Xur: On Sale This Week

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Fri, 10/24/2014 - 08:57
Sparty1992's picture
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Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time buying the titan armatarium chest piece because it makes my dude look like he has breasts?  

Maybe someday my maturity level will get out of high school.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 10:54 (Reply to #92)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:

Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time buying the titan armatarium chest piece because it makes my dude look like he has breasts?  

Maybe someday my maturity level will get out of high school.

My issue with it is that it only has two attributes but all my current armour has three. I can't see that little bit extra light being a huge advantage. Passing for now, I think. I'm might spend some Motes and roll the dice.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 12:17 (Reply to #93)
Thom293's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time buying the titan armatarium chest piece because it makes my dude look like he has breasts?  

Maybe someday my maturity level will get out of high school.

My issue with it is that it only has two attributes but all my current armour has three. I can't see that little bit extra light being a huge advantage. Passing for now, I think. I'm might spend some Motes and roll the dice.


I have to say that the Aramamentarium is awesome.  Two grenades and extra rockets/machine gun ammo are very handy when the shit hits the fan.  Ive started to like it in pvp, but it is really useful in pve too.  Also - the extra light will get you to 29 quicker with a few pieces of raid gear.  I think the exotic titan helms are better, but the chest has its uses too, depending on the situation.


I got lucky on the engram and got "No Backup Plans" gloves.  Not sure how useful they are yet, but they are sure cool looking.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 13:34 (Reply to #94)
Sparty1992's picture
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.  I think the exotic titan helms are better, but the chest has its uses too, depending on the situation.


I got lucky on the engram and got "No Backup Plans" gloves.  Not sure how useful they are yet, but they are sure cool looking.



Just got those gloves in a random drop.  I like having 2 grenades with my sunsinger so I get it and the extra heavy and special would be good, just dont like how it looks.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 12:45 (Reply to #95)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time buying the titan armatarium chest piece because it makes my dude look like he has breasts?  

Maybe someday my maturity level will get out of high school.

My issue with it is that it only has two attributes but all my current armour has three. I can't see that little bit extra light being a huge advantage. Passing for now, I think. I'm might spend some Motes and roll the dice.


If that light gets you an extra level, its a massive advantage, especially at high level.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 13:34 (Reply to #96)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time buying the titan armatarium chest piece because it makes my dude look like he has breasts?  

Maybe someday my maturity level will get out of high school.

My issue with it is that it only has two attributes but all my current armour has three. I can't see that little bit extra light being a huge advantage. Passing for now, I think. I'm might spend some Motes and roll the dice.


If that light gets you an extra level, its a massive advantage, especially at high level.

I'm at 28.9. It would get me to 29 easy but I'd lose all of my Strenth attribute or something else.

How much more is 29 over 28.9?

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 14:30 (Reply to #97)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time buying the titan armatarium chest piece because it makes my dude look like he has breasts?  

Maybe someday my maturity level will get out of high school.

My issue with it is that it only has two attributes but all my current armour has three. I can't see that little bit extra light being a huge advantage. Passing for now, I think. I'm might spend some Motes and roll the dice.


If that light gets you an extra level, its a massive advantage, especially at high level.

I'm at 28.9. It would get me to 29 easy but I'd lose all of my Strenth attribute or something else.

How much more is 29 over 28.9?


The decimal point doesn't matter, I don't think.  The difference between 28 and 29 is pretty big, especially in the Vault and high level strikes.  I'd take the plunge.  The only hurdle you need left to get you to 30 is the Vault gear and a fully leveled Exotic.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 11:04
Zombie1977's picture
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 Warlock chest eh? I might have to play for the first time in over a week.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 15:37
Thom293's picture
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Yeah Im not a very good shot with Handcannon's either.  But I just got the Lord High Fixer from Rahool for leveling cryptarch (I threatened to punch him in the face if he kept treating me unfairly).  My version has both clown cartridge and mulligan.  I havent leveled it yet, but I have to image that will be really helpful for pve juggler levels.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 23:05
doorgunnerjgs's picture
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I picked up the Crest of Alpha Lupi (Hunter, Chest Armor) tonight. My first purchase from Xur. No more strange coins, but it looks sharp and can level up higher than my previous, leveled up chest piece.

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 23:07
doorgunnerjgs's picture
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On hand cannons, used one tonight on the Crystal Tower and works great on goblins, hobgoblins, and green guys. Not good on Harpies.

Sat, 10/25/2014 - 08:57
Bluestar's picture
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Figures, I just got a Shadow Price when Suros goes on sale.  Short on coins anyway so I'll pick up the voidfang chestpiece for the Warlock.  Just a few more shards and I can hit 29.  Just wish I didn't have to wear that stupid winged helm.  We really need some customization in the look of the armor.

