Destiny Gun Damage Charts

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#1 Mon, 11/03/2014 - 10:29
GO_BLUE's picture
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Destiny Gun Damage Charts

Saw this on Reddit (which is basically info overload) & checked out the site; pretty good info and has some useful interactive charts for most of the weapons in the game.  The info is presented as PVE but likely the basic idea is applicable to the crucible.  

Best Primaries Spoiler:

Vision of Confluence

Timurs Lash

MIDA Multitool

Suros Regime

The Devil You Know

I have VoC & can confirm it's my go-to gun.  Method seems fairly scientific and looks at both DPS (damage per second) & Adjusted DPS (taking into magazine reload time).  Not all guns are here (specifically Last Word is a glaring omission) but worth checking out & playing around with....


Mon, 11/03/2014 - 11:00
Minotaur's picture
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I saw a guy using the Mida Multitool on an Archon Priest strike. He was sniping from the rocks at the Vex/Fallen, and was kicking ass with it - better than the Ice Breaker I was using. Sounded really weird though - soft report. It was so unusual that I called up his character model and looked at the gun. I want one... I have been using the hand cannon, The Devil You Know, for quite a while. It's a favorite.

I picked up the void AR primary named Atheon's Epilogue on a raid a while back. Now have it almost fully developed, and it kicks ass on shielded Minotaurs and Oracles (and most things in general). It has an 84 round clip and holds a total of 999 void energy rounds - a firehose. A white ammo pack you pick up produces 300 rounds of ammo. One of the powerup bubbles is bonus damage to oracles. It makes the 28 lvl Weekly Nexus Strike easy. We stay up top and I shoot the Minotaur from behind him - <one clip does it if I do my part.


Mon, 11/03/2014 - 11:22
BKVic's picture
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I have the multi-tool, might have to try it out..
Mon, 11/03/2014 - 13:33
GO_BLUE's picture
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I've heard good things TDYN & Lord High Fixer so need to try them out.  I've always been a scout rifle guy so for the last month or so have been hoping Xur sells the MIDA & will still pick it up one day.  However, I got the VoC from my first raid completion & it's awesome.  Does solar damage, can shoot full auto (slowly) & is super stable.  Plus does oracle bonus damage.  Thus I can no longer complain about the game's RNG....

BK not sure what you're using now but you have to break out the MIDA--great damage, quick firing, & rader when zoomed in.  Plus the fun pew-pew sound....

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 13:38 (Reply to #4)
BKVic's picture
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GO_BLUE wrote:

I've heard good things TDYN & Lord High Fixer so need to try them out.  I've always been a scout rifle guy so for the last month or so have been hoping Xur sells the MIDA & will still pick it up one day.  However, I got the VoC from my first raid completion & it's awesome.  Does solar damage, can shoot full auto (slowly) & is super stable.  Plus does oracle bonus damage.  Thus I can no longer complain about the game's RNG....

BK not sure what you're using now but you have to break out the MIDA--great damage, quick firing, & rader when zoomed in.  Plus the fun pew-pew sound....

I like my Icebreaker and since you can only have on exotic at a time that's it.
Mon, 11/03/2014 - 14:34 (Reply to #5)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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BKVic wrote:
GO_BLUE wrote:

I've heard good things TDYN & Lord High Fixer so need to try them out.  I've always been a scout rifle guy so for the last month or so have been hoping Xur sells the MIDA & will still pick it up one day.  However, I got the VoC from my first raid completion & it's awesome.  Does solar damage, can shoot full auto (slowly) & is super stable.  Plus does oracle bonus damage.  Thus I can no longer complain about the game's RNG....

BK not sure what you're using now but you have to break out the MIDA--great damage, quick firing, & rader when zoomed in.  Plus the fun pew-pew sound....

I like my Icebreaker and since you can only have on exotic at a time that's it.


You don't always need unlimited sniper rounds, though.

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 15:36 (Reply to #6)
BKVic's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

BKVic wrote:
GO_BLUE wrote:

I've heard good things TDYN & Lord High Fixer so need to try them out.  I've always been a scout rifle guy so for the last month or so have been hoping Xur sells the MIDA & will still pick it up one day.  However, I got the VoC from my first raid completion & it's awesome.  Does solar damage, can shoot full auto (slowly) & is super stable.  Plus does oracle bonus damage.  Thus I can no longer complain about the game's RNG....

BK not sure what you're using now but you have to break out the MIDA--great damage, quick firing, & rader when zoomed in.  Plus the fun pew-pew sound....

