heroic story bumped up one level.  One thing to remember is that as you level up your second and third characters, get them involved in public events, store the energy/shard gained, then pull it out for you primary.  I moved thru 26 and 27 pretty quickly doing that.  The one irony there, as a Titan, I need shards to upgrade armor and I am gettting more energy, dammit.

Also, store any legendary armor not suited for your primary and any copies of rare or legendary weapons you may have picked up in your travels.  The armor will help your second and third character level up more quickly after level 20 and the weapons will be sitting there when the characters reach the appropriate level.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 10:24 (Reply to #13)
CTRChaosQc's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

Also, store any legendary armor not suited for your primary.   The armor will help your second and third character level up more quickly after level 20 and the weapons will be sitting there when the characters reach the appropriate level.


Hey Achy;  Not sure you are rioght on this one, since each Armor is character specific,.... but a s for weapon and matierals you are correct...

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:36 (Reply to #14)
DarthTabasco's picture
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CTRChaosQc wrote:

OldnAchy wrote:

Also, store any legendary armor not suited for your primary.   The armor will help your second and third character level up more quickly after level 20 and the weapons will be sitting there when the characters reach the appropriate level.


Hey Achy;  Not sure you are rioght on this one, since each Armor is character specific,.... but a s for weapon and matierals you are correct...

Achy is right. I have a full set of Legendary Titan armor waiting in the vault for my newly created Titan to reach 20. Once he's there I can give him this armor and expect it to hit 24-25 immediately. That's what he means.


Mon, 10/20/2014 - 12:17 (Reply to #15)
CTRChaosQc's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

CTRChaosQc wrote:

OldnAchy wrote:

Also, store any legendary armor not suited for your primary.   The armor will help your second and third character level up more quickly after level 20 and the weapons will be sitting there when the characters reach the appropriate level.


Hey Achy;  Not sure you are rioght on this one, since each Armor is character specific,.... but a s for weapon and matierals you are correct...

Achy is right. I have a full set of Legendary Titan armor waiting in the vault for my newly created Titan to reach 20. Once he's there I can give him this armor and expect it to hit 24-25 immediately. That's what he means.



Yes, you are correct,.. what I meant if it's a warlock helmet you can't transfer it to a titan. 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 14:19 (Reply to #16)
OldnAchy's picture
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CTRChaosQc wrote:

OldnAchy wrote:

Also, store any legendary armor not suited for your primary.   The armor will help your second and third character level up more quickly after level 20 and the weapons will be sitting there when the characters reach the appropriate level.


Hey Achy;  Not sure you are rioght on this one, since each Armor is character specific,.... but a s for weapon and matierals you are correct...

Should have been more clear.  I have gotten Hunter/Warlock Legendary armor when running my Titan.  Chose to store for those characters later use vs. breaking down.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 10:56
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Now that I have more than enough Shards, I can't get Ascendant Energy. It was just the opposite for the last few weeks.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:55
Minotaur's picture
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Your can move your fav weapons back and forth to your other characters. No need to buy/save/spend-loot-on duplicates.

Seems once I upgrade a piece of armor I then find/buy/luck-into a better looking piece, and I then make a fashion choice that winds up costing me some amount of light level.

Once you get an exotic piece of armor you want/like, spend all your loot on it first. Resist blowing loot on powering up legendary armor as long as you can, cuz you may want to hold out for raid gear. 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 22:25
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Finally got 2 for sharding a legendary gun.

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 16:31 (Reply to #20)
FreynApThyr's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Finally got 2 for sharding a legendary gun.

Sounds painful.

I think the key is really taking stock of your primary weaps and making some decisions.  Once you have a weapon maxed, melting it down is a really inefficient proposition in terms of return on mats investment.  Picking a couple that work well shouldn't be that difficult unless you are vastly oversetimating your own abilities and/or are much better than me.

The best gun in the game is the one that fits your play style.  Don't spend mats on maxing out a suros regime if you can't kill anyone with an auto rifle.  If you can't hit the broad side of a barn with a handcannon, don't level a handcannon.  Melting what you don't need and putting it into guns that fit your style is a much faster proposition than poring over impact stats that ultimately won't make a difference to you.

Also, you don't need a sniper in every elemental category if you get three precision kills per strike.

Once you narrow down the field of guns taking up space in your inventory, levelling the ones you like is much easier.

And yeah, totally save your shards for raid gear, but I don't neccesarily feel the same way about raid weaps.  I don't spend a huge amount of time in raiding vs other game activities, and that's where the principle benefit sems to derive for these weaps.  The second tier of upgrades that get you a boost in oracle or Praetorian damage is nice, but it won't benefit you the other six days a week.  Hold off on boosting those until you have a surplus of mats.

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 17:04
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Thanks. I began some of your suggestions this morning.

I had a Legendary Hand Gun and a Shotgun. I like neither type. Got AE out of both. Bumped up my Solar Fusion Rifle, which I like.

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