Getting a primary weapon with elemental damage?

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#1 Mon, 10/20/2014 - 10:03
Sparty1992's picture
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Getting a primary weapon with elemental damage?

Can you only get a primary weapon that does elemental damage from the VOG raid?  Or can you get them from any vendors or random engrams?


Mon, 10/20/2014 - 10:33
Thom293's picture
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The only one I know of is Atheons Legacy AR, but I am sure there are more.  I got it from the raid.  I have seen others on the database site, but havent seen anyone with them or heard that they actually drop yet.  They may not be in the game at this time.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:41
DarthTabasco's picture
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In addition to the AR, I know there is a Scout Rifle (Vision of Confluence, Solar damage), Fusion Rifle (Vex Mythoclast, Solar damage) and Handcannon (Fatebringer, Arc Damage).

These are Raid drop only. I think the Scout Rifle can drop on Normal, but the other two may be Hard drops - not sure on that though.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:53
SoulTerror's picture
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The Auto Rifle is only good in the VoG IMO. Good for knocking shields down, does shit for damage.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 12:05 (Reply to #4)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

The Auto Rifle is only good in the VoG IMO. Good for knocking shields down, does shit for damage.


The sniper rifle and scout rifle from the raid are very good weapons as well.  The extra oracle damage is stupid helpful in hard mode in the raid, too.


Edit: How could I forget that heavy machine gun?  That thing might be the best weapon to come out of the Vault.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 14:07 (Reply to #5)
SoulTerror's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

SoulTerror wrote:

The Auto Rifle is only good in the VoG IMO. Good for knocking shields down, does shit for damage.


The sniper rifle and scout rifle from the raid are very good weapons as well.  The extra oracle damage is stupid helpful in hard mode in the raid, too.


Edit: How could I forget that heavy machine gun?  That thing might be the best weapon to come out of the Vault.


I have the sniper from VoG and love it. I loved the auto rifle at first, but only time I use it is in the VoG to take out the shields so the other guys can put them down. I have been using Bad Juju in it's place since I got it on Saturday.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 12:17
Sparty1992's picture
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Sounds like a raid only product? 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 12:27
Thom293's picture
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The heavy machine gun is indeed death incarnate.  It has a 95% stability bar once upgraded.  

As for the AR, I think it works well in all situations.  Especially on Nightfall and other missions that have void burn.  I use other weapons too, but if I ever go into a situation where I know the shit is going to hit the fan, I always swap to that AR.  It has both persistance and perfect balance.  Once you get both of those, it rules anything I've used (except the machine gun mentioned above) medium range and closer.  I still like my silvered hushwind over it in pvp, but for pve I havent found a better gun.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 12:43
Minotaur's picture
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I haven't seen where matching elemental weapons to specific enemies creates any "aha" moments. I'd like to see a "test" where a batch of sniper rifles all having the same attrack number are used to shoot a boss in the head, and then record the max damage numbers for each. Do this for a shielded Minotaur/Nexxus, the Archon Priest (or a 28 Captain), Sepiks Prime and a shielded Wizard. 

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 13:21 (Reply to #9)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

I haven't seen where matching elemental weapons to specific enemies creates any "aha" moments. I'd like to see a "test" where a batch of sniper rifles all having the same attrack number are used to shoot a boss in the head, and then record the max damage numbers for each. Do this for a shielded Minotaur/Nexxus, the Archon Priest (or a 28 Captain), Sepiks Prime and a shielded Wizard. 

The difference is not necessarily in how hard they hit, but in how fast the will tear down a shield. An example would be using an Arc damage weapon on the Arc shield of a Fallen Captain - you'll notice the shields drop much faster than using any other weapon. This is where elemental damage weapons are important - and when dealing with the burn damage modifiers.

This has been stated numerous times here and by Bungie on how to maximize your damage output versus certain baddies.

Once the shields are down, the damage should be the same if all other factors are the same - but that's a big "IF".


Mon, 10/20/2014 - 13:29 (Reply to #10)
Bluestar's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

I haven't seen where matching elemental weapons to specific enemies creates any "aha" moments. I'd like to see a "test" where a batch of sniper rifles all having the same attrack number are used to shoot a boss in the head, and then record the max damage numbers for each. Do this for a shielded Minotaur/Nexxus, the Archon Priest (or a 28 Captain), Sepiks Prime and a shielded Wizard. 

I was under the impression that matching the element is not for additional damage, but to take down shields.  Once the shield is down, damage is the same no matter the weapon element.  If the shield is up, you can only take it down with a like element or use a super/grenade, otherwise you will get an immune notice or reduced damage to the shield until it is down.  Unless there is a specific element burn like nightfall strikes. Eg, if void burn is on all void weapons deal extra damage to all enemies and and you take extra damage from void weapons.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 13:55 (Reply to #11)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

I haven't seen where matching elemental weapons to specific enemies creates any "aha" moments. I'd like to see a "test" where a batch of sniper rifles all having the same attrack number are used to shoot a boss in the head, and then record the max damage numbers for each. Do this for a shielded Minotaur/Nexxus, the Archon Priest (or a 28 Captain), Sepiks Prime and a shielded Wizard. 


It isn't matched to the enemies, but to the shield of the enemy.  The appropriate weapon will chew through the matching shield really fast.  After that, its down to any other modifiers, with arc/solar/void damage being turned up, which are usualy found in the Nightfall missions.  Then those particular weapons to a lot more damage both on them and you.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 14:40
Thom293's picture
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They dont make a huge difference on normal difficulties, but the weekly heroic, queens missions or nightfall missions, it is very important to use the correctly-colored element. 

On the elemental damage types they really make a big difference on the "burn" modifiers:  Fully shielded Axis Minotaurs take 3-4 fusion rifle shots from off-element purple fusion rifle.  They die in 2 shots with a"X-burn" on-element based blue fusion rifle.  You can one-shot a normal minotaur with an on-element fusion rifle with burn activated.  Captains and Minotaurs are really the worst, but shielded shanks and harpies can be a pain in the ass too.


Mon, 10/20/2014 - 14:57 (Reply to #13)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

They dont make a huge difference on normal difficulties, but the weekly heroic, queens missions or nightfall missions, it is very important to use the correctly-colored element. 

On the elemental damage types they really make a big difference on the "burn" modifiers:  Fully shielded Axis Minotaurs take 3-4 fusion rifle shots from off-element purple fusion rifle.  They die in 2 shots with a"X-burn" on-element based blue fusion rifle.  You can one-shot a normal minotaur with an on-element fusion rifle with burn activated.  Captains and Minotaurs are really the worst, but shielded shanks and harpies can be a pain in the ass too.



Yeah, its those off-colored shields that tend to screw you, and they're usually lower level mobs that are doing it.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 15:16
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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The vision of confluence is godly. I have it The Found Verdict, Atheon's Epilogue and Hezen Vengeance all fully upgraded. The Verdict and Confluence slay in all game modes. Epilogue is good for the raid and the thorn bounty. I want that damn fate bringer!

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