I like my Icebreaker and since you can only have on exotic at a time that's it.


You don't always need unlimited sniper rounds, though.

True, I think I'll pull it out of the vault and see what she will do! As you have seen, I need all the help I can get...
Mon, 11/03/2014 - 17:11 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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BKVic wrote:
Dixon_Tufar wrote:

BKVic wrote:
GO_BLUE wrote:

I've heard good things TDYN & Lord High Fixer so need to try them out.  I've always been a scout rifle guy so for the last month or so have been hoping Xur sells the MIDA & will still pick it up one day.  However, I got the VoC from my first raid completion & it's awesome.  Does solar damage, can shoot full auto (slowly) & is super stable.  Plus does oracle bonus damage.  Thus I can no longer complain about the game's RNG....

BK not sure what you're using now but you have to break out the MIDA--great damage, quick firing, & rader when zoomed in.  Plus the fun pew-pew sound....

I like my Icebreaker and since you can only have on exotic at a time that's it.


You don't always need unlimited sniper rounds, though.

True, I think I'll pull it out of the vault and see what she will do! As you have seen, I need all the help I can get...


It also depends what you're doing and what tools you have at your disposal, too.  I mean, if that's the best sniper rifle you have, then go for it.  You should probably grab the Grim Citizen/Vanquisher/Shadow Price and have that as a primary, then.

Tue, 11/04/2014 - 10:00 (Reply to #8)
GO_BLUE's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

BKVic wrote:
I like my Icebreaker and since you can only have on exotic at a time that's it.

You don't always need unlimited sniper rounds, though.


Icebreaker is obviously one of the best guns in the game, is very useful for particular situations, & I may or my not even yell 'Icebroke!' when killing something with it.

However, I'm using it less in PVE and never in Crucible because I like the zoom flexibility of different scopes and special ammo is generally available.  

Right now I'm going with the Barbie Dream Sniper/Queen's Supremacy & using the Truth launcher for my exotic & it works pretty well.  

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 16:25
Thom293's picture
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I have a fully upgraded Light/Beware and have always gone back to it in PVE.  Now I know why.  Its a really good gun.


I also now know why I have been getting killed a lot by Zombie Apocolypse in pvp.  I swear it takes 3 bullets from that thing to kill you and it has a 75 shot clip.  Ive seen people use it basically uninterrupted for most of a match.  Will deffo be my next crucible mark purchase.


Id love to see Pocket Infinity and Invective on here.  I just got PI to its namesake perk and man does it murder things.  I dont even have the last column damage upgrades yet.

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 16:53 (Reply to #10)
BKVic's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

I have a fully upgraded Light/Beware and have always gone back to it in PVE.  Now I know why.  Its a really good gun.


I also now know why I have been getting killed a lot by Zombie Apocolypse in pvp.  I swear it takes 3 bullets from that thing to kill you and it has a 75 shot clip.  Ive seen people use it basically uninterrupted for most of a match.  Will deffo be my next crucible mark purchase.


Id love to see Pocket Infinity and Invective on here.  I just got PI to its namesake perk and man does it murder things.  I dont even have the last column damage upgrades yet.

I had two Light Beware, one void and the other arc. I accidentally disassembled my arc. Talk about being pissed!
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 06:17
YEM's picture
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My go to sniper is Praedyth's Revenge. Void, 6 shots, precision kills cause enemies to explode....


And I rock the upraded Vex Mythoclast for my primary 

Tue, 11/04/2014 - 10:07 (Reply to #12)
GO_BLUE's picture
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YEM wrote:

My go to sniper is Praedyth's Revenge. Void, 6 shots, precision kills cause enemies to explode....

And I rock the upraded Vex Mythoclast for my primary 

Nice--would like to get that sniper.  I'm regretting my patience & time purchase as I'm just not a fan of the optics which is obviously bad for Crucible.  The exotics are tough since they basically are what they area & their scopes & handling can't be modified the same way the legendaries & raid weapons can. 

I actually haven't seen a Mythocast out in the wild--is it still better than other Pulse rifles after the nerf?

Wed, 11/05/2014 - 06:26 (Reply to #13)
YEM's picture
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GO_BLUE wrote:

YEM wrote:

My go to sniper is Praedyth's Revenge. Void, 6 shots, precision kills cause enemies to explode....

And I rock the upraded Vex Mythoclast for my primary 

Nice--would like to get that sniper.  I'm regretting my patience & time purchase as I'm just not a fan of the optics which is obviously bad for Crucible.  The exotics are tough since they basically are what they area & their scopes & handling can't be modified the same way the legendaries & raid weapons can. 

I actually haven't seen a Mythocast out in the wild--is it still better than other Pulse rifles after the nerf?

Not sure how it compares to other Pulse rifles since I'm not really a fan of them. The Mythoclast plays more like an AR. It fires a single shot with every trigger pull (full auto if you hold it down) and with the stability perk, the recoil is minimum and the ammo upgrade gives you 56 rounds per clip. I don't know what it was like pre-nerf, but since I've had it, I'm doing much better in the crucible. Not that I was bad before, it's just now the bad games are fewer 

Tue, 11/04/2014 - 06:30
BKVic's picture
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I do have a fully upgraded Shadow Price, its my favorite AR that I have, use it alot. I've just been trying to upgrade some of the other weapons that I have.
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 08:22 (Reply to #15)
Sparty1992's picture
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BKVic wrote:
I do have a fully upgraded Shadow Price, its my favorite AR that I have, use it alot. I've just been trying to upgrade some of the other weapons that I have.
I like that more than the suros. I keep using the suros because its an exotic but SP lays the smack down. I couple it with the invective or comedian and my last trips to the crucible have not been the prior suckfests. I've got to the last step of pocket infinity and thorn but haven't worked on them in a bit.
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 08:47 (Reply to #16)
BKVic's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:
BKVic wrote:
I do have a fully upgraded Shadow Price, its my favorite AR that I have, use it alot. I've just been trying to upgrade some of the other weapons that I have.
I like that more than the suros. I keep using the suros because its an exotic but SP lays the smack down. I couple it with the invective or comedian and my last trips to the crucible have not been the prior suckfests. I've got to the last step of pocket infinity and thorn but haven't worked on them in a bit.
I've got Pocket Infinity but since it only has a three round mag I haven't used it.
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 10:14 (Reply to #17)
Thom293's picture
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BKVic wrote:
Sparty1992 wrote:
BKVic wrote:
I do have a fully upgraded Shadow Price, its my favorite AR that I have, use it alot. I've just been trying to upgrade some of the other weapons that I have.
I like that more than the suros. I keep using the suros because its an exotic but SP lays the smack down. I couple it with the invective or comedian and my last trips to the crucible have not been the prior suckfests. I've got to the last step of pocket infinity and thorn but haven't worked on them in a bit.
I've got Pocket Infinity but since it only has a three round mag I haven't used it.


I have used the Pocket Infinity in pve and pvp quite a bit the last few days.  It is absolutely awesome once you get to the stability and Pocket Infinity upgrades.  Its wrecks face in pve, and I dont have any of the final damage upgrades yet.  You can wipe a small group of mobs easily with one trigger pull.  And bosses it destroys too because you can get off three shots with a single peek out of cover.  I do think that Light/Beware does more damage in pve right now, but I have that fully upgraded.  We will see how the PI compares when I get that upgraded.

In pvp, I got a number of double kills and  a triple kill or two with a single trigger pull burst.  If it had any more than 3 shots in the clip, it would be even more grossly overpowered than it is.  It has a longer charge time than most of the other fusion rifles, but once you get the timing down, you can sweep entire rooms with it.  Also, if you happen to miss a few shots, the "Pocket Infinity" perk will sometimes give you a fourth burst with the ammo that misssed.  If you really hate the small clip, there is a reload perk that fully fills the reload speed bar.  For pvp the stability is better, but reload might work better against bosses that you cant miss.  I have some raid armor with reload speed for special weapons, so I use stability instead.  The 'B Flag' room on Firebase Delphi is a really good feeding ground for the Pocket Infinity.  ;)

Plus, it sounds freaking awesome.  bbbrrrRRRRR -- ZAP-ZAP-ZAP!  At the end of every strike I do with it, my strikemates run up to me at the uncomfortable "inspect player" distance.  I am pretty sure its because of the awesome noise it makes and people want to see what it is.  Its easily my favorite weapon in the game (although Invective is close).  Just my opinion.


EDIT:  It really makes me wonder how much more awesome it was before they gave it a significant nerf.  Beause there is absolutely no "nerfed" feel about it at all.  If I can remember, Ill do a couple of recordings of it in action in pvp and pve.

Tue, 11/04/2014 - 17:24 (Reply to #18)
BKVic's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

BKVic wrote:
Sparty1992 wrote:
BKVic wrote:
I do have a fully upgraded Shadow Price, its my favorite AR that I have, use it alot. I've just been trying to upgrade some of the other weapons that I have.
I like that more than the suros. I keep using the suros because its an exotic but SP lays the smack down. I couple it with the invective or comedian and my last trips to the crucible have not been the prior suckfests. I've got to the last step of pocket infinity and thorn but haven't worked on them in a bit.
I've got Pocket Infinity but since it only has a three round mag I haven't used it.


I have used the Pocket Infinity in pve and pvp quite a bit the last few days.  It is absolutely awesome once you get to the stability and Pocket Infinity upgrades.  Its wrecks face in pve, and I dont have any of the final damage upgrades yet.  You can wipe a small group of mobs easily with one trigger pull.  And bosses it destroys too because you can get off three shots with a single peek out of cover.  I do think that Light/Beware does more damage in pve right now, but I have that fully upgraded.  We will see how the PI compares when I get that upgraded.

In pvp, I got a number of double kills and  a triple kill or two with a single trigger pull burst.  If it had any more than 3 shots in the clip, it would be even more grossly overpowered than it is.  It has a longer charge time than most of the other fusion rifles, but once you get the timing down, you can sweep entire rooms with it.  Also, if you happen to miss a few shots, the "Pocket Infinity" perk will sometimes give you a fourth burst with the ammo that misssed.  If you really hate the small clip, there is a reload perk that fully fills the reload speed bar.  For pvp the stability is better, but reload might work better against bosses that you cant miss.  I have some raid armor with reload speed for special weapons, so I use stability instead.  The 'B Flag' room on Firebase Delphi is a really good feeding ground for the Pocket Infinity.  ;)

Plus, it sounds freaking awesome.  bbbrrrRRRRR -- ZAP-ZAP-ZAP!  At the end of every strike I do with it, my strikemates run up to me at the uncomfortable "inspect player" distance.  I am pretty sure its because of the awesome noise it makes and people want to see what it is.  Its easily my favorite weapon in the game (although Invective is close).  Just my opinion.


EDIT:  It really makes me wonder how much more awesome it was before they gave it a significant nerf.  Beause there is absolutely no "nerfed" feel about it at all.  If I can remember, Ill do a couple of recordings of it in action in pvp and pve.


Ill have to give it a try to see how it is. I do know that I dont like the huge rails on both sides of the scope.

Wed, 11/05/2014 - 20:38 (Reply to #19)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

BKVic wrote:
Sparty1992 wrote:
BKVic wrote:
I do have a fully upgraded Shadow Price, its my favorite AR that I have, use it alot. I've just been trying to upgrade some of the other weapons that I have.
I like that more than the suros. I keep using the suros because its an exotic but SP lays the smack down. I couple it with the invective or comedian and my last trips to the crucible have not been the prior suckfests. I've got to the last step of pocket infinity and thorn but haven't worked on them in a bit.
I've got Pocket Infinity but since it only has a three round mag I haven't used it.


I have used the Pocket Infinity in pve and pvp quite a bit the last few days.  It is absolutely awesome once you get to the stability and Pocket Infinity upgrades.  Its wrecks face in pve, and I dont have any of the final damage upgrades yet.  You can wipe a small group of mobs easily with one trigger pull.  And bosses it destroys too because you can get off three shots with a single peek out of cover.  I do think that Light/Beware does more damage in pve right now, but I have that fully upgraded.  We will see how the PI compares when I get that upgraded.

In pvp, I got a number of double kills and  a triple kill or two with a single trigger pull burst.  If it had any more than 3 shots in the clip, it would be even more grossly overpowered than it is.  It has a longer charge time than most of the other fusion rifles, but once you get the timing down, you can sweep entire rooms with it.  Also, if you happen to miss a few shots, the "Pocket Infinity" perk will sometimes give you a fourth burst with the ammo that misssed.  If you really hate the small clip, there is a reload perk that fully fills the reload speed bar.  For pvp the stability is better, but reload might work better against bosses that you cant miss.  I have some raid armor with reload speed for special weapons, so I use stability instead.  The 'B Flag' room on Firebase Delphi is a really good feeding ground for the Pocket Infinity.  ;)

Plus, it sounds freaking awesome.  bbbrrrRRRRR -- ZAP-ZAP-ZAP!  At the end of every strike I do with it, my strikemates run up to me at the uncomfortable "inspect player" distance.  I am pretty sure its because of the awesome noise it makes and people want to see what it is.  Its easily my favorite weapon in the game (although Invective is close).  Just my opinion.


EDIT:  It really makes me wonder how much more awesome it was before they gave it a significant nerf.  Beause there is absolutely no "nerfed" feel about it at all.  If I can remember, Ill do a couple of recordings of it in action in pvp and pve.

They didn't nerf the damage, they changed the perk and took away the extended mag for it. As good as it is now, it used to be able to go 2-3x as long. It was a total room sweeper.

Tue, 11/04/2014 - 07:27
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm probably one of the few people here that will say this, but I love the Thorn. Once you unlock the poison damage it's beastly. The Thorn is great for keeping sheilds down too as the DoT ticks and keeps shields from recharging. Also, it's good in Crucible, 2 headshots or 3 anywhere shots will kill with the poison damage - you can basically get your shots in and then leave the person to

Yes, the small mag (6 rounds), low stability and SLOW reload make it tough to handle, but you just have to learn to play to its strengths.

Tue, 11/04/2014 - 10:59 (Reply to #21)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

I'm probably one of the few people here that will say this, but I love the Thorn. Once you unlock the poison damage it's beastly. The Thorn is great for keeping sheilds down too as the DoT ticks and keeps shields from recharging. Also, it's good in Crucible, 2 headshots or 3 anywhere shots will kill with the poison damage - you can basically get your shots in and then leave the person to

Yes, the small mag (6 rounds), low stability and SLOW reload make it tough to handle, but you just have to learn to play to its strengths.


That's a great gun for a support/team shooting role.  It is a little limited because of the 6 round clip and slow reload, but you're right.  Just play to its strengths and shoot with your team and it'll be fine.

Wed, 11/05/2014 - 08:02
BKVic's picture
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Used the multi-tool last night and was impressed, its totally stock with no upgrades and it was doing great!
Thu, 11/06/2014 - 15:11
FreynApThyr's picture
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I'm a recent Last Word Convert.

For PVE I've been running the Lord High Fixer as my go to "when it absolutely positively has to die" option including raids and Nightfall runs.  I've never had a lot of luck with it in PVP though and am a strictly AR/Shotty Camping whore.

Last word has got me me rethinking all of that.  Both stability mods have me just wrecking anything in mid to mid-close range including kneepad wearing shotgun sliders.  Nothing makes me happier than dusting them.  My headshots are way up and it's even a decent finisher at long range once you are used to the sights.

Add into all of that the gunslinger tricks it does and its too much fun to only pull out for PVE.

Fri, 11/07/2014 - 07:34
DarthTabasco's picture
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I LOVE handcannons. They are so much fun and the impact will stagger most baddies.

I have The Devil You Know from the vanguard. Actually I had 3 at one time. After saving up my marks to get this from the Vanguard Quartermaster, I've had this gifted to me by the Cryptarc and in a Vanguard package. I also enjoy the Thorn. The poison damage is extremely effective in Crucible and PvE.

I'm still really wanting The Last Word though. I love the finger twirl and fanning the hammer animations, plus it's just badass. 

If folks are not running with a handcannon, I would highly suggest giving one a try. The Devil You Know (vanguard) or the Lord High Fixer (crucible) are available from their respective quartermasters.

Mon, 11/17/2014 - 14:59 (Reply to #25)
Fighter59's picture
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My normal raid set up is: Vision of Confluence, Patience and Time and Corrective Measure.

I have the Suros, but do feel Vision of Confluence is a better all around Primary.  You can one shot most enemies, i put the mini scope on all primaries I can.  I like Shadow Price as well, but that's just for Patrols, I would never Nightfall or Raid with it. 

I used to run my Icebreaker, but Patience and Time is so smooth when firing.  I can get two to three more shoots at Atheon before coming back on target than with my Icebreaker.  The Icebreaker kicks like a mule.  The last raid, i emptied two clips per teleport at 10,000+ per shot.  I'll use my Icebreaker to regen ammo in my P/T.

Corrective Measure is the best LMG in the game.  I use the 100 rd clip.  It's phenominal in Public Events.  170 per head shot on the Archon Priest Weekly.  It just staggers him for 100 shots.  I don't like rockets because I tend to miss. : )  I know they may be a little more effective depending on the launcher, but that's only if you score a hit right?  Yeah, I know tracking. . .  I just can't put this LMG away. 

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