Sat, 10/25/2014 - 11:13
YEM's picture
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If you're talking about the helmet I think you're talking about, it's an exotic. You can't wear the helmet and chest armor at the same time so.... problem solved  ;)

Sat, 10/25/2014 - 12:45
Bluestar's picture
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I know, but the voidfang is a good PVP chest for a warlock.  The helmet is better for PVE and will get me to a 29 with my raid gloves.

Sat, 10/25/2014 - 18:40
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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You were better off with the Suros.

Sat, 10/25/2014 - 19:16
Thom293's picture
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So, finally bought the Soros and tried it in pvp and pve. Mine isn't even upgraded yet, but its awesome. I'd highly recommend it if you have picked it up.
Sun, 10/26/2014 - 12:34 (Reply to #107)
JimSmyth's picture
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Thom293 wrote:
So, finally bought the Soros and tried it in pvp and pve. Mine isn't even upgraded yet, but its awesome. I'd highly recommend it if you have picked it up.

This. Missed the first time but made sure to pick up this time around.

Sun, 10/26/2014 - 07:43
Bluestar's picture
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Six coins short and my hunter was too low a level for the level 26 weekly to get the coins.  I'm sure it will come up again.

Sun, 10/26/2014 - 07:51
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I got the Armararium. Ranking it up now. The extra special, heavy and nades will be good. I can always haul out the Queen's chest piece if I need the extra defence in the short term.

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 07:29
DarthTabasco's picture
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Here is Xur's shopping list for this weekend: http://destinydb.com/news/posts/55-xur-agent-of-the-nine-has-arrived-10-31-11-2

I picked up the Armamentarium for my Titan. I hope to be able to push him to 28 very soon. I just need to set aside time to do some farming. I was really hoping the defender helm would return, but this chest piece should suffice for now.


Fri, 10/31/2014 - 07:37 (Reply to #111)
Sparty1992's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Here is Xur's shopping list for this weekend: http://destinydb.com/news/posts/55-xur-agent-of-the-nine-has-arrived-10-31-11-2

I picked up the Armamentarium for my Titan. I hope to be able to push him to 28 very soon. I just need to set aside time to do some farming. I was really hoping the defender helm would return, but this chest piece should suffice for now.


Everyone getting patience and time should make crucible interesting to promote some extra camping.  With that said I'm a hypocrite and I want it!

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 14:32 (Reply to #112)
Minotaur's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:

Everyone getting patience and time should make crucible interesting to promote some extra camping.  With that said I'm a hypocrite and I want it!

Me too.... Same reason... My guess is that there'll be some way to reduce the AC effectiveness in PvP. Maybe promethian vision?

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 23:11 (Reply to #113)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Everyone getting patience and time should make crucible interesting to promote some extra camping.  With that said I'm a hypocrite and I want it!

Me too.... Same reason... My guess is that there'll be some way to reduce the AC effectiveness in PvP. Maybe promethian vision?


There's no need.  You still see the red light from the scope.

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 07:43
MajorAssman's picture
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Wear the jackolantern head when speaking w/ Xur for an additional purchase option.

P.S. to all those whose lantern head does not show up myself included , the item will show up at Xur's regardless

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 09:30
Thom293's picture
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I dont really use sniper rifles in pvp, so I think I will pass on the sniper.  I will probably regret it, but there is still other stuff I want.


Updated first post.

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 12:22
Thom293's picture
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Also looks like there are some Halloween themed Sparrows available, but no one seems to know how to obtain them.  At least one of them does a "barrell roll" special ability.  The other names seem to suggest different abilites for each, but again I havent seen one actually purchased/bought.

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 13:21
CTRChaosQc's picture
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Oh my God, I just put on the Halloween Punken head and drank that special potion “Flight of Shadows” that Xur is selling and that you can only see with the head,

All I heard for 30 min, was girls screaming for their life and werewolf’s and more that  I don’t want to say hear in-case there are some sensitive ears - LOL 

Also I was the only one to hear this in my team,....

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 14:18
Errant Doctor's picture
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To buy Lucky Raspberry or not for the Hunter I plan to start soon?

Sat, 11/01/2014 - 04:05
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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Hey dixon I saw you raiding for like 4 hours tonight. What's up with that? Don't you and bone know how to raid?
Sat, 11/01/2014 - 08:45 (Reply to #120)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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IAmTheLiquor wrote:
Hey dixon I saw you raiding for like 4 hours tonight. What's up with that? Don't you and bone know how to raid?

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