Fireteam diversity thoughts

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#1 Thu, 10/30/2014 - 08:00
Sparty1992's picture
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Fireteam diversity thoughts

Do you guys think the classes/subclasses are different enough that it is important to have a diverse group in 3 person strikes and more so in 6 person raids.  I bring it up becausse I know Thom had got somewhere in the Beta 35% Warlock 35% Hunter and 30% Titan, it seems what Ive seen from people I have friended here is heavy warlock and titan population.

Just interested in your thoughts.

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 09:14
SoulTerror's picture
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Out of all my friends, there are only 2 other Titans. One of them it's just their alt character. I think having a diverse fireteam is nice to just mix things up.

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 12:00
Thom293's picture
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I think it is helpful to have diversity in pve.  You dont NEED it, but it is certainly helpful as the classes compliment each other pretty well.  You probably do see mostly titans and warlocks in strike playlists - because those have specific pve skillsets (Sunsinger and Defender). But although a hunter with golden gun or the stealth bladedancer thing is really good to have, I see them far less frequently in pve.   


In crucible however, Hunters are by far a majority (although I think people are starting to roll second character warlocks for pvp too.  I think warlocks are the most balanced of all classes right now).  Whenever you get the pvp bounties Kill 25 number of X class, the hunter and warlock bounties can be completed in two games.  The titan one can take 4 or 5 sometimes.


Just my personal opinion of course.


I did the strike playlist on my Titan and got randomly paired with 2 other defender titans.  We all had abilities that dropped extra orbs.  We literally had a shield up 100% of the time if we were standing still.  It was ridiculously easy.  I also did a strike on my level 12 hunter with 2 other hunters.  Phogoth.  Wizards didnt stand a chance with all of the golden guns.  Also does the Titan 'weapons of light' buff (25-35% damage buff) stack with Golden Gun or Nova Bomb?


Thu, 10/30/2014 - 13:59
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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No.  The only diversity you really need in the raid is a Hunter maybe using bladedancer for the Gorgons.  Other than that, your Titans should probably have the hulksmash and the Warlocks should be Sunsingers.


Anything else is extra/mildly hurting.  The bubble can really screw up the flow in pretty much every facet of the raid because you can't shoot into/out of it and the resurrection can save a raid by itself in a pinch.  Golden Gun works nice on oracles in a pinch and can help vaporize Supplicants so they won't explode.

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 15:45
SoulTerror's picture
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I mostly use the shield in the VoG. It's great for putting around a person as your reviving them.

Sat, 11/01/2014 - 11:46 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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SoulTerror wrote:

I mostly use the shield in the VoG. It's great for putting around a person as your reviving them.

Unless it happens to cover an Oracle spawn. I put one up inside that movement limiting shield bubble too. I felt pretty dumb.